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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 04:41 PM
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Re: Sprint to announce wimax phone jan 6th?

Originally Posted by shortbus182 View Post
My guess is Sprint's big announcement has something to do with LG stating their phones will be shipping with winmoblie 7. http://www.mobiletechworld.com/2010/..._campaign=feed

This has little bearing on what I am interested in...A decent android phone. I think I would crap myself if they announced The Htc Bravo on Sprint. We can only wait and see.
Yeah, probably right. I bet they will cover 3 subjects.
1: the wimax network and expansion of it nationwide.
2: samsung moment and broadcast tv thang
3: their first wimax enabled device (wm??/android??)
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 04:52 PM
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Re: Sprint to announce wimax phone jan 6th?

my only thing is we've known sprint was bringing a new lg for awhile now, and since it has something to do with lg, more then likely the wimax annoucement will be an lg phone but what does windows have to do with the situation?
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 07:39 PM
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Re: Sprint to announce wimax phone jan 6th?

Where the hell is this announcement. Almost everyone has put up some info. Sprint is still silent. If you plan a big announcement for the 6th wouldnt you want it to come early in the day so the east coast gets the info before 5pm.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 07:40 PM
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Re: Sprint to announce wimax phone jan 6th?

Originally Posted by ahbroody View Post
Where the hell is this announcement. Almost everyone has put up some info. Sprint is still silent. If you plan a big announcement for the 6th wouldnt you want it to come early in the day so the east coast gets the info before 5pm.
somebody posted that engadget says the Sprint annoucement will come at 7:30 pacific time tonight. I don't know how true that post was.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 07:56 PM
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Re: Sprint to announce wimax phone jan 6th?

seeing as how LG has already stated that they will be expanding their smartphone lineup in 2010, and both sprint and lg are pushing their lil' press release as the big hotspot for the ces conference... i'm still thinking they are going to make an announcement for an lg windows based wimax enabled device. if this is true, i'm half tempted to get one but i have NEVER been a fan of lg's products. they make a nice clothes washer though
mogul, touch, touch pro, touch pro 2, Curve, Pre, Tour, Hero, Moment, Bold, Evo, Shift... what's next up for grabs?

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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 08:38 PM
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Re: Sprint to announce wimax phone jan 6th?

Originally Posted by tr0s View Post
seeing as how LG has already stated that they will be expanding their smartphone lineup in 2010, and both sprint and lg are pushing their lil' press release as the big hotspot for the ces conference... i'm still thinking they are going to make an announcement for an lg windows based wimax enabled device. if this is true, i'm half tempted to get one but i have NEVER been a fan of lg's products. they make a nice clothes washer though
LG can't compete with HTC right now, Sprint better not take LG's side. They better be picking up the hd2.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 08:43 PM
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Re: Sprint to announce wimax phone jan 6th?

Sprint is not announcing the HD2 at the Sprint/LG conference.
Like someone else said though, if you were HTC wouldnt you pick the stronger carrier for your strong phones and not the weaker carrier.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 08:45 PM
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Re: Sprint to announce wimax phone jan 6th?

Sprint really is starting to look like a failure to me now... Every other carrier has had some news worthy news if you kno what I mean.

T-Mobile is getting the HD2 and the the Nexus One and on top of that they have at least been given a release date for the update of WM. Plus they just upgraded they network. In my opinion I think certain people dreams where met if you have this carrier.

AT&T already has the WM update on there new handsets, they can run the Nexus One on their network, and they gave infomation on what phones are coming to the carrier along with the info on upgrading their network as well and yea they still come out with new I Phones every now and then or at least new hardware for it. I can see no complaints with AT&T unless your gettin spotty data.

Verizon, well not much to be said about Verizon becuase they have really good phones too and all they really need is updates to there current phone but a plus was that they stated they are getting the Nexus One this coming spring so with some other stuff to be proud of so not too bad over there, well maybe an update date to the TP2.

