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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2010, 12:19 PM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

actually Verizon has (or will) have the best selection of Smartphones

-Touch pro 2 (best WM device i USA today)
-Blackberry storm (awesome blackberry minus the problems of the storm 1)
-Palm pre plus (the awesomeness of webos plus 16GB storage, double RAM, and better build quality)
-Moto Droid (need i say more?)
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2010, 12:23 PM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

Originally Posted by Mike20PR View Post
actually Verizon has (or will) have the best selection of Smartphones

-Touch pro 2 (best WM device i USA today)
-Blackberry storm (awesome blackberry minus the problems of the storm 1)
-Palm pre plus (the awesomeness of webos plus 16GB storage, double RAM, and better build quality)
-Moto Droid (need i say more?)
yup once again verzion ups sprint.. funny how people say "its cause sprint is CDMA.." verizon is to and doesnt have trouble getting awesome phones!
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2010, 01:30 PM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

Originally Posted by ajac View Post
yup once again verzion ups sprint.. funny how people say "its cause sprint is CDMA.." verizon is to and doesnt have trouble getting awesome phones!

If there were more people out there like the people posting in these thread's sprint would not be able to get away with this. The moment is a fine device iam sure but that was last year, and vzw has the omnia and the pre and the pixi so they took what ever plus sprint had there. Vzw has the hero and so will at&t ces was a chance to intro a 4g hand set or maybe intro the hd2 or the nexus one but sprint failed and with this htc 4g handset that coming when will that happen next year all we really have is the tp2 and the hero which everyone has. This is really sad was thinking that they would have started the year strong but maybe i was wrong, Iam glad to see there are people that feel the way i do damn dan hesse damn him to hell
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2010, 02:22 PM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

I loved Sprint rates so much better, and the cheaper data plan allowed me to have some pretty nice phones.... I even had unlimited data on my new line for $5 a month...But the coverage at work and for the line I gave my mom was pretty bad...Had to leave for coverage, but I miss my monthly bill being lower on 5 lines...
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Last edited by outlaw.99; 01-09-2010 at 02:26 PM.
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2010, 03:23 PM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

I'm fully convinced sprint has no balls. they spend all this time effort and money on research and development of this whole 4g crap when all they have is a stupid aircard that requires a $100 plan when I can get same thing on my phone. they have done nothing to draw new customers. their service is fine. their prices is only thing that keeps are company a customer of sprint. but hey, if you want a flip phone, go to sprint. that's all they have. id love to see the figures on units sold on their phone lineup. its 2010 and technology passed the flip phone era a long time ago. its all about touch screens that are computers away from pc's and mac's. don't take this in offense but op I think your an idiot. just on the level of claiming sprint has most compelling line of 'smartphones'. oh bullchit!!!! sprint doesn't have a direction of travel. they have no balls as already stated. if they wanna turn a profit and gain more customers and keep current ones, they need to take risks. this status quo chit obviously ain't getting them anywhere. as someone has already posted, they're gonna be another Chrysler corp. I'm not a big geekr like others are in here but Damnit I want options. I wanna wall into sprint and say hmm what phone do I want? sure id like to get better at modding my phone but I don't wanna have to install new Roms all the time just to have a phone that works right. it was a no brainer when the vogue came out. and then the hero. but wtf!? that's all they've got to offer. I'm tired of this chit! Damnit! take a effin chanse sprint! palm pre was not a Chance either. request new phones! conjure up new designs new ideas. take a Damn chance! spend a few bucks! give your loyal customers a reason to appreciate sprint instead of a cheaper bill! some times I wonder if its even worth it. why not pay a few more a month for choices? id have more fun walking into tmobile. at least they've got options. ugh

Hero is flying
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2010, 03:31 PM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

Originally Posted by mbaseball3 View Post
id have more fun walking into tmobile. at least they've got options. ugh

Im not sure about the coverage you get, but here in Southern Va, if you dont have Verizon or Sprint you dont even have a signal....We arent near any large cities and as much as I hate it, Verizon has them all beat and it cause me to switch after 7 years of faithfulness to Sprint...
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2010, 04:02 PM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

Originally Posted by outlaw.99 View Post
Im not sure about the coverage you get, but here in Southern Va, if you dont have Verizon or Sprint you dont even have a signal....We arent near any large cities and as much as I hate it, Verizon has them all beat and it cause me to switch after 7 years of faithfulness to Sprint...

I'm in so cal, and even as large as we are, we still aren't on sprints list for 4g service. weird if you ask me. but service is great. from where I'm at to the wine country in central coast which is a 4 hour drive north even thru mountainous terrain; 4500 at highest point, we get coverage. so no bitching here on that. my sis in tin buck to Alabama only has tmobile coverage. I'm just tired of all other phone companies taking strides in a positive direction while sprint is lagging behind in 18th century. I just want options while visiting their store. but lonely ole me ain't gonna get my way and I know it. but I can still bitch
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2010, 06:19 PM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

Seems to me Sprint has a death wish. While they are spending countless millions on advertising, they are still loosing many loyal customers due to lack of giving people what they want. The share holders should look at the philosophy of their demise, and vote in a new CEO.

Sprint could easily be a top carrier if they just payed attention to the reasons they are loosing so many customers, and correct them. Just my 2 cents.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 10:44 PM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

Originally Posted by mbaseball3 View Post
I'm fully convinced sprint has no balls. they spend all this time effort and money on research and development of this whole 4g crap when all they have is a stupid aircard that requires a $100 plan when I can get same thing on my phone. they have done nothing to draw new customers. their service is fine. their prices is only thing that keeps are company a customer of sprint. but hey, if you want a flip phone, go to sprint. that's all they have. id love to see the figures on units sold on their phone lineup. its 2010 and technology passed the flip phone era a long time ago. its all about touch screens that are computers away from pc's and mac's. don't take this in offense but op I think your an idiot. just on the level of claiming sprint has most compelling line of 'smartphones'. oh bullchit!!!! sprint doesn't have a direction of travel. they have no balls as already stated. if they wanna turn a profit and gain more customers and keep current ones, they need to take risks. this status quo chit obviously ain't getting them anywhere. as someone has already posted, they're gonna be another Chrysler corp. I'm not a big geekr like others are in here but Damnit I want options. I wanna wall into sprint and say hmm what phone do I want? sure id like to get better at modding my phone but I don't wanna have to install new Roms all the time just to have a phone that works right. it was a no brainer when the vogue came out. and then the hero. but wtf!? that's all they've got to offer. I'm tired of this chit! Damnit! take a effin chanse sprint! palm pre was not a Chance either. request new phones! conjure up new designs new ideas. take a Damn chance! spend a few bucks! give your loyal customers a reason to appreciate sprint instead of a cheaper bill! some times I wonder if its even worth it. why not pay a few more a month for choices? id have more fun walking into tmobile. at least they've got options. ugh
Dude you are the truth been saying the same damn thing about time someone else spoke right on.
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 12:07 AM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

I dunno...When I was with them, Sprint had the nicer PDA`s and Verizon had all the gimmick phones (ie voyager/env2)....At one time, Sprint had choices of the Vogue, Touch Pro,Touch Diamond, Pre, Treo Pro, Treo 800w, Moto Q9c and a few more Treo style non-touch smartphones....The data rates were better also, so you didnt have to look for the ones that didnt require a data plan like my Titan with Verizon....
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