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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2010, 09:19 AM
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Smile Thinking about getting a Droid X but had questions..

I thinking of upgrading to the Droid X from my third Verizon Touch Pro 2 by the end of Oct beginning of Nov and I'll being paying full price for it since I'm not eligible to upgrade until June 2011. The reason for upgrading is that while I like my Touch Pro 2 it's that I'm getting tired of hacking/ loading custom roms to get everything working properly and just want something that works out of the box with very little to no modding. I also know the Droid X will not work on Verizon's soon to be released LTE network but that really doesn't matter since I may use my new every two in June so by then Verizon will have worked out the bugs.

1) Bluetooth- when I upgraded from 6.1 to 6.5 (with sense 2.5) the bluetooth on my Pro2 actually worked (Blueant Q2 headset). How well does bluetooth work on the Droid X? Is there a program like voice command? My headset did have a card mentioning VLingo where it reads out your text messages with the android app? Is there a lot of static etc?

2) Video- I saw a post regarding Rockplayer that plays .flv and .avi so I guess that would work with the Droid X as well but is there another player that you would recommend?

3) Customization- How hard or easy is it to customize the device (backgrounds, colors, etc)? I played with a Droid X briefly and really loved how you moved the widgets around (kind of reminded me of SPB Mobile Shell).

4) Size- This phone is huge but very slim since it doesn't have a slide out keyboard which doesn't matter to me. I found the on-screen keyboard to be quite responsive and I made far less few mistakes using the Droid X's since the keys were spaced better. Can you actually holster this thing without it snagging on things such as car side mirrors in a tight garage or wear it under a suit jacket without noticing it?

5) File managers, backup, importing contacts- I'm using Resco's File manager and really like it so I'm wondering if there is something similar as well as programs to back up the device (recover from a hard reset) and how do I import contacts from the TP2?

6)Sync with pc- Is there any reason to sync with a pc with this device? I assume with everything in the marketplace that I can just download over the air. The only time I currently use activesync with the TP2 is in case I want to transfer over a .cab file (not for contacts, outlook etc).

7) Call quality- Is this device loud enough that it can be heard in a noisy environment or is the volume set too low?

Memory cleaners- Is there something available like Memmaid or HTC's Clean Ram?

9) Browsers- What browser is installed on the Droid X? I use Opera to access e-mails and banking sites but is Internet Explorer able to be added (needed to get into my work employee site to view paycheck stubs, review schedule etc).

10)Any issues with the device- Sleep of Death, phone drains battery, build issues etc?

Sorry for the questions but I was really impressed with the speed at which this device opened apps, the on-board memory, on-screen keyboard, screen size and the fact that it may work straight out of the box with only user customization needed (ring tones, backgrounds, screen layouts, programs).

Thank for your kind help and advice.

Last edited by BK111968; 08-18-2010 at 09:25 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2010, 10:20 AM
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Re: Thinking about getting a Droid X but had questions..

I'm also considering placing my order (upgrade date is tomorrow) to replace my TP2. However, there are a ton of new phones coming to VZW this fall.

I'm interested in responses to your questions to see if I should bite the bullet and order the X, or wait to see what's new towards the end of the year.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2010, 10:30 AM
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Re: Thinking about getting a Droid X but had questions..

I, too, am coming from a TP2. I pulled the trigger and ordered a DX and am now just waiting for it to ship. While I am ready to leave WinMo, I am worried that:

1) I'll miss the wonderful TP2 keyboard. I use it about half the time.

2) I won't be able to WiFi Tether. I am using the CM Wifi Internet Sharing app.

I have been running Froyo on my TP2 thanks to the Andoird Project guys and really love it. If the sound, BT (and camera) worked I would just stay on the TP2 and wouldn't consider moving to the DX. But I figure Verizon has a 30-day return policy and I can always return it if I truly hate it.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2010, 10:40 AM
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Re: Thinking about getting a Droid X but had questions..

I switched from the Touch Pro 2 myself and love the X. I would not switch back for anything. I see the same results daily that you said you had with the virtual keyboard, I actually make less mistakes in landscape mode than I did on the TP2 keayboard, plus I don't have to slide it out. Now to the questions:

1-Bluetooth, I use it was and headphone set when I use the bluetooth and have had no problems with connecting or it working the way I would expect it to.

2-There are many apps out there RealPlayer and a few others that work good as well. I have been watching movies on it with no problem with RockPlayer and RealPlayer, the screen size makes it great to watch.

3-Pay a couple of dollars for LaunchPro and it is even easier to customize. The standard motorala launcher is fine, but LaunchPro takes it to another level. Either way the wigets and the back ground are real easy to change.

