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x10guy 03-17-2009 07:48 PM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?

Originally Posted by violent31601 (Post 778607)
because the mp3/video player blows away any wm device away IMO, and of course there is the whole App thing going, and as a personal preference I like the Safari browser better the Opera's/IE.

the larger screen is nice to have

That's surprising. I thought most everyone here thought the iphone/itouch was inferior...

I'd actually rather just have one device and make my WmO device work.... but is just my personal preference.

x10guy 03-17-2009 07:58 PM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?

Originally Posted by Noir (Post 778620)
its not the device
its the marketing. And IMHO the ATT Fuze campaign is a bit more...what's the word oh yes REALISTIC

there's a lot of apple wow factor don't get me wrong, but its dated. Its been 2 years 3rd party developers and hackers are actually being stopped more than the people that say microsoft stops development

Its all advertising. Even advertising can call crap sunshine

I'm assuming you are being serious. So the iphone is all old technology and is all about advertising....

I'm sorry but I have to disagree. Even though I don't think the latest update is anything special... we have much to thank the iphone for.

How long did we suffer with PIE until safari for the iphone came out? (then suddenly there was a flood of viable browsers)
How long did we suffer the same archaic "Today Screen"...
How about gestures? Of course the iphone didn't invent these things... but boy did they make it popular.
I've owned a Windows mobile device when it the operating system was still called Windows CE. It was the only game in town and sometimes if was very painful to use.
I have to say that most of the dramatic WMO development came out when the iphone hit the scene.

Why why Why do these threads ALWAYS degenerate into somehow making the iphone into some crap inferior device?

Noir 03-17-2009 08:14 PM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?

Originally Posted by x10guy (Post 778771)
I'm assuming you are being serious. So the iphone is all old technology and is all about advertising....

I'm sorry but I have to disagree. Even though I don't think the latest update is anything but earthshattering... we have much to thank the iphone for.

How long did we suffer with PIE until safari for the iphone came out? (then suddenly there was a flood of viable browsers)
How long did we suffer the same archaic "Today Screen"...
How about gestures? Of course the iphone didn't invent these things... but boy did they make it popular.
I've owned a Windows mobile device when it the operating system was still called Windows CE. It was the only game in town and sometimes if was very painful to use.
I have to say that most of the dramatic WMO development came out when the iphone hit the scene.

Why why Why do these threads ALWAYS degenerate into somehow making the iphone into some crap inferior device?

I've had a pocket pc since about mid 2006 being samsung i730. Truthfuly it was rare I used PIE. I used netfront, pixel, opera were all viable options prior to the iphone even being implemented

Second as far as the today screen goes, its mediocre but as a student I was more interested in what it did for me. It notified me of texts, email, and any tasks I had to do. It did it actuay pretty.

Gesture control is probably one of the few things I will credit the iphone for, but if there is a choice between gesture and hardware pad that does the same, I'm more game for it because it can double as a good controller. Heck in my days of complaing in comparative physiology all I did was pop up my ps1 emulator and played some games.

That being said

My natural itch to control my phone was always in me - even in my samsung i730 days. What WM development and years of interaction does is it makes it relatively easy for me to change my system on the fly. If I want a game rom, bam its on my sd card. Do I want a more business rom? bam! Its done. I can change it on the fly and pretty effortlessly and that is the strongest point on WM and it is something that no other device has done. Will I be impressed when another device does that? Better believe it! But till then I will always have preference for windows mobile device because the limits can be pushed.

Just for your information I used an iphone for a week, I just sold an ipod touch. For the 5 days I didn't have my phone and I had to use the ipod touch, I grimaced. Why did I grimace? Push email wasnt as polished as seven, no hardware keyboard, not many apps that suit me as a user. Now different strokes for differernt folks of course, but truly all I see iphone/apple as is brand loyal niche individuals that get taken by advertising. It strangely leads to why I bought an ipod touch/iphone. Simple - to test and sell.

