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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 06:31 PM
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Re: sprint capping "unlimited" data

Originally Posted by gadgetfreak View Post
Have we beat this into the ground enough now?
i dunno, have we??? LOL

technically theres a difference of opinions and facts on the topic still by quite a few
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 07:28 PM
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Post Re: sprint capping "unlimited" data

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
and your the all seeing, all knowing sprint guy huh.... theres no real unlimited data... yes plans/rates... i had an old plan where i got 4 free downloads a month for sprint music.. had it well after the plan was gone...

and since they offically AND legally changed the TOS, which you wouldve agreed to by paying the next bill after july 31st 2008, hence losing your so called "grandfather status" on your "unlimited data"... read the fine print.. "sprint may change plan details without notice, for any reason and at any time"....
No, I'm not a know-it-all or genius. I just happen to be one of many who know how grandfathering works & how it STILL works. Until the bomb drops, it still exists.
Again unless you have seen it 1st hand or have it, you have no room to assume facts.

Name an instance where you've had action taken...

without tethering and extreme amounts of streaming, it would be near impossible to go over 5gb on a device.. again, your using "phone as modem" and/or usb modem(ics) even without the plan... so guess what, sprint COULD(being the operative word there) still charge you, notify you that you need a PAM plan, or cancel you altogether...

With a smartphone, I've never heard of any action being taken against someone* with an unlimited data package, using ICS or just the phone in general going over 5GB.


and Asurion doesnt have to be sprint, its a contract you entered at a previous time, under different terms, and guess what genius, it got changed... "grandfathering" is exactly that when we talk about phone plans... entering into a legally binded contract under one set of terms, the new terms change, and they allow your previous terms to hold true....

same thing with asurion, that contract you entered into legally and willfully, was changed... yet no grandfather status... but why not, its the same principal as sprint cap change....
You are also failing to understand the Asurion thing, Asurion terms are not contractual the only documentation you file with Asurion is the claim itself, you pay Sprint who inturn pays Asurion to whom you'll pay a deductible on their terms either via Sprint or direct.

Sprint is an CUSTOMER of Asurion, you have to remember that.

You can get any grandfathered status from then as they are NOT your carrier, Asurion's terms can change regardless, we did not sign a contract with them. You can't leave Sprint scott free if Asurion makes ANY price changes because it breaches nothing we signed.

Asurion is NOT SPRINT, that simple.

since were talking about grandfathered contracts.... what about someone who has had the same plan for say 9yrs... VOIP was not even out then for mobile devices.. so does that mean you can use VoIP on that old contract, since the TOS you signed up with wouldnt of listed that as a big no no??? absolutely NOT!!!! and that would be a perfect example of something that Could be grandfathered in, since its a difference in 2 TOS'...
Dude VOIP, come'on we can use that TOS or no TOS they can't monitor or win against that... :/
A lost battle for carriers...

Sero, F&F, Sprint Pick 5, Unlimited data, Roaming perks, etc. are examples of what you can grandfather into your plan, even if Sprint no longer offers it.

Sprint only targets abusers of the service and still no one has been charge in penalty to date...

when they update TOS, the next time you pay the bill, you agree to the new TOS, no matter what it said b4, your liable under the new terms.... thats why u can keep an old rate plan for yrs and yrs, it has nothing to do with the TOS

Ok this last thing you said is confusing, call me crazy but you pretty much agree that you can grandfather. This is the basic example of grandfathering... This is the reason why people can got 8GB a month on a broadband plan/cell phone plan without getting charges overages y'know.

Or are you just stating caution to the TOS you fear so much that you expect to blow up one day to the "grandfathered" people?

I can vouch that I have NEVER seen ANY form of notice or retaliation or anything remotely similar.

This is another reason why we say grandfathered, we have not been touched by the TOS penalties, EVER.

The 1st time I have EVER seen them is when one changed their plan and at the 1st toe over 5GB they were charged for doing so. These people did not have the "grandfathered" status, they were in a new plan & agreement.