4-I have not had a problem, I go jogging with mine in a side holster and have not had any issues. During the day if I have it with me I still am able to have it in my pocket, it is lighter than the TP2!

5-I had a Gmail account so I just got that up to date and everythign sync's great. It can take some work to set it up if you don't have it. The exchange accounts are not bad as well (I had set-up one for the TP2 that I forwarded my Gmail to so it would push) Gmail push seems to have less drain on the battery than the exchange push does, but both work.

6-Like you said there is not a huge reason to sync with a PC unless you want to move files. I also got the app Awesome Drop so I can sync over the internet on my computer with my phone. Great to move movies or music off my computer to my phone. You still have the USB option with the phone and use it as a storage device.

7- I have not had any problems with the volume on mine. Others have and there is suppose to be a fix coming for that, but it works fine for me. Also with the size of the phone the ear to mouth seems to fit better.

8- Don't need! I put some one, but the hardest thing to get use to on Android from WinMo is that you don't have to close programs, if the memory gets low (which I have not seen yet) Andriod goes in and moves around how the memory is used. I have never seen the memory on my phone go below 40 MB, when I started this message I was at 49MB and now I am at 57MB. I also have not turned off my phone since Saturday night.

9- Not sure I am guessing it is the Google browser and it works real good, better than Opera IMO. I had put the Skyfire version on my phone and then unistalled it because I really did not like it as much as what is on the phone. Once 2.2 comes on the X, which sounds like it SHOULD before you get yours it will have flash as well.

10- No issues with SOD, battery is similar to the TP2 I can usually make it a day with my phone with no problem and I have my Gmail pushing and the Facebook and Twitter feeds running. With average use for me I drop10% of the battery about every 2 hours. Screen on for 5 min every 15 min and 1 call every 2 hours. I have a USB line in my office and a car charger just incase.

As a side note the GPS on this is so much better than the TP2. Plus it will use you cell tower location for most programs and if it needs GPS to run it will tell you, otherwise you can leave it off to save the battery as well.

I personally could not be happier making the jump to the X from the TP2.

Hope that helps
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2010, 10:54 AM
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Re: Thinking about getting a Droid X but had questions..

Originally Posted by BK111968 View Post
1) Bluetooth- when I upgraded from 6.1 to 6.5 (with sense 2.5) the bluetooth on my Pro2 actually worked (Blueant Q2 headset). How well does bluetooth work on the Droid X? Is there a program like voice command? My headset did have a card mentioning VLingo where it reads out your text messages with the android app? Is there a lot of static etc?
Bluetooth works awesome so far and I've got a Blueant Q1. I haven't really dabbled in voice command stuff really since I only use the BT driving to and from work really. There is a Blueant app on the market though and that will automatically read texts to you when they arrive. It also includes a widget for adjusting ringer and media volumes separately. The one thing I do miss is that SMS/Text notifications and call ringtones don't play through the headset like they did on my WinMo phone (HTC Imagio). Maybe there's an app for that but I haven't looked around much for it yet.

2) Video- I saw a post regarding Rockplayer that plays .flv and .avi so I guess that would work with the Droid X as well but is there another player that you would recommend?
Rockplayer is the one I've seen recommended the most and it seems to perform pretty good so far. Since I haven't had any problems with it I haven't really looked for alternate solutions.

3) Customization- How hard or easy is it to customize the device (backgrounds, colors, etc)? I played with a Droid X briefly and really loved how you moved the widgets around (kind of reminded me of SPB Mobile Shell).
Customization is pretty easy. Two of the main launchers (shells) that people are using is LauncherPro and ADW Launcher. Rooting your phone will allow for things like status bar color changes, deleting bloatware, etc. I have yet to find a nice contacts interface like SPB Mobile Shell's contact screen which allowed small-medium-large thumbnails of contacts (I used the large sized ones for my Favorites).

4) Size- This phone is huge but very slim since it doesn't have a slide out keyboard which doesn't matter to me. I found the on-screen keyboard to be quite responsive and I made far less few mistakes using the Droid X's since the keys were spaced better. Can you actually holster this thing without it snagging on things such as car side mirrors in a tight garage or wear it under a suit jacket without noticing it?
Can't comment on this one, I pocket my phone.

5) File managers, backup, importing contacts- I'm using Resco's File manager and really like it so I'm wondering if there is something similar as well as programs to back up the device (recover from a hard reset) and how do I import contacts from the TP2?
For file manager I've tried Astro and EStrongs and settled with EStrongs. There's also RootExplorer for a bit more advanced stuff. As for contacts, setup either VZW's BackupAssistant or sync your contacts with a Gmail account.

