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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 04:35 PM
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[THEME] BigDXSerenity ☢ 65 Packages/3500 Images ☢ 8 COLORS TO CHOOSE ☢ Froyo 2.2.* ☢

  • BigDX Serenity Themes are NOT to be Modified, Released, Distributed or Uploaded to ANY other Websites, Forums, OR made available via any Market or 3rd Party apps (including all "Rom Managers") without permission.
  • IF any Developers or Individuals would like to use all or part of my Theme in their ROM, or Port it to another ROM/Phone, please send me a PM to discusss FIRST, thanks!
  • Please link to this thread ONLY, do not post or link to the direct Download links in this Thread. They are subject to change at any time without notice and will only cause confusion for the Droid Owners by possibly getting an older or corrupt version.

Links for how i have my Droid X Setup
Load froyo 2.2
Root with 1 click root
Load new build.prop (updates so you can see ALL of maket apps, enables media.stagefright)
Update to new adobe flash
Deodex to enable custom themes
** If you need to Perform a Factory Reset go HERE


Updated All system packages to OTA 2.3.15
Updated following 3rd party packages
Updated App Icon for Fancy Widget


Total of 65 Packages & 3500 Images Altered!

Widget Locker and Root Explorer Skins are Easy to Update now
Root Explorer Skins Download
Widget Locker Skins Download

Download and unzip skin file Connect phone to pc in Windows Media Sync Mode Execute the Run.bat file in the skin folder It should pull the app from your phone, modify, resign, and upload it back to your phone. *Note* Must have Android sdk installed to run adb commands in Run.bat
Need Help Installing Android SDK on Mac, Linux, Windows?

===========New Packages Done===========
Swype (incl. tracer)
Framework (updated more icons)
Blur camera (updated app drawer icons)
News widget
WidgetLocker and RootExplorer Skins Included
Pandora 1.5
Slacker (fixed icon)
Maps - it actually works this time
Beautiful widgets clock and Weather
Handcent 3.3.0

========App Drawer icons only============
GenieWidget icon
FMRadio icon
3G Hotspot (Mynet.apk)
BlurAlarmclock icon
HelpCenter icon
Emergency icon (cmas.apk)
BackupAsst icon
DLNA icon
Media Share icon (HomeSyncWizard.apk)
Social Networking icon (FriendFeed.apk)
Cardock icon
MyVerizon icon (updated apk)
QuickOffice icon
Kindle icon (updated apk)
City ID
Amazon mp3 (updated apk)

I do want to say that this theme takes an HUGE amount of my and elecga's time. We are pretty much working side by side on this project and have much planned for the future... More extensive Serenity, More Themes, and Probably a ROM... with that said ANY donation is appreciated and is a very good motivator to spend more time with these projects....
Added Following Packages

Added Gmail & LauncherPro Packages ---- Also added boot animation to match color downloaded
Made a new easy to install format
BIG Thanks to elecga work working side by side with me to get everything done and looking great

Added Yellow, Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, White, And Updated Red
BIG Thanks to elecga for helping convert to ALL these colors... Without him we would not of had it as quick
** Will be Adding WidgetLocker & Rootexplorer Source Files for ALL Colors Later Today

New Zip File To Download with more MORE Packages!
BlurCamera, Browser, Conversations, HomeSyncWizard, MessagesWidgets, Setup
Updated urgent voice-mail notification to match normal, but glows bright red
Included new ADW in update.zip
If you have installed my other update.zip you can install this one right on top
Please feel free to suggest others i should do. I have plans to do much more.

