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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2007, 09:30 PM
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HTC not planning a WM6 Upgrade for Current Devices?


XDA Developer forum member swartb received an email regarding a Windows Mobile 6 upgrade for his current HTC P3600. Basically, HTC responded with a reply that no upgrade path would be offered for current devices, leaving only newly released devices getting some WM6 love.

This is in stark contrast to what other OEM's (and even mobile carriers) have initially stated regarding upgrading existing devices.

Anybody remember what Gerald Ford told NYC back in the 70's that made the front page of the newspapers? Kind of the same thing here.

Bad news indeed if this comes to pass

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2007, 02:32 AM
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Not really - that's pretty normal for windows mobile devices. At least, it's been the norm for every one I've ever owned.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2007, 04:26 AM
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Originally Posted by schettj
Not really - that's pretty normal for windows mobile devices. At least, it's been the norm for every one I've ever owned.
Couple caveats though:

1) WM2003 to WM5 was a rather huge update, requiring different hardware and a new CE kernal. WM6 is basically a more fancy AKU update, no core changes (like those found in "Photon").

2) 2-3 years ago, the mobile market was niche and could be ignored. Today, with the iPhone looming, BB, Symbian and soon ALP, there is a lot more competition.

3) Crossbow has Windows Update built in, so as to by-pass a lot of the carriers' restrictions. That's the future (hopefullly).

Of course, ultimately this really isn't so much HTC's decision as it is carriers. I hardly think HTC would refuse a carrier if they requested (and payed for) a WM6 upgrade. But carriers have been the largest impediment to upgrades, followed next by the phone manufactures....

Either way, I'm hoping for a Moto Q update. lol
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