What is ADB and How do I use it?
ADB lets you control your DroidX with a command prompt to access system files
How to setup Windows Android SDK (Software Dev Kit)
1. Download the latest SDK
2. Extract contents to a new folder on PC (I have mine in
3. Goto control panel and open system properties (or right click my computer)
4. Go to Advanced settings
XP: Click the Advanced ta
Vista/Win7: Click Advanced system settings on the left
5. Click
Environment Variables near the bottom
6. Double-click on
Path in the first scroll box named
User Variables
7. Enter the full path to the tools/ directory at the end of
Variable Value text box - make sure to separate from existing text with a semi colon ;
8. Here is what the entire contents of my
Variable Value text box
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\Sys tem32\Wbem;C:\Users\Addie\Desktop\android-sdk-windows\tools
9. Press OK and close remaining boxes open
9. Run SDK Setup.exe from C:\Desktop\android-sdk-windows\
10. If you get an error about not having Java SDK installed but you do, add the path to 'bin' within your Java installation location to the Path environmental variable as described above before the sdk entry you just made. (eg add "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin;") This is likely to only be necessary where the 64 bit Java SDK is installed (obviously) on a 64 bit machine.
11. If it gives you an error about http go to settings and click on "Force http//....."
12. Unselect all options except for the USB driver
13. If you can't get the setup to work, download the USB-DRIVERS folder -
HERE (Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7)
14. On your phone, click Settings > Applications > Development and make sure USB Debugging is on.
15. Plug your phone into your computer via USB cable (it needs to be on). It should say installing drivers if using Windows.
16. After it installs the drivers, goto the Start menu and type cmd into the search bar (Vista or higher) or click Run then type in cmd (XP) to open the command prompt.
adb devices
You should see a serial number pop up, it’s the serial number of your phone. This means you are all set. If you do NOT see a serial number, then you need to reinstall the drivers.
- Download USBDeview
- While the phone is still plugged in, open USBDeview and sort by manufacturer. Find all the HTC/Android drivers and uninstall them all. (Windows Vista requires program to be run as an administrator, otherwise files won't uninstall.)
- Once all have been uninstalled, unplug the phone from the USB cable and plug it back in.
- The correct drivers should reinstall automatically (check the drivers as they are installing, one should say ADB Device driver).
- To check, go to Devices in your Start menu then click on the “Android Phone”. Click on the Hardware tab, and check the list of drivers for ADB Interface under Type.
- Done! Now you can use ADB to alter your phone from your computer.
How to Use ADB Commands
1. Use windows Explorer to navigate to
Tools folder within android-sdk-windows
2. Right Click and choose new shortcut
3. Enter this Location
4. Click next and name whatever you like (Now you will have quick access to command prompt & it will open up to the right directory)
5. Open the command prompt shortcut just added
6. You should see this prompt
7. Simply type
adb shell and press enter and you will be brought to a $ prompt
*If you are rooted you will see # prompt
8. Now you can type many different commands to manipulate your DroidX.... (Deodex, Root, Pull/Push Files, etc)