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horndoctor is a trusted member of the communityhorndoctor is a trusted member of the communityhorndoctor is a trusted member of the communityhorndoctor is a trusted member of the communityhorndoctor is a trusted member of the communityhorndoctor is a trusted member of the communityhorndoctor is a trusted member of the communityhorndoctor is a trusted member of the communityhorndoctor is a trusted member of the communityhorndoctor is a trusted member of the communityhorndoctor is a trusted member of the community

horndoctor Offline

Suuuper Geeenius

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 111 to 120 of 151
  1. Weapondrift
    12-25-2009 05:01 AM - permalink
    lol i feel bad lately cause all Ive been doing over the last few months is Ninja Apping (jump in, pull a few roms, jump out)
  2. Weapondrift
    12-23-2009 07:20 PM - permalink
    thanks for the bday wish man!
  3. madcook
    11-29-2009 10:43 AM - permalink
    thank you for wishing me a happy birthday
  4. sanmanc
    11-15-2009 05:12 PM - permalink
    Thank you.
  5. psycho_maniac
    11-15-2009 03:24 AM - permalink
    nope. i dont really txt as much as i used to so it will last a long time prolly
  6. guitardoc64
    10-18-2009 12:04 AM - permalink
    Nope, did not get a new Vogue, TP or TP 2. Got a cleaning tool (contact burnisher strip) and scraped the crud off the contacts and bought myself some time.
  7. codybear
    10-09-2009 12:15 PM - permalink
    lol, nope. didn't get arrested. haha
    Just been busy.

    But I haven't gotten a pm, atleast on here.
    I'll check xda though.
  8. codybear
    09-28-2009 03:31 AM - permalink
    lol. nice.

    Yeah, I do need a vacation.
    Only 9 more weeks till winter break at school.
    That'll be nice.

    Glad to hear it was just the screen protector.
    My brother was having the same problem with his Pre,
    but it wouldn't happen all the time,
    so I didn't think it was the screen protector.

    I'd definitely recommend to hold off with an upgrade till next year around the time wm7 is released. Most phones should be running snapdragon then, and there should be some REALLY neat phones that should be on the market then.
    I don't think it's worth buying one now if you're going to renew a contract.
    The vogue still has some time before it becomes obsolete.
    It's one of the few phones that has been able to stand the test of time.
  9. codybear
    09-27-2009 07:20 PM - permalink
    Nothin much. just work/school/business/program.
    That's about all my life consists of right now.haha.
    It's kinda funny though, my head was overloading from accounting homework,
    so I started doing more programming on that program.
    I think there has to be something wrong with me.
    what about you dude?
  10. tk123456
    09-27-2009 06:03 PM - permalink
    bro i need help with mi HTC P3050 from Telus
    plzzz give mw ur msn than

About Me

  • About horndoctor
    Pocket PC
    hTc RhodiumW (Touch Pro2)
    Building PCs, Aquarist
    St. Louis, MO.
    Musical Instrument Repairman
  • Signature
    Trombone players do it in 7 positions!


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  • Last Activity: 03-18-2015 12:51 AM
  • Join Date: 03-09-2009
  • Referrals: 3


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02:30 AM - horndoctor mentioned CripledCyclone in post Re: What are your 3G speeds?? Slow like mine?
CripledCyclone that's crazy slow. U...
11:48 PM - eric12341 mentioned horndoctor in post Re: What are your 3G speeds?? Slow like mine?
...1878.jpg :D horndoctor those are the speeds...
05:25 PM - elesbb mentioned horndoctor in post Re: **DISCONTINUED due to Gov't being an ass**|userROM|29022
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05:28 PM - elesbb mentioned horndoctor in post Who still loves WM ?
...l felt like copying horndoctor Well guys what ...
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...s almost as much as horndoctor ! and and and HE'S A...
05:23 PM - elesbb mentioned horndoctor in post Re: Who Still Loves Their TP2?
...s almost as much as horndoctor ! and and and HE'S A...
05:23 PM - elesbb mentioned horndoctor in post Re: Who Still Loves Their TP2?
...s almost as much as horndoctor ! and and and HE'S A...
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horndoctor, im gonna need some ...
09:35 PM - eric12341 mentioned horndoctor in post Re: flashing a new radio issue
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...Arrive. :angry7: horndoctor so sprint is doing t...

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