Sprint.... the only thing we have coming and known for a fact is an LG phone that can run on Wimax? Thats it?... Really thats its? They expect someone to be proud of that compared to the rest of the carriers? Since when was LG known for making good phones? We not talkin about tvs here, were talkin about phones and that need a big annoucement? Sad, really really sad. I always thought that all the complaint ppl had for Sprint was because of the unpatience but this is the reason why, this isnt wat the ppl ask for.... seriously do we really want a LG phone? and Wmax isnt even fully national so why is it so important compared to what the other carriers got? No Nexus, No HD2, No 6.5 update but an LG phone is what they think we want the most? Good Job Sprint, Hats Off, someone give them an award for what they do best.... NOTHIN.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 08:46 PM
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Re: Sprint to announce wimax phone jan 6th?

Originally Posted by ahbroody View Post
Sprint is not announcing the HD2 at the Sprint/LG conference.
Like someone else said though, if you were HTC wouldnt you pick the stronger carrier for your strong phones and not the weaker carrier.
So you think tmobile has a stronger network then sprint, verizon, and att? What planet do you live on man? and its not a sprint/ lg thing. The whole CES show is in Las Vegas, everyone will have annoucements between now and the 10th.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 08:57 PM
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Re: Sprint to announce wimax phone jan 6th?

Originally Posted by Magoo_215 View Post
Sprint really is starting to look like a failure to me now... Every other carrier has had some news worthy news if you kno what I mean.

T-Mobile is getting the HD2 and the the Nexus One and on top of that they have at least been given a release date for the update of WM. Plus they just upgraded they network. In my opinion I think certain people dreams where met if you have this carrier.

AT&T already has the WM update on there new handsets, they can run the Nexus One on their network, and they gave infomation on what phones are coming to the carrier along with the info on upgrading their network as well and yea they still come out with new I Phones every now and then or at least new hardware for it. I can see no complaints with AT&T unless your gettin spotty data.

Verizon, well not much to be said about Verizon becuase they have really good phones too and all they really need is updates to there current phone but a plus was that they stated they are getting the Nexus One this coming spring so with some other stuff to be proud of so not too bad over there, well maybe an update date to the TP2.

Sprint.... the only thing we have coming and known for a fact is an LG phone that can run on Wimax? Thats it?... Really thats its? They expect someone to be proud of that compared to the rest of the carriers? Since when was LG known for making good phones? We not talkin about tvs here, were talkin about phones and that need a big annoucement? Sad, really really sad. I always thought that all the complaint ppl had for Sprint was because of the unpatience but this is the reason why, this isnt wat the ppl ask for.... seriously do we really want a LG phone? and Wmax isnt even fully national so why is it so important compared to what the other carriers got? No Nexus, No HD2, No 6.5 update but an LG phone is what they think we want the most? Good Job Sprint, Hats Off, someone give them an award for what they do best.... NOTHIN.
i'm not sure i completely agree with you. wimax is supposed to be comparable in speed as the gsm counterparts. difference is, t-mo and at&t are doing the software updates right now and haven't even gone live in ANY location yet. sprint atleast has part of their 4g up and running. why is it important? in the grand scheme of things and in the long run it could be bad, esp if verizon jumps ship to gsm but at this point the wimax standard can be used in the mainstream whereas the gsm cannot yet.

also, if i'm not mistaken it's supposed to be sprint, lg, and microsoft making this press release (i could be wrong) and the only reason i forsee microsoft involved would either be a winmo 6.5 device (likely) or winmo 7 (hopefully). sprint hasn't completely disappointed me so far and i can only hope that the suspense that they have built up in all of us ends up being worth it. i'm still not an LG fan but if that is what the release is all about, i'm sure there will be HTC devices to soon follow.

then again, the three companies may not have a major joint release... this could just be lg saying that they just have a lotus 2, that sprint's wimax network will be done in 2010, and that sprint will release winmo 6.5 for the tp2 by 3rd quarter 2010.

Last edited by tr0s; 01-06-2010 at 09:14 PM.
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