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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 12:34 AM
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What are your top 5 apps?

Deleted. OrangeKid and the other Crapple fans are ruining this site, and I no longer wish to be part of it.
Rooted Droid, Overclocked @ 1.1 GHz, Sprecovery 0.99.3b, Blue Smoked glass 2.0.1 Rom

My primary waste of time and money http://www.cardomain.com/id/FireDiverZ28

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 01:10 AM
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Re: What are your top 5 apps?

1.) Astro File Manager.. essential, and the best one out there (i know, i downloaded and tried just about all of 'em!)

2.) Remote RDP - there is a free one on the market than has sounds and softkeyboard abilities disabled. purchase the key for full featured, however the free one is fantastic for my needs, and i can easily remote into my home PC from the office and control it. Love this program.

3.) Apps Organizer - this lets you assign 'tags' to your installed programs, and then group them in 'folders' on your home screen. Folders like Multimedia, Tools, Internet, etc.. (you can also create your own names). you open these 'folders' then all the Apps on your phone that you assign the cooresponding tag to, will appear. The Icons on Apps Organizer are very nice and clean. I'm a menu guy, and this thing is great.

4.) PDANet. Yep the free version (can you tell i don't like to pay for apps?). Tether through BT DUN and USB.. sweet.

5.) Bluetooth File transfer (from Medieval Software). This is a GREAT BT push app, that effortlessly allows me to FTP files back and forth to and from my droid and desktop via BT

6.) AndFTP. Nice full featured FTP app. I can connect to both of my personal FTP servers from anywhere, and transfer files.

7.) BeamReader - until i break down and buy Documents to Go, this is the best Free app for Reading Adobe PDF files. It does it flawlessly.

8.) GPSTest - from the same great folks at Chartcross who gave us the same program for us WinMo users as a primer app. This looks great on the Droid, and has all of the same features PLUS some. Compass, Speedometer, etc...

9.) Dockrunner - allows the Droid to go into Multimedia Mode, without the use of any dock

10.) i Music - haven't NOT found a single MP3 file i searched for yet. Saves them to iMusic folder on your SD card.

11.) MotoTorch LED - widget that turns on your Camera LED's for use as a flashlight. Awesome, and free.

I can go on, but who's counting ?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 04:22 AM
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Re: What are your top 5 apps?

1. Digi clock widget: it's a clock widget...duh. It can be customized, but most of all you can set it to launch an app. Mine launches
2. Night clock: I tried dock runner and it had a specific bug that caused car home to only launch on the second attempt. It would close car home when I rotated the screen too. Night clock lets you set MP3's as alarm sounds too. I think I'm going to buy the dosk because this is the best alarm I've ever had. Bar-none.
3. DOOM: I installed this just to show off. It's HARD to play and basicly not fun....but the droid can do it. GEOMFIGHTER on the other hand is awesome. Gameboid works well and as soon as SCUMM becomes availible for adnroid 2.0 I'll get it too...
4. Geobeagle is my app for geocaching. If you've never done it you should try. I mean you own a droid it's basicly free.
5. Gmote: it's a remote to control media player on your home network. It doubles as a touch pad, like on a laptop...over wifi of course. It includes controls for some of you're most frequent media sites too. So if you have a Home Theater PC and want to watch hulu..well, there's an app for that
6.MotoTorch: I just found this a few days ago. I had it on the omnia and so I'm very excited to have it for the droid. It would seem logical to include it on all phones with a led flash!
7. Speed test: Tests connection speeds.
8.Wifi Analyzer: VERY powerful wifi tool. can aggressivley scann for networks and graph the signal strength.
9.woot checker: watches woot.com for deals.
10.printershare: Print to your printer from anywhere in the world. Have not tried this one yet as my home laptop fried. I'll get it working and post an update if anyones interested.

Last edited by bornl33t; 11-25-2009 at 04:32 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 12:52 PM
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Re: What are your top 5 apps?

i am interested on the update for printershare
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 03:56 PM
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Re: What are your top 5 apps?

I use a lot of apps previously mentioned, so I'm going to take the time and list a few apps I use that haven't been listed yet. They're in alphabetical order (and all are free).

Astrid - It's a free to do list with a pretty simple and straight forward interface. You don't have to navigate through any sub-menus to create a new task, and you can color code them by importance along with other options. Check them off to delete as you complete them. Comes with a widget similar to stock calender widgets and allows syncing with your RTM account.

aTrackDog - another simple app that compiles all your apps and checks for updates quickly rather than scrolling through your downloaded apps in the market. Something to note - you still have to install the update from the market. aTrackDog just links you to the apps marketplace link. Would be nice to see an "update all" feature (with permission, of course).

Buzz Deck - This app is in beta, and doesn't work as efficiently as it could, potential is definitely there. Short and to the point - app allows you to personalize a set of "cards" you can swap between and view when the app opens. You can use it as a rss reader (google reader), your Facebook, YouTube, and much more. If you like to stay connected on the go, this is a great app to use for one-stop results.

Dolphin Browser - This one has been mentioned, but it's a great alternative to the native browser. Well... hey, it's actually better. Too many features to go into detail, but they've just added "pinch and zoom", has a neat tabs system, fast, has gestures (similar to Firegestures on Firefox), and much more.

