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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2009, 09:43 PM
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Re: Prices Skyrocketing As Early as Next Year?????

... and then I read other things being added to the bugdet with the added fees to wireless spectrum.

The budget adds fees to fertilizers and pesticides -- adding dollars to the vegetables we buy.


It adds fees to grains and feeds -- adding dollars to meats.

This is just two I can remember off of the top of my head now. If fees are added to too many areas (and read "fees" as backdoor taxes) these dollars are going to add up. If only $12 was added to my wireless bill each year, that would be fine ... but it is more than one area we are going to be hit.

Everyone is talking about the tax cuts for 95% of working Americans and missing the many added fees that will affect 100% of Americans as well.

Sprint Evo 3D! ...

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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2009, 12:37 PM
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Re: Prices Skyrocketing As Early as Next Year?????

Originally Posted by badchad View Post
At some point, something has to give.
It's going to be regulation of cellular carriers, the same way your home telephone service (if you still have it) has been regulated for many years.

As cell becomes, more and more, the standard, there are things that are pointing the this, such as class action law suits against carriers for ETFs, etc...

The $75-$100 increase in a cell bill, that was mentioned earlier, would signify the loss of an enormous population of cell users, because the common person could not afford this at all, and dramatically alter the industry, and simply, we are not going to get to that point before cell service starts being regulated and balanced.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2009, 02:41 PM
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Re: Prices Skyrocketing As Early as Next Year?????

am i the only who sees it this way?: this means the cost of airtime is basically gonna cost more for use..

say it a penny a minute now(fake number just making this up for my example) and they charge us 10 cents...they have a nice comfortable profit margin there... if the price to operate goes up(which basically it is,should this go through) were talking about Tripleing the cost in 1 yrs time... i would expect a hefty increase on our bills, plus a signif increase in the govt "taxes" im sure as well...

sure we could slide away with maybe a 10-20buck increase....this yr....

but the fees increase ever year for the next 10 yrs, so what about next yr, and the yr after that, and the one after that, and so on and so forth...

carriers will need to keep adjusting rates yearly to keep up with the newer lisence fees that year and to keep their profit margin the same as it is now for future years...

i think were screwed eventually...
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2009, 02:51 PM
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Re: Prices Skyrocketing As Early as Next Year?????

Originally Posted by crazychef View Post
carriers will need to keep adjusting rates yearly to keep up with the newer lisence fees that year and to keep their profit margin the same as it is now for future years...

i think were screwed eventually...
This would happen with all your utilites if they weren't regulated. Cell service is common enough now that soon it will be recognized as a necessary service, like your home phone service, or electricity, and will become regulated.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2009, 03:46 PM
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Re: Prices Skyrocketing As Early as Next Year?????

Originally Posted by Kushed View Post
Thank you Obama. I wonder why he didn't include this fee (tax) as part of his "stimulus package" and have Privet Reserve print it out of thin air to cover this amount.

Oh yeah, it really is not about giving, just taking.

Stay tuned, for the next episode of the Obama show, from the people who brought you The Bush Administration.
I love this attitude. When republicans waste half a trillion dollars on a war to nowhere, and don't even include it in their budget, that's all good.

When a democrat is honest about the world of crap we are in and how we have to pay for it, then "it really is not about giving, just taking. "

Time to grow up.

(uh wait, this isn't the politics room)

Anyway, back to the real discussion.... anyone want to guess how much money the average american pays in Gasoline Tax per year? Anyone at all? That's an OLD TAX, it must be ok.

I stand by my analysis. It looks to me to be a dollar a month tacked on. If its too much, cancel your cell phone.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2009, 04:33 PM
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Re: Prices Skyrocketing As Early as Next Year?????

dunno what state u live in, but the utilities DO go up every where.. every winter the cost of natural gas for heating goes up.. did or did not the cost of gasoline skyrocket before coming back down... the price per unit of electricity goes up every year too

thought utilities were regulated though?

flat out, we pay for everything, we pay for the govt mistakes,corporate americas mistakes, hell, in my state were paid 13million for a mayors mistakes....

any taxes on buisness means higher rates for us everytime...
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2009, 08:45 AM
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Re: Prices Skyrocketing As Early as Next Year?????

Originally Posted by crazychef View Post
dunno what state u live in, but the utilities DO go up every where.. every winter the cost of natural gas for heating goes up.. did or did not the cost of gasoline skyrocket before coming back down... the price per unit of electricity goes up every year too
Your state has a public service board that governs the cost of utilities to keep them in line with the cost of living, as does mine. Some states do a better job than others of doing that, but none of them currently regulate cell service. To increase their cost of service, a public utility must petition these entities, etc... cell providers currently do not have to do this.

Gasoline is not a utility and is not governed by these entities.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2009, 02:01 PM
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Re: Prices Skyrocketing As Early as Next Year?????

im on sero, $50 plan, so's most of my fam, should this happen in any case, ill move to the $30 sero plan and actually be paying close to what most ppl are already paying anyway. no biggie. you can always cut back on buyin a new phone every 5-6 months too... i dont mind cause theres ways to reduce this. home phone, internet phone, skype via data on cell phone, airwave (that sprint home calling thing). relax, youll be fine. i personally guarantee it.
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