I will admit I loved the iphone theme on my device to be frank - not because of its innovation, but because anything the iphone can TRY to do, WM has done. Like it or not, a lot of the stuff from apple isn't new at all. In fact its dated. Right now I am more interested in pushing the limits to my device and develop. That's the fun of a device IMHO. Apple doesn't have that. Palm doesn't have it either

x10guy 03-17-2009 08:30 PM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?
I think perhaps one thing that we can all agree on... (or maybe that is wishful thinking) is that competition is good.

Getting back to the thread title, Apples update is really evidence of that. One of the major features is "cut and paste"... As WMO users we are a like ... "been there done that."

But on the same token, I still believe WMO development has really accelerated since the iphone came to town.

Now only if Microsoft can implement and execute an APP store similar to Apple. (I know they announced it). If it does work... I think we can thank competition (Apple) for it.

Negrito 03-17-2009 09:04 PM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?

Originally Posted by reprod (Post 778328)
This upgrade is only for iPhone 3G. First Gen iPhone's are not included in this update.

Yes they are, they just cant use all the new functionality.


Originally Posted by violent31601 (Post 778448)
I just think its BS that they keep charging Ipod touch users for new updates.

isn't it bad enough the unit is more expensive then the Iphone yet more stripped down?

I agree, but then i may be biased as i own an iPod Touch


Originally Posted by violent31601 (Post 778537)
I still think winmo+Ipod Touch+wmwifirouter=the perfect combo

I concur!!!


Originally Posted by x10guy (Post 778569)
Why can't you just use the winmo device alone?

see next quote...


Originally Posted by violent31601 (Post 778607)
because the mp3/video player blows away any wm device away IMO, and of course there is the whole App thing going, and as a personal preference I like the Safari browser better the Opera's/IE.

the larger screen is nice to have

Hit the nail on the head! I feel the exact same way. Safari is 100% better than any browser i have used on my touch. (not saying i have used them all, but i have used IE, Opera, and Skyfire.)


Originally Posted by badchad (Post 778623)
Right now though, SERO is keeping me firmly planted at Sprint. If I can't extend SERO, I don't have a lot of incentive not to switch.

My plan is the only thing keeping me on Sprint with my Touch. otherwise i would most likely have a touch HD on a gsm network.


Originally Posted by Noir (Post 778812)
I've had a pocket pc since about mid 2006 being samsung i730. Truthfuly it was rare I used PIE. I used netfront, pixel, opera were all viable options prior to the iphone even being implemented
was released.

I have had a WinMo phone since the Blue Angel (google it if you arent in the know), and i think you ment "...netfront, pixel, opera were all available options prior to the iphone..."


Originally Posted by Noir (Post 778812)
My natural itch to control my phone was always in me - even in my samsung i730 days. What WM development and years of interaction does is it makes it relatively easy for me to change my system on the fly. If I want a game rom, bam its on my sd card. Do I want a more business rom? bam! Its done. I can change it on the fly and pretty effortlessly and that is the strongest point on WM and it is something that no other device has done. Will I be impressed when another device does that? Better believe it! But till then I will always have preference for windows mobile device because the limits can be pushed.

What would be considered a gaming rom, or a business rom? would it depends on the programs lodaed on the device? And once jailbroken an iPhone/Touch can be changed on the fly, i do it all day long. The only thing i cant do is change OS's like how i can switch to android on my Touch, but i bet if someone really wanted to they could get Android running on an iDevice...


Originally Posted by Noir (Post 778812)
Just for your information I used an iphone for a week, I just sold an ipod touch. For the 5 days I didn't have my phone and I had to use the ipod touch, I grimaced. Why did I grimace? Push email wasnt as polished as seven, no hardware keyboard, not many apps that suit me as a user. Now different strokes for differernt folks of course, but truly all I see iphone/apple as is brand loyal niche individuals that get taken by advertising. It strangely leads to why I bought an ipod touch/iphone. Simple - to test and sell.

iphone or ipod or you had both? and i would grimace at having to use my iPod Touch(read media player) as a cellular phone too. its a good thing apple products hold value so well, so people like yourself can try there fine products and then resell them with out too much, if any, of a loss.

