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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2007, 09:38 AM
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Originally Posted by dukhead
Its crazy that these companies are downgrading the quality of their devices to sell them to the younger market.
I wouldn't necessarily say that companies are downgrading to offer cheaper hardware. Thats just how hardware technology works, the longer its out the more the price is going to come down. Especially when newer, better hardware comes out. Look at the computer industry, your 4 grand top of the line system today is gonna be outdated in 8 months. Its just the nature of the beast.
Originally Posted by dukhead
What can you put on there? MUSIC from iTunes, LOL.
ah, don't forget about your own music that you rip or is drm free...
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Originally Posted by Big D5
Lesson learned don't work on PPC while drinking.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2007, 04:02 PM
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It would be pretty funny if he wasn't destroying our country...
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2007, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by dukhead
Who cares about the 4 and 8 gig hard drives? What can you put on there? MUSIC from iTunes, LOL. you sure cant put programs on there. and the little sorry widgets they have cant take up no more than .5 Mb at the most. Its just a souped up IPod with a phone. Its so funny that on a yearly basis they make the smartphone look more appealing to teenagers. All I see in my city is teenagers and hell some people that work at mcdonalds with a 6700, what are you possibly organizing at mcdonalds, NO offense, but its just funny. I remember the first phone I bought the treo180, and my first ppc phone the toshiba thera 2032. They both cost $649 with a contract, now you can get a 6700 for 2-300 bucks. Its crazy that these companies are downgrading the quality of their devices to sell them to the younger market. The Iphone, the only + that they have right now is that it supports html mail. Thats it. I mean, I have a 30gig ipod and a 80, and the only reason I have the thirty is because it took to long for them to make a 80. And then you have to use wifi to use the browser, because cingulars edge network is worse than dialup.
Just to clear up a few things, the iPhone has flash memory not a hard drive. It will play MP3's. Rumors are that developers are working on writing "programs" via Javascript and possibly Java Midlets. In terms of it being a souped up iPod with a phone, I think for who they are targeting that will probably be more than enough considering its ease of use and industrial design. I have a 6700 (which I got FAR) and will be keeping it unless Apple releases a CDMA iPhone. While the 6700 kb is great, I don't know that I would miss it that much. I guess I am not that heavy of a text/emailer.
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