Credits & Thanks
BIG Thanks to elecga for all the help with Development, Testing & Graphics
BIG Thanks to Acidbatch & Wes for testing

Last edited by bignadad; 10-16-2010 at 09:26 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 04:36 PM
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Re: BiGnAdAd Droid X Custom Framework ☢ Complete Taksbar & DropPanel ☢ Coming Very So

Future Development

More Packages, More Details for Serenity, All New Themes & Possibly a ROM

Packages Requested so far
Pin-lock screen (in progress)
Google Voice
Gmail (un-read count)
ROM Manager
Vonage Mobile App for Facebook
Barcode Scanner
Opera Mini
Tapatalk Pro
Weather Bug Elite
Wireless Tether
Dolphin HD
Yahoo mail

Last edited by bignadad; 10-04-2010 at 10:51 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 04:36 PM
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Re: BiGnAdAd Droid X Custom Framework ☢ Complete Taksbar & DropPanel ☢ Coming Very So

Upgrading from Leaked Froyo to OTA Froyo

This will show you how to factory reset back to 2.1, Update to Froyo, Root & Deodex (to allow custom themes)

☢Important Notes☢

* Applying SBF will perform a factory reset and wipe all data off your device
* Do NOT attempt to SBF a OTA Froyo (hopefully we be available in future)
* I have tested this method and had no problems

To Apply SBF

1a. Download RSD Lite

SBF INSTRUCTIONS: Install the RSDLite 4.7 program by double clicking on the program.
Move the pst_flash.ini file into the following folder --> Program Files/Motorola/RSDLite

1b. Download SBF from HERE

2. Install the drivers that for Windows to recognize Droid X 32 Bit or 64 Bit

3. Unzip the SBF into a folder.

4. Open RSD Lite and find the UNZIPPED SBF

5. Put your Motorola Droid X in bootloader mode (With Device off, Press Volume Down and camera buttons then press power). Now connect the Droid X via usb.

6. Click start and sit back.

7. Device will no reboot automatically... You will need to remove battery to power down

8. Put Device into android system recovery recovery (not clockwork recovery)

9. Hold down home button and press power button until Motorola logo appears (continue to hold home button till you see android with exclamation point)

10. Use volume rocker to select wipe data factory reset

11. Press Application button (hard key to left of home button)

12. Select yes, then reboot

Root Device

1. Download DoRootForWinows from HERE

2. Extract contents into Android Windows SDK tools folder
Need Help Installing Android SDK?

3. Made sure USB debugging is enabled (settings...applications...development)

4. Run doroot.bat

5. Will open a command prompt and begin rooting device

6. Wait for device to reboot itself then its complete

Manually Deodex Your DX (Allow Custom Themes like BigDX Serentiy)
1. Download xUltimate v2.2.2 (Created by xeudoxus)

2. Unzip xUltimate v2.2.2

3. Connect Droid X with usb cable and choose windows sync mode in usb connection type (located in drop down notification menu)

4. Run Main.exe

5. Run option 1. After option 1 is done, run option 2.

6. Now these well take a while. Run option 3.

7. IMPORTANT: After you have run option 3, you MUST navigate to the xUltimate folder and find "origi_frame" folder, and delete "guava.odex". It's a bad file, and interferes with deodexing process.

8. Now run option 4

9. Exit xUltimate, and put the phone in USB mass storage.

10. Go back into the xUltimate folder and copy "done_frame", and "done_app", and move them to the root of the sdcard.

11. Put phone back in to windows sync mode

12. Open a command prompt, and do the following:

adb shell su stop mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system cp /sdcard/done_app/* /system/app/ cp /sdcard/done_frame/* /system/framework/ rm /system/app/*.odex rm /system/framework/*.odex mount -o ro,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system reboot

Last edited by bignadad; 10-04-2010 at 10:51 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 04:37 PM
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Re: BiGnAdAd Droid X Custom Framework ☢ Complete Taksbar & DropPanel ☢ Coming Very So

What is ADB and How do I use it?