Negrito 03-17-2009 09:06 PM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?

Originally Posted by x10guy (Post 778830)
I think perhaps one thing that we can all agree on... (or maybe that is wishful thinking) is that competition is good.

Getting back to the thread title, Apples update is really evidence of that. One of the major features is "cut and paste"... As WMO users we are a like ... "been there done that."

But on the same token, I still believe WMO development has really accelerated since the iphone came to town.

Now only if Microsoft can implement and execute an APP store similar to Apple. (I know they announced it). If it does work... I think we can thank competition (Apple) for it.

The whole web is an app store for WinMo. however, if they did something to tie it all together in one place like apple that would be pretty nice.

Now playing on iTunes: N.A.S.A. - Theirs A Party Feat. George Cl via FoxyTunes

GREY.FOXX 03-17-2009 10:06 PM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?
A more finger friendly OS and a App store for winmo devices then we can really brag.

When we get a better OS and a app store, we can say we are better :).

x10guy 03-17-2009 10:39 PM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?

Originally Posted by Negrito (Post 778877)
The whole web is an app store for WinMo. however, if they did something to tie it all together in one place like apple that would be pretty nice.

Now playing on iTunes: N.A.S.A. - Theirs A Party Feat. George Cl via FoxyTunes

Just curious. Have you ever seen the APP store in action?
Searching the entire web for WinMo programs is definitely NOT it.

But I would definitely agree with a previous poster. Give us a Safari and App store equivalents on WinMo devices and the argument is over.

Perasite 03-17-2009 11:17 PM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?
Copy/paste... about frikkin' time! And landscape keyboard, ya think! I hate typing on mine cuz I have fat fingers, so it will be nice to be able to actually enter text for a change. Another thing is syncing notes, probably a good thing for business use, at least to my boss it was a big deal. The one thing that drives me nuts is the addition of in-app purchases... to buy this upgraded gun for $.99, click here... what ever happened to Doom where you ran across the gun and it was yours?

Edit: the App store is awesome, if the WinMo gods ever figure out how to do that, then I will love them forever.

gadgetfreak 03-18-2009 12:16 AM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?
1 Attachment(s)
The thing is, Apple makes good products that are designed to appeal to a certain segment of our society. Are they always the best? No. I've heard any number of people tell me that the iPod is actually, in terms of it's software and features (this is pre-iPod Touch...) quite inferior to Creative's Zen line up. Where Apple has always excelled at is the marketing and the styling of their various products. I mean, really, lets face it, the iPod did look better than anything else on the market when it was first introduced. As did the Mac and iMac. Were they better computers? Who knows? And it doesn't matter. I prefer the flexibility of MS products both PC Windows (yes, I run Vista, and no, I don't hate it. It's way better than XP could have ever hoped to be, and tons more stable...) I like the availability of tons of apps and the ability to customize. I build my own PCs. When was the last time you could do that with a Mac? Neither my phone or my PC remotely resemble stock, which for the most part just doesn't seem to be and ability of the Apple line of products. But for others that is comforting. They know exactly what they are getting and they like it. It's not for me. I don't like being restricted by the manufacturer of my products to be able to only the things they think I need to do, like change a bettery out.

There is a place in the world for both styles. Live and let live is the best way to be. The iPhone fans won't be able to convince us that the iPhone is the end all, be all of phones. Nor are they interested in being converted to our point of view about WM. But if Apple and the iPhone have been good for one thing is spurring on companies like HTC to produce newer and better phones at an accelerated rate with innovative interfaces, and that is a good thing for us all, just don't expect to see me at the iStore becoming an iFanboi...

PS. No matter what you think about Apple vs MS, this video is still hillarious. I don't remember where I downloaded it from (Probably from the old TechTV website...). Enjoy!

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