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Old 08-18-2010, 10:30 AM
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Re: Thinking about getting a Droid X but had questions..

I, too, am coming from a TP2. I pulled the trigger and ordered a DX and am now just waiting for it to ship. While I am ready to leave WinMo, I am worried that:

1) I'll miss the wonderful TP2 keyboard. I use it about half the time.

2) I won't be able to WiFi Tether. I am using the CM Wifi Internet Sharing app.

I have been running Froyo on my TP2 thanks to the Andoird Project guys and really love it. If the sound, BT (and camera) worked I would just stay on the TP2 and wouldn't consider moving to the DX. But I figure Verizon has a 30-day return policy and I can always return it if I truly hate it.
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