Re: Alltel Diamond & Pro Release Dates
I'm sure most have you have seen this page, but if not, here: http://www.alltel.com/wps/portal/All...+touch+diamond
I'm liking the look of it. |
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Re: Alltel Diamond & Pro Release Dates
BURN alltel is getting the gimped version that verizon is getting... I guess the merger is having more impact than once thought.
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Re: Alltel Diamond & Pro Release Dates
I'm halfway tempted to try to pick up an Alltel Diamond and flash it to Sprint, so I won't have to live with that awful red back.
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Re: Alltel Diamond & Pro Release Dates
About a week or two ago that page only contained the name and picture of the Diamond. I have been checking on that site periodically and it seems they update it every couple days. The page did start out as the regular touch page and it seems they are adding the Diamonds features and deleting the regular touch features.
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Re: Alltel Diamond & Pro Release Dates
i dont think that page is right... spec wise. I was the one who originally found that and we discussed over at hofo, how the specs were that of the original touch. Wouldnt trust those until it officially goes live on the site.
I have the 700wx and have been lately rethinking how I use the device... Im so used to a hard keyboard. I hate to do the get one and trade it out, but i might have to. Possible I guess that I would just stay with the diamond. Tough decision. |
Re: Alltel Diamond & Pro Release Dates
My Best Friend works for alltel,, they have already been prepping the higher ups for the release, its no big secret...
Pay the Cost to Be the Boss,, The Game is to Be Sold not to be Told
Re: Alltel Diamond & Pro Release Dates
No. The specs of the Alltel handset are the exact same as the Sprint release. That leaked page is just a place holder that features (out dated) Alltel Diamond graphics with the Touch Info and links (since thats the page they duplicated).
Re: Alltel Diamond & Pro Release Dates