ADB lets you control your DroidX with a command prompt to access system files

How to setup Windows Android SDK (Software Dev Kit)

1. Download the latest SDK HERE

2. Extract contents to a new folder on PC (I have mine in adroid-sdk-windows)

3. Goto control panel and open system properties (or right click my computer)

4. Go to Advanced settings
Click the Advanced tab
Click Advanced system settings on the left

5. Click Environment Variables near the bottom

6. Double-click on Path in the first scroll box named User Variables

7. Enter the full path to the tools/ directory at the end of Variable Value text box - make sure to separate from existing text with a semi colon ;

8. Here is what the entire contents of my Variable Value text box

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\Sys tem32\Wbem;C:\Users\Addie\Desktop\android-sdk-windows\tools
9. Press OK and close remaining boxes open

9. Run SDK Setup.exe from C:\Desktop\android-sdk-windows\

10. If you get an error about not having Java SDK installed but you do, add the path to 'bin' within your Java installation location to the Path environmental variable as described above before the sdk entry you just made. (eg add "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin;") This is likely to only be necessary where the 64 bit Java SDK is installed (obviously) on a 64 bit machine.

11. If it gives you an error about http go to settings and click on "Force http//....."

12. Unselect all options except for the USB driver

13. If you can't get the setup to work, download the USB-DRIVERS folder - HERE (Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7)

14. On your phone, click Settings > Applications > Development and make sure USB Debugging is on.

15. Plug your phone into your computer via USB cable (it needs to be on). It should say installing drivers if using Windows.

16. After it installs the drivers, goto the Start menu and type cmd into the search bar (Vista or higher) or click Run then type in cmd (XP) to open the command prompt.

adb devices
You should see a serial number pop up, it’s the serial number of your phone. This means you are all set. If you do NOT see a serial number, then you need to reinstall the drivers.

  1. Download USBDeview
  2. While the phone is still plugged in, open USBDeview and sort by manufacturer. Find all the HTC/Android drivers and uninstall them all. (Windows Vista requires program to be run as an administrator, otherwise files won't uninstall.)
  3. Once all have been uninstalled, unplug the phone from the USB cable and plug it back in.
  4. The correct drivers should reinstall automatically (check the drivers as they are installing, one should say ADB Device driver).
  5. To check, go to Devices in your Start menu then click on the “Android Phone”. Click on the Hardware tab, and check the list of drivers for ADB Interface under Type.
  6. Done! Now you can use ADB to alter your phone from your computer.

How to Use ADB Commands

1. Use windows Explorer to navigate to Tools folder within android-sdk-windows

2. Right Click and choose new shortcut

3. Enter this Location C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe

4. Click next and name whatever you like (Now you will have quick access to command prompt & it will open up to the right directory)

5. Open the command prompt shortcut just added

6. You should see this prompt C:\Desktop\android-sdk-windows\tools\>

7. Simply type adb shell and press enter and you will be brought to a $ prompt
*If you are rooted you will see # prompt

8. Now you can type many different commands to manipulate your DroidX.... (Deodex, Root, Pull/Push Files, etc)

Last edited by bignadad; 10-04-2010 at 10:51 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 05:01 PM
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Re: BiGnAdAd Droid X Framework ☢ Froyo2.2 ☢ Complete Taksbar/DropPanel ☢ Coming Soon!

Looks very nice!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2010, 03:18 PM
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Re: BiGnAdAd Droid X Framework ☢ Froyo2.2 ☢ Complete Taskbar/DropPanel ☢ Coming Soon!

Yes, great job.. It does look very nice.
Safety is no accident!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 05:30 PM
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Re: BiGnAdAd Droid X Framework ☢ Froyo2.2 ☢ Complete Taskbar/DropPanel ☢ Coming Soon!

Awesome, I'm all set with the froyo etc so I can't wait.....

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 07:22 PM
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Re: BiGnAdAd Droid X Framework ☢ Froyo2.2 ☢ Complete Taskbar/DropPanel ☢ Coming Soon!

revamped a bit... should have a release tonight

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 09:36 PM
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Re: BiGnAdAd Droid X Framework ☢ Froyo2.2 ☢ Complete Taskbar/DropPanel ☢ Coming Soon!

BEAUTIFUL!!! Can't wait! From my TP2 to my Droid X, you always deliver the goods!!!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2010, 10:18 AM
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Re: BiGnAdAd Droid X Framework ☢ Froyo2.2 ☢ Complete Taskbar/DropPanel ☢ Coming Soon!

updated widget locker

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