Can you see the pattern there, there is such a thing as "grandfathering", it is an unofficial term but till this date, it has been true.
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 07:43 PM
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Re: sprint capping "unlimited" data

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post

not good.

it's an older blog post, but I have heard or seen nothing of till now, anyone know more about this, has it taken effect yet?
Yes, old news. I bought a data card in May 2008. They announced the cap a couple of weeks later. So, the card went back and I cancelled. Sales rep's comment "but, 5GB is a LOT of data"!
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 08:01 PM
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Re: sprint capping "unlimited" data

Originally Posted by rstoyguy View Post
There is a $500 cap in place on the overage charges as well. That was a nice gesture I thought...
LOL, That is such a sweet thing for Sprint to do for us, only take $500
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 11:07 PM
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Re: sprint capping "unlimited" data

There is always the spending limit...

my friend has their cap at $150. My account has no cap at all :P lol

But my guess is its $150 a line and data cards may have different limits :/
Earn some spare cash and get cash back at stores like NewEgg and more:


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Last edited by gTen; 08-16-2009 at 11:13 PM.
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  #76 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2009, 08:26 AM
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Re: sprint capping "unlimited" data

as long as I dont get charged for my cell phone im all gravy, especially not getting charged for tethering
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2009, 09:30 AM
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Re: sprint capping "unlimited" data

Originally Posted by Genjinaro View Post
No, I'm not a know-it-all or genius. I just happen to be one of many who know how grandfathering works & how it STILL works. Until the bomb drops, it still exists.
Again unless you have seen it 1st hand or have it, you have no room to assume facts.

Name an instance where you've had action taken...

With a smartphone, I've never heard of any action being taken against someone* with an unlimited data package, using ICS or just the phone in general going over 5GB.


You are also failing to understand the Asurion thing, Asurion terms are not contractual the only documentation you file with Asurion is the claim itself, you pay Sprint who inturn pays Asurion to whom you'll pay a deductible on their terms either via Sprint or direct.

Sprint is an CUSTOMER of Asurion, you have to remember that.

You can get any grandfathered status from then as they are NOT your carrier, Asurion's terms can change regardless, we did not sign a contract with them. You can't leave Sprint scott free if Asurion makes ANY price changes because it breaches nothing we signed.

Asurion is NOT SPRINT, that simple.

Dude VOIP, come'on we can use that TOS or no TOS they can't monitor or win against that... :/
A lost battle for carriers...

Sero, F&F, Sprint Pick 5, Unlimited data, Roaming perks, etc. are examples of what you can grandfather into your plan, even if Sprint no longer offers it.

Sprint only targets abusers of the service and still no one has been charge in penalty to date...

Ok this last thing you said is confusing, call me crazy but you pretty much agree that you can grandfather. This is the basic example of grandfathering... This is the reason why people can got 8GB a month on a broadband plan/cell phone plan without getting charges overages y'know.

Or are you just stating caution to the TOS you fear so much that you expect to blow up one day to the "grandfathered" people?

I can vouch that I have NEVER seen ANY form of notice or retaliation or anything remotely similar.

This is another reason why we say grandfathered, we have not been touched by the TOS penalties, EVER.

The 1st time I have EVER seen them is when one changed their plan and at the 1st toe over 5GB they were charged for doing so. These people did not have the "grandfathered" status, they were in a new plan & agreement.

Can you see the pattern there, there is such a thing as "grandfathering", it is an unofficial term but till this date, it has been true.

first the whole VoIP thing was merely to point out that you couldve possibly signed a contract, before that wording was in there, and by your logic, would be grandfathered in to be able to use it, since u signed b4 a newer TOS was released saying its a NO No.... and your carrier can tell if your using VoIP im sure....

and Yes, OUR(all) carriers can tell the difference between data usage and tethering usage : http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...90&postcount=1 if not how did this guys carrier know he was tethering... and they warn him that he will get charged if he doesnt make appropriate changesto his plan....

tethering is not the issue though... the CAP is... and since were using our unlimited data plans as a Phone AS Modem or USB modem, then your "unlimited data" technically has a 5gb soft cap, snce your using your device in this fashion...

