Originally Posted by rolandroland
I voted Droid 2, that's what I would do in your situation. Even if LTE devices come out this year are you a in a major market that's going to see the benefit in the first year? Plus even with the super phones coming, there will be super-duper phones next year. So it really it come down to when you want something new, everything gets outdated every year anyway.
My market will likely be launched in the initial 30, possibly shortly after. I agree with the rest of everything though. Seriously wondering if I need a QWERTY anymore though. I've been thinking about it a lot, and practicing Swype on my Touch Pro2. While the size of the Droid X is somewhat scary, it will likely make typing far easier, especially with the multi-touch keyboard. I'm still thinking that I'll wait to sometime August/September-ish, and get whatever is best at that time. It's still gonna take a lot for me to ditch my physical keyboard though. I am a business user, and I've been using a real keyboard on a smartphone for 6 years now.
Originally Posted by ronaldheld
IMO, LTE phones are not involved in the decision, for they may be a year away from now.
They actually are involved in the decision, somewhat indirectly. When I bought my Touch Pro2, Verizon has no Android line-up, and I would never have thought that they would be pushing the Droid brand as hard as they are. I bought the Touch Pro2 because Verizon had pretty much already said, "LTE devices will be out by May 2011", and since then, they've clarified further by saying "up to 5 by May 2011".
The point is, I use my annual upgrade now, and then I'll be able to use it again next summer when we should have a decent selection of Android LTE devices. I could obviously just hold onto my TP2 until next summer too, but I am WAY too eager to switch to Android, plus I can still get a decent price for my TP2 on eBay.