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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 10:10 AM
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"Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

I just noticed this quote on Sprint's website on the right side of the page while looking at their phones. Does anyone agree with this? I know I don't, in fact it seems they have the least compelling lineup, as I sit here with my Diamond wishing there was a phone worth using my upgrade credit on, which I've been eligible to do for a year now!

"Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones out of the four major US wireless carriers with the HTC Hero, Palm Pre, HTC Touch Pro2, BlackBerry Tour, HTC Snap, and more..."
ZDNet. October 5, 2009.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 10:17 AM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

And what's up with their pricing. The Touch Pro 2 is the only phone I would consider and it is $349.99 WITH a contract renewal, come on really. I can but it right now on ebay NEW with no contract for $349.99.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 10:54 AM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

Well the Pre is pretty unique to Sprint, and a lot of people like the Hero and Tour.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 11:37 AM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

Much as I'm tempted to take this opportunity to bash Sprint, I won't. For the things I need out of a phone/data provider they're still the 'best of the worst'.

The US cell industry needs a MAJOR overhauling.

The other thing I've only recently learned is that I will never buy another NEW handset DIRECT from Sprint or any other carrier if I ever choose to leave. Craigslist is the BEST open market adjustment on the planet, which the OP mentioned in talking about the retail price of the diamond vs. what it can be purchased for off the street from a stranger!

I've been with sprint since 1997...back when they were sprint spectrum. That's 13 years: longer than a vast majority of marriges, and longer than the average professional sports career, ect! Who can say they still maintain ANY business relationship for that amount of period in this age of competition. Imagine how many jobs and career changes you've had in that amount of time!13 years is a LONG time... and for the entire past year I've been stuck with a diamond I now hate, and no linear next-gen device to move into, but apparently they have the most compelling lineup of smartphones... um the RANT, RUMOUR, and INSTINCT don't count fellas!

And why in the world is there such a price difference between Android devices and WinMo's?!!!! You can get a Hero for $180 after upgrade/rebate... but the TP2 is $350 after upgrade/rebate... and $100 more than what any other carrier is offering for the SAME device running the SAME specs?

I promised I would'nt bash them so let me end with this, F Sprint - I hate em lol.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 01:40 PM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

You're not alone ... lots of us are wondering if Sprint will even be in business in a couple of years. Their line-up is not compelling, and they have given no hint about what's coming. My guess is that they will continue to lose customers at an unprecedented rate ... and if there isn't HD2, Bravo, or something compelling very soon ... our family's accounts will be among the missing as well.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 01:49 PM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

Sprints line up is probably very appealing to someone who is stepping into the smart phone world for the 1st time but for anyone who is constantly looking for the next best phone it sure isnt.

This will play a major factor in there success of there WiMax role out. Will they be able to raise the bar and flood the market with affordable to top notch smartphone headsets from various manufacturers?

Evo on 3g

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 01:53 PM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

Originally Posted by wmdunn View Post
You're not alone ... lots of us are wondering if Sprint will even be in business in a couple of years. Their line-up is not compelling, and they have given no hint about what's coming. My guess is that they will continue to lose customers at an unprecedented rate ... and if there isn't HD2, Bravo, or something compelling very soon ... our family's accounts will be among the missing as well.
Even with bringing in some of the big high end phones, the price always plays a big part in it. Theres only so much a person will pay when renewing their contract for a new phone. A phone like the HD2 will probably be $400 after all discounts.

I personally would wait a few months to let the price drop on Ebay. With these very expensive high end smart phones, they need atleast 2 average ones to give the people choices.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 03:17 PM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

Originally Posted by InvincibleLiving View Post
... but the TP2 is $350 after upgrade/rebate... and $100 more than what any other carrier is offering for the SAME device running the SAME specs?...
I know. Verizon and ATT have the Touch Pro2 for $199. And I just saw on U.S. Cellular's website that they have it for $99.00 after $70 rebate. If Sprint offered it for this price I would sign up for 2 more years right now! Even though I'm holding my breath for the HD2 or at least something comparable.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 03:59 PM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

Originally Posted by MrObvious View Post
Well the Pre is pretty unique to Sprint, and a lot of people like the Hero and Tour.
not after a few days...heck verizon has been itching for the exclusivity to end january 1st and has even stated openly several times it will come as early as january 2nd

as for sprint's statement, I don't agree...I think vzw has more bang for your buck this time...now if sprint gets that touch hd 2...
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 04:55 PM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

I left sprint. ( even though i saved money and had sero yada yada yada..) I grew tired of all the call ins to fix stuff on my bill..( mostly from insurance claims..) twice they charged me 200 for saying i didnt return the faulty device..when in both cases i mailed them both back the very next day of getting my replacement.. I mean i got the credits back after 20 million calls back and forth.. etc.. I have been with sprint since 98 i believe...been through alot of calls to fix things..etc.. but alas i needed a change.. so i left sprint and went to t-mobile.. and so far i like t-mobile.. i called in twice so far for help. and they resolved everything within that one call.. and they were very nice... anyway rant over..

Sprint does have one problem.. high phone prices.. most people would rather pay next to nothing or around 100 bucks for a nice new smartphone.. etc.. not 350 after rebate..like the tp2.....hell i got me and my wife a tp2 free and free activation,, and a free bluetooth. with tmobile.. through that wmdeals.com.. now thats a steal.. hell even 199 with verizon is a decent price.. with sprint u make the money back through monthly plans.. but most people dont think like that.. they want that instant free phone or small upfront cost.. 99 like the iphone.. if sprint got the iphone it would be 200 after a 100 mail in rebate..lol i hate mail in rebates...just like gift card ruined xmas.. mail in rebates ruin pretty much everything electronic..

my point sprint has a decent lineup... but its a far cry from what verizon offers.. and they overpriced for that up front cost compared to everyone else.. sprint needs to think outside the box.. and attack everyone with their strengths and prices.. and show the future customers that they have the balls to do it.. again verizon has that going for them right now in how they are attacking att with the 3g coverage etc.. and its working.. and sprint just sits back with the boring sam ol same ol ads.. they should bring back that guy who did the pin drops etc.. bah im all over the place.. but im sure somewhere in my rant is a valid point..lol
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