6)Sync with pc- Is there any reason to sync with a pc with this device? I assume with everything in the marketplace that I can just download over the air. The only time I currently use activesync with the TP2 is in case I want to transfer over a .cab file (not for contacts, outlook etc).
When you plug in the phone to a PC and after it installs the drivers and such you can actually change what the phone does when it's plugged in via USB. There are 4 options: PC Mode, Windows Media Sync, USB Mass Storage, Charge Only. I tend to leave mine on Charge Only but a couple taps will take me to USB Mass Storage mode for when I need to move files around. While in USB Mass Storage mode the SD Card is unavailable to the phone so when you're done transferring files just switch it back to Charge Only.

7) Call quality- Is this device loud enough that it can be heard in a noisy environment or is the volume set too low?
The call quality is awesome! Haven't had any issues with it at all. The ringtone/speaker volume is an issue but there is a fix coming for it apparently. You can also just make louder ringtones on your PC then transfer them over.

8. Memory cleaners- Is there something available like Memmaid or HTC's Clean Ram?
Task killers are debatable with this phone apparently but I haven't had a need to use one. Unlike my previous phone I was running both Memmaid and HTC Addicts CleanRAM.

9) Browsers- What browser is installed on the Droid X? I use Opera to access e-mails and banking sites but is Internet Explorer able to be added (needed to get into my work employee site to view paycheck stubs, review schedule etc).
So far I've been pleased with the stock browser actually though I heard Dolphin is a killer browser.

10)Any issues with the device- Sleep of Death, phone drains battery, build issues etc?
This question is tougher to answer and you'll have to just read the forums to be honest. I personally haven't had any problems with the phone but others have so it really just depends on you, your apps and settings. I've had only one instance where my battery drain was horrible and the phone got sluggish. It ended up being an out of date app that I was using and uninstalling it fixed everything.

Sorry for the questions but I was really impressed with the speed at which this device opened apps, the on-board memory, on-screen keyboard, screen size and the fact that it may work straight out of the box with only user customization needed (ring tones, backgrounds, screen layouts, programs).

Thank for your kind help and advice.
Answers up above in red. Overall this phone is just freakin amazing! I'm soooo happy with it. Coming from 2 previous WinMo phones and just feature phones prior to that I have to say this thing is incredible. There is a learning curve if this is your first Android phone but it goes by pretty quickly especially if you were into tweaking your TP2....you'll have the know-how to find what you're needing and what search strings to run on the forums.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2010, 10:56 AM
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Re: Thinking about getting a Droid X but had questions..

Originally Posted by dswartze View Post
I, too, am coming from a TP2. I pulled the trigger and ordered a DX and am now just waiting for it to ship. While I am ready to leave WinMo, I am worried that:

1) I'll miss the wonderful TP2 keyboard. I use it about half the time.

2) I won't be able to WiFi Tether. I am using the CM Wifi Internet Sharing app.

I have been running Froyo on my TP2 thanks to the Andoird Project guys and really love it. If the sound, BT (and camera) worked I would just stay on the TP2 and wouldn't consider moving to the DX. But I figure Verizon has a 30-day return policy and I can always return it if I truly hate it.
1. You won't miss your keyboard, the Droid X keyboard is simply amazing!
2. Root your phone and you can run a WiFi Tether app (many available on the Market)
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Old 08-18-2010, 11:50 AM
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Re: Thinking about getting a Droid X but had questions..

Originally Posted by Veritech_910 View Post
1. You won't miss your keyboard, the Droid X keyboard is simply amazing!
2. Root your phone and you can run a WiFi Tether app (many available on the Market)
i agree 100% with the dx keyboard being amazing.. was a little hesitant going from tp2 hard keyboard to dx onscreen keyboard.. BUT now i prefer the dx keyboard because its just so smooth and fluid....

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Old 08-18-2010, 12:23 PM
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Re: Thinking about getting a Droid X but had questions..

@Veritech_910 & @bignadad:
Thanks for the replies .... I am looking forward to getting the DX even more so now. Mine should ship on 8/30.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2010, 12:59 PM
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Re: Thinking about getting a Droid X but had questions..

Thanks everyone for taking the time to read my long-winded post and reply back. I really do appreciate the help and thanks given.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2010, 03:22 AM
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Re: Thinking about getting a Droid X but had questions..

How about transferring all your SMS messages from your TP2 to your X? Possible or no?
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