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shadowfender42 03-18-2009 05:03 PM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?
I guess they finally stopped 'thinking outside the box' and started implementing stuff thats been out for ages and making people happy but they didnt seem to notice because they were stuck 'outside the box'.

ac4g63 03-18-2009 06:45 PM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?
I think its a step in the right direction. As long as it says "iPhone" on it, people will still buy it. http://www.justmysizefurniture.com/8...3a48f50cb0.gif

x10guy 03-18-2009 06:53 PM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?
Just read a rumor over an engadget that the new update has some code to enable tethering! They aren't sure if it will be in the final release but supposedly it's in the beta code.

THAT would be a huge update for iphone fans.

hibby50 03-18-2009 06:57 PM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?
put an i in front of anything and it sells. iTurd, who wants to get rich of that?

x10guy 03-18-2009 09:35 PM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?
Put an i in front of anything and PPCgeeks all over break out into cold sweat. lol

Cicatrize 03-18-2009 10:11 PM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?
Well what about the iPhone 3G? Does that do vid?

shadowfender42 03-18-2009 10:54 PM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?

Originally Posted by Cicatrize (Post 781791)
Well what about the iPhone 3G? Does that do vid?

Nope. It also cant send normal MMS either. Some pretty standard stuff that don't come on the o-so-innovative iPhone.

Cicatrize 03-18-2009 11:42 PM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?
Wow. I'm surprised...but also not.

dashiot 03-19-2009 12:03 AM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?

Originally Posted by gadgetfreak (Post 779371)
The thing is, Apple makes good products that are designed to appeal to a certain segment of our society. Are they always the best? No. I've heard any number of people tell me that the iPod is actually, in terms of it's software and features (this is pre-iPod Touch...) quite inferior to Creative's Zen line up. Where Apple has always excelled at is the marketing and the styling of their various products. I mean, really, lets face it, the iPod did look better than anything else on the market when it was first introduced. As did the Mac and iMac. Were they better computers? Who knows? And it doesn't matter. I prefer the flexibility of MS products both PC Windows (yes, I run Vista, and no, I don't hate it. It's way better than XP could have ever hoped to be, and tons more stable...) I like the availability of tons of apps and the ability to customize. I build my own PCs. When was the last time you could do that with a Mac? Neither my phone or my PC remotely resemble stock, which for the most part just doesn't seem to be and ability of the Apple line of products. But for others that is comforting. They know exactly what they are getting and they like it. It's not for me. I don't like being restricted by the manufacturer of my products to be able to only the things they think I need to do, like change a bettery out.

There is a place in the world for both styles. Live and let live is the best way to be. The iPhone fans won't be able to convince us that the iPhone is the end all, be all of phones. Nor are they interested in being converted to our point of view about WM. But if Apple and the iPhone have been good for one thing is spurring on companies like HTC to produce newer and better phones at an accelerated rate with innovative interfaces, and that is a good thing for us all, just don't expect to see me at the iStore becoming an iFanboi...

PS. No matter what you think about Apple vs MS, this video is still hillarious. I don't remember where I downloaded it from (Probably from the old TechTV website...). Enjoy!

just watched the video.....O...M...F%^&$#&*...G!!! I've got carpet lint in my mouth!!! That was F-U-N-N-Y!!! Thanks alot.

AOheLlboy 03-19-2009 12:42 AM

Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?
i just wanna say i had the iphone for a bit when i was over seas and its actually a great device and half of the *****ing it gets is due to lack of information. iphone had cut and paste about 2 years ago... and better video then my diamond and gnutella support and torrents (not better than winmo torrent tho) and a pdf reader and all kinds of other stuff. agreed apple is pretty dumb with these updates ands its sad to see people get psyched about updates that should've have been there from the get go but just like my diamond was crap until i flashed the rom the iphone is **** till you unlock it and put on cydia which is a relatively easy process compared to unlocking and flashing a winmo phone. also theres no annoying searching for cabs you have thousands of apps available right off hand. i happen to like to mess with things too much so i stick to winmo, which is a lot more customizable in a sense. doesn't negate from the fact that the iphone is a pretty damn good product. i would prob switch back if not for the price of t-mobile or att over sprint. i pay 35 a month now and would have to pay that just for iphone plan plus the regular minutes on att :( sorry for going on a rant about your rants but it was bothering me.

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