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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2009, 04:08 PM
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Microsoft phones!!!!!

I found this article surfing around looks like microsoft is getting into the phone market. The phones sound interesting and looks like it will include some cool features, and some great hardware. Was wondering what you all think about microsoft getting into the phone market (seems to be along with sharp).

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2009, 06:50 PM
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Re: Microsoft phones!!!!!

I'm all for Microsoft making their own phones, as long as they can at least compete with the current offerings of phones.

Just like the iphone, Apple makes the software and the phone, so the result is hardware that 100% matches the software and better support for the hardware (perfomance)

Just like Windows itself, take a device, have 25 differenent configurations of hardware, you have to work with everything and in the long run there is problems from that. (Windows has to work with millions of different devices and we all know how that works a lot of the time)

Has anyone here owned a piece of Microsoft hardware and needed support ? I've owned a bunch of keyboards and mice over the years, their support for problems is unreal, best I have ever seen.

but, on the other hand, the pink ? hehe, no thanks
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2009, 07:50 PM
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Re: Microsoft phones!!!!!

bout time...but what can/will they bring to the table? Apple,Palm,RIM,Google all have a niche at which they've marketed their devices. I know it was stated that microsoft isnt interested in this but maybe focusing on one thing they do better than the others and incorporating this into this "phone" we speak of is the right thing to do.. Show that the others are also copying microsoft instead of them(microsoft) always looking like the copycats trying to play catch up. Just my opinion.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2009, 01:06 PM
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Re: Microsoft phones!!!!!

Moved to the News Forum.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2009, 01:28 PM
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Re: Microsoft phones!!!!!

I just hope they don't release those phones, as they are god-awful ugly. Unless it's the angle, the screen won't cover the keyboard when closed on the first one. And didn't balmer indicate the Pink phones are not on the Microsoft plate?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2009, 02:34 PM
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Re: Microsoft phones!!!!!

Isnt this covered already somewhere? Anyway I said it in the other one 2 but I say just turn the Zune into a phone like the Iphone and the Ipod and I can can live with that but this Turtle is a no go in my book. Microsoft + Turle phone = FAIlURE

Last edited by Magoo_215; 09-28-2009 at 02:38 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2009, 05:14 PM
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Re: Microsoft phones!!!!!

I love how little the bloggers know or at least intentionally seem to not know so they can get hits...

Microsoft owns Danger, they purchased them about 2 years ago now, the company who makes the software for the teen orientated phones like the T-Mobile Sidekick. Those phones are made by Sharp currently and it seems Microsoft is thinking of bringing the design of those phones inhouse and out of Sharp's hands.

Microsoft has said a million times, they are NOT offering their own Windows Mobile phones. For them to do so would be the worst thing they could do since Windows Mobile targets a ton of markets. Windows Mobile devices are powering the US Census, operate as phones, and a zillion other things to fit the over 100 form factors it is shipped on!

So the phones look simple because they ARE simple. They are going to be Sidekick replacements...
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2009, 05:23 PM
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Re: Microsoft phones!!!!!

Could be good, could easily be real bad...
I don't think MS has ANY track record of entering the same market with its OEMs and and not stifling competition and killing off that OEM market. MS hopefully will figure out how to avoid its previous mistakes and the similar mistakes of Palm.

PalmOS was of course the king of PDA OSs and had a VERY active OEM community. In fact many of the real innovations to PalmOS came from Palm's OEMs: including hi-res screens (Palm was stuck on 160x160), memory cards, and of course the PalmOS phone. Important PalmOS OEMs for these advances were Sony, Handspring, Qualcomm/Kyocera and Samsung. However, Palm bought Handspring which then led to the Treo, and in the process killed the rest of the PalmOS OEM market -- really too bad, because for example, the Samsung PalmOS phones were very credible and popular devices. And PalmOS development and innovation ground to a snails pace (yes I know part of the problem was the lost of control of PalmOS to Access).

Anyways, the danger is that MS's entrance to the WM phone market may cause companies like HTC to abandon WM, or at least pushing cutting edge innovation on that platform. Which would be terrible since HTC et al has clearly been the most innovative force on the WM scene. May be the last straw that makes HTC jump nearly entirely to Android.... leaving MS to its stagnant WM without the innovative forces that MS itself seems to lack...
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2009, 06:03 PM
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Re: Microsoft phones!!!!!

Originally Posted by monkeyboy View Post
Could be good, could easily be real bad...
I don't think MS has ANY track record of entering the same market with its OEMs and and not stifling competition and killing off that OEM market. MS hopefully will figure out how to avoid its previous mistakes and the similar mistakes of Palm.

PalmOS was of course the king of PDA OSs and had a VERY active OEM community. In fact many of the real innovations to PalmOS came from Palm's OEMs: including hi-res screens (Palm was stuck on 160x160), memory cards, and of course the PalmOS phone. Important PalmOS OEMs for these advances were Sony, Handspring, Qualcomm/Kyocera and Samsung. However, Palm bought Handspring which then led to the Treo, and in the process killed the rest of the PalmOS OEM market -- really too bad, because for example, the Samsung PalmOS phones were very credible and popular devices. And PalmOS development and innovation ground to a snails pace (yes I know part of the problem was the lost of control of PalmOS to Access).

Anyways, the danger is that MS's entrance to the WM phone market may cause companies like HTC to abandon WM, or at least pushing cutting edge innovation on that platform. Which would be terrible since HTC et al has clearly been the most innovative force on the WM scene. May be the last straw that makes HTC jump nearly entirely to Android.... leaving MS to its stagnant WM without the innovative forces that MS itself seems to lack...
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