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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2009, 07:53 PM
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Re: Recharge battery in 3 seconds...

This is VERY exciting for electric cars. One of the biggest problems is charge time. If battery technology could provide 150 miles distance and a recharge could be done in under 5 minutes..... wow. Goodbye gas.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2009, 07:56 PM
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Re: Recharge battery in 3 seconds...

I read something about this awhile back. This is technically not battery technology. I believe they use nanotubes which are basically capacitors on the molecular level. They are able to control the discharge so the battery life is similar to todays batteries, but they quick charge like a capacitor. Pretty cool. I have always said the company that can significantly improve battery technology has the ability to seriously influence wireless technologies.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2009, 08:20 PM
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Re: Recharge battery in 3 seconds...

Originally Posted by 360discgolf View Post
I read something about this awhile back. This is technically not battery technology. I believe they use nanotubes which are basically capacitors on the molecular level. They are able to control the discharge so the battery life is similar to todays batteries, but they quick charge like a capacitor. Pretty cool. I have always said the company that can significantly improve battery technology has the ability to seriously influence wireless technologies.
no, did you read the article at all? From the first two sentences:

"Researchers at MIT (where else?) have discovered a method of recharging lithium ion batteries at greatly increased speeds. The best news is that their method uses common materials..."

Yes they are batteries.

Last edited by Kessler; 03-12-2009 at 08:43 PM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2009, 08:25 PM
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Re: Recharge battery in 3 seconds...

Probably LiFe (Lithium Iron) technology. They can charge as fast as they can discharge without destroying the chemistry of the cell. There are also silicon microstrand technologies that are rising as well. Interesting stuff.

As far as an electric car recharging its self from its own motion, that would be a perpetual motion machine, which by definition, can not exist.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2009, 08:28 PM
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Re: Recharge battery in 3 seconds...

You just need a really REALLY big plug, and 2000 amp service @ your house.

Plus, a meter that can spin at the speed of sound.

Just a few minor hurdles to overcome. But yes, sounds great!
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2009, 10:40 PM
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Re: Recharge battery in 3 seconds...

Originally Posted by Kessler View Post
This is VERY exciting for electric cars. One of the biggest problems is charge time. If battery technology could provide 150 miles distance and a recharge could be done in under 5 minutes..... wow. Goodbye gas.

I'm not trying to put a negative spin on this thread but do you really really really honestly think the government wants to stop using gas right now? Think of have many hundreds of billions of dollars of tax revenue they would lose.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2009, 10:54 PM
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Re: Recharge battery in 3 seconds...

Read the comments... The 2nd one down brings up a valid point.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2009, 10:55 PM
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Re: Recharge battery in 3 seconds...

Originally Posted by phonics2 View Post
I'm not trying to put a negative spin on this thread but do you really really really honestly think the government wants to stop using gas right now? Think of have many hundreds of billions of dollars of tax revenue they would lose.

Don't worry new taxes on electricity are already planned. They'll get their money out of us one way or another!
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2009, 11:01 PM
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Re: Recharge battery in 3 seconds...

Originally Posted by phonics2 View Post
I'm not trying to put a negative spin on this thread but do you really really really honestly think the government wants to stop using gas right now? Think of have many hundreds of billions of dollars of tax revenue they would lose.
good point. In situations like these we normally don't see the big picture. There is a LOT of money tied up in gasoline, but imagine how much money is tied up in getting it here from other countries.

Think of it this way: America has a limited supply of gas, and we use a lot more than any other country. If we had a technology (home brewed btw) that could suddenly put our gas usage so low that we could supply ourselves, the money saved that we are spending BUYING GAS from other countries would definitely outweigh the money made from taxing that gas.

This technology could put America in a position where we literally could start selling gas to other countries more than we buy it. Any situation where you sell more than you buy is a good situation.

I don't see us going completely electric (maybe some cars will be, but there's simply not enough power there.) I see gas-electric hybrids being THE norm once this technology hits, but who knows. The article could have over-hyped it.

Last edited by chronster; 03-12-2009 at 11:04 PM.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2009, 11:27 PM
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Re: Recharge battery in 3 seconds...

Originally Posted by chronster View Post
good point. In situations like these we normally don't see the big picture. There is a LOT of money tied up in gasoline, but imagine how much money is tied up in getting it here from other countries.

Think of it this way: America has a limited supply of gas, and we use a lot more than any other country. If we had a technology (home brewed btw) that could suddenly put our gas usage so low that we could supply ourselves, the money saved that we are spending BUYING GAS from other countries would definitely outweigh the money made from taxing that gas.

This technology could put America in a position where we literally could start selling gas to other countries more than we buy it. Any situation where you sell more than you buy is a good situation.

I don't see us going completely electric (maybe some cars will be, but there's simply not enough power there.) I see gas-electric hybrids being THE norm once this technology hits, but who knows. The article could have over-hyped it.

I don't see how you can figure that transporting oil to america from other countries even comes close to the tax revenue produced from oil. The government doesn't "pay" for the transport of oil (or not the majority of it). Independent companies pay for it (Exxon, shell, etc) or the companies that refine it into gas and diesel.

What about cap and trade? What happens when that is p***** into law? Right now we don't even produce enough electricity to power our homes without blackouts and brownouts. How can we produce enough to supply all the new electric cars that everyone wants.

Once cap and trade is p*****, how much will electricity costs rise?

PS - P a s s e d shouldn't be on the cuss filter lol.
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