Home Switcher - very basic app that allows you to set a default home if you use different home apps from time to time. The perk of this app is normally when you have different home apps, pressing the home button always asks which home you want to go to, allowing you to set a default. Well, if you set a default then the only way to change it is to dig through menus and settings to reset the default home. Way too much hassle. This app allows you to set the default home, and automatically resets the home button to go to the new default home. Hassle free.

My Coupons - it's a widget that compiles a list of coupons. It's reliable and perfect for budget shoppers. Especially with the holidays creeping up on us so fast.

Pandora - it's Pandora on your mobile phone.

Ruger SR9 - perfect way to vent your frustrations while sitting in heavy traffic. Just kidding, don't do this.

Shazam - a music identifier app that works a little too well. It's scary how accurate it is.

TasKiller - pretty straight forward task manager. Has two widgets: kill all, and a bar displaying current number of free ram, icons for running apps, and also a kill all. Was updated to support ads in favor of unlocking all of the paid features. You can ignore as many apps as you want.

TuneWiki - an alternative music player to Android's native music player. Pulls lyrics from a data base that is displayed on the screen in real time (corresponds with current lyrics being sung in the song karaoke style).

Twidgit Lite - a simple twitter widget that displays the latest tweet from the people you follow. Perfect for the non-twitter fanatic. Opening the widget shows all tweets to which you can respond to, re-tweet, create a new tweet of your own, etc. It also helps that the widget background is transparent.

WeatherBug - a weather app with very detailed views of current weather, 10-day forecast, maps, weather alerts, and camera images from your city.

Where - this is basically a location based app. It's an all-in-one source that allows you to view weather, news, reviews of local businesses, gas prices, movies, traffic, and more. Allows you to communicate with people in your area on the WHERE Wall. I haven't played with this app too much yet, so I'm going to leave it at that. Feel free to check it out.

Like others, I could continue for a while longer, but I'm not. Most of the apps I have listed are used for entertainment purposes. I haven't had the chance to test out some of the more technical apps yet, but I'm definitely going to!

Btw, let's throw in useful widgets also. Be sure to separate them. I'll edit this list to only contain apps, and I'll create another post for widgets when I get a bit more time.

Last edited by GRTK_Brandon; 11-25-2009 at 09:47 PM. Reason: Edited the Home Switcher description because it made no sense after I re-read it
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 10:57 PM
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Re: What are your top 5 apps?

i say go on, lol im looking for any good apps i can get
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 11-26-2009, 01:34 AM
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Re: What are your top 5 apps?

Originally Posted by bbsandkm View Post
i am interested on the update for printershare
well I decited not to use it. I like that idea and it is probably the best software for wireless printing availible but it lack features my network needs.

For one it only supports printers attached to an actuall computer. My printer is attched to the network via a print server. Secondly you have to register the softer to receive a user ID. It's free as far as I can tell so that's not my issue. I have no clue if my printer shows up on everyone elses list but once I put my user ID in the droid I can print to printers all around the world with this software installed. I'm guessing I can make my printer private but I have a feeling printing from the internet wouldn't work. There probably is no way to print to a print server...so IF I do ever need to print from the droid...this will again be a valid option.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 11-26-2009, 04:41 PM
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Re: What are your top 5 apps?

IM+ Lite: (Though I may switch to the paid version at some point): Used the pay version of IM+ on WM for 2 years on my XV6700. Very reliable app. I started with Meebo, but Meebo couldn't keep a network connection for more than 2 minutes.

PDA Net (Free): Internet everywhere is back! I used the HTC USB Modem on WM...this is just as good, works flawlessly for basic tethering.
If for some reason I need the laptop in the car cuz the phone isn't good enough, it's no problem now.

Google Places & Where: I use both of these.

The Weather Channel: Works great. Good radar coverage, easy access to multiple locations, love the region video forecast you can watch.

Speed Test: Love this, works great for both VZ Connection speeds and WiFi connection speeds.

My Tracks: Used this in Nevada this past week. Works flawlessly using GPS, when there's no phone service. Tracked our location through the whole park, recording elevation changes, distance, times, etc.

The stock apps I use the most are Google Maps, Stock Email Client (If this had select all/delete support it would be perfect), Contact & Calendar sync through my gmail account.

- Joe
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 11-26-2009, 06:18 PM
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Re: What are your top 5 apps?

just tried out qik....it's cool you gotta try this out!

You create an account on qik.com and download the program for the droid from market place. When you run the app on your phone it streams the picture to the qik website live AND saves the video for review later. Each video can be streamed live or private!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2009, 12:42 PM
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Re: What are your top 5 apps?

Places Directory - Allows you to browse nearby places in categories like Restaurants, Movie Theaters, and Hotels.

SMS Popup - Creates a popup notification for incoming SMS messages.

Ringtones - Can search for thousands of different ringtones. Was able to find mario brothers, monday night football theme and a bunch of different family guy sounds.

Nesoid/SNesoid - NES and SNES emulator.

Advanced Task Killer - Kills running programs.

Google Voice - Great integration, even if you only use it as a voice mail box.

Shazam - Music ID program

Barcode Scanner - Scan Barcodes and find the items online.

Android Agenda Widget - Shows upcoming events on home screen.
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