Specific Terms & Restrictions On Using Data Services
In addition to the rules for using all of our other Services, unless we identify the Service or Device you have selected as specifically intended for that purpose (for example, wireless routers, Data Link, etc.), you can’t use our data Services: (1) with server devices or host computer applications, or other systems that drive continuous heavy traffic or data sessions; and (2) as a substitute or backup for private lines or frame relay connections. We reserve the right to limit or suspend any heavy, continuous data usage that adversely impacts our network performance or hinders access to our network. If your Services include unlimited web or data access, you also can’t use your Device as a modem for computers or other equipment, unless we identify the Service or Device you have selected as specifically intended for that purpose (for example, with "phone as modem" plans, Sprint Mobile Broadband card plans, wireless router plans, etc.).

and this end any arguments that you could actually be grandfathered in to a so called "real unlimited data plan"

Services are not available for use in connection with server devices or host computer applications, other systems that drive continuous heavy traffic or data sessions, or as substitutes for private lines or frame relay connections. Except with phone-as-modem plans, you may not use a phone (including a Bluetooth phone) on a plan with unlimited Vision/Power Vision as a modem in connection with a computer, PDA, or similar device. We reserve the right to deny or terminate service without notice for any misuse. Availability of downloadable or streaming content is subject to change.

Terms and conditions are subject to change. - this is how they protect themselves against anyone trying to claim grandfather status....

the next time you paid your bill, after the July 31 2008 TOS change, you agreed to 5gb soft cap, especially if you tether or use your phone as a modem in any way....

if you wanna claim that there is "unlimited data" for dumbphone users, and for people who chose not to tether, then fine, ill conceed on that portion of it... but if your gonna tether, in any fashion, then yes, OUR carriers want us not to exceed 5gbs...


lastly.... just one more thing about this grandfathering.... since you apparently have had the same contract since b4 july 31 2008, does that mean you think your "grandfathered" away from other changes in TOS and carrier agreements??

example... we used to have unlimited roaming abilities correct? it was marketed as free roaming(some plans u may of needed to "add-on" but was an option) for quite awhile we agree?

now, there is a 800minute cap on roaming... sprint claims to possibly terminate you if you go over this..

Roaming-Included Plans: Not available with single-band phones, or to customers residing outside an area covered by the Nationwide Sprint PCS Network. Sprint may terminate service if (1) more than 800 minutes, (2) a majority of minutes or (3) a majority of data kilobytes in a given month are used while roaming. International calling, including in Canada and Mexico, is not included in roaming-included plans. Roaming usage may be invoiced after 30-60 days. Vision/Power Vision services and certain calling features (Voicemail, Caller ID, Call Waiting, etc.) may not be available in all roaming areas.

do you think your grandfathered beyond this change as well??? afterall, odds are your contract was signed b4 this went into effect as well...

its all the same... it doesnt matter under what terms u entered into with your carrier... once they change their rules and policies, your bound under them next time you pay the bill...

again, Terms and conditions are subject to change.
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2009, 03:41 PM
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Re: sprint capping "unlimited" data

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
as long as I dont get charged for my cell phone im all gravy, especially not getting charged for tethering
Just make sure you use the right software and not what is included originally with your phone

Temporary selling Sprint SERO 500 plans for $80.

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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2009, 08:32 AM
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Re: sprint capping "unlimited" data

Originally Posted by TnA-2xXtReM View Post
Just make sure you use the right software and not what is included originally with your phone
well I just use whatever is cooked into my 6.5
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2009, 10:49 AM
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Re: sprint capping "unlimited" data

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
well I just use whatever is cooked into my 6.5
So long as you don't use anything stock for tethering.
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