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  #131 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 11:09 PM
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Re: CMYLXGO's EnergyROM Pimp Package Full[v.2.1.16] & Lite[2.0.9]

excellent package. thanks!
  #132 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 11:13 PM
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Re: CMYLXGO's EnergyROM Pimp Package Full[v.2.1.16] & Lite[2.0.9]

Originally Posted by pyrorob View Post
ok heres a pic of what i mean:

as you can see the edge indicator is b&w and so is the big "E" which isnt visible due to me having the usb hooked up. i also looked into other dll's included into your package and noticed that the "phcanOverbmp.dll" has colored icons for hsdpa and i think umts but not edge too. i think thats where the icon's are read from.
another thing ive noticed in the pimp pack is when it changes the background of the commanager it changes the reg entrie: "CommManagerUIStyle" from 4 to 2 and that disables scrolling and touch response with it, you can either change it back which messes up the background or change "IsEnableHtcScroll" from 1 to 0 which eliminates scrolling in the commanager but returns touch screen response.

also as a goodwill gesture i have provided some cabs i put together for the energy rom:
HTC Notification Enhancement 3.0.1917.1225.VGA_Pyrorob.cab = updated notification enhancement, no new bugs but no old ones fixed ("bt is on" for example)
HTC Scroll-2_0_19171128_00.cab = just updated
HTC SensorSDK_4_0_19112326.cab = enables auto screen rotate using g-sensor in manila and other apps
Pyrorob BTHID.cab = enable bt headset button to be used to launch msvc, etc.
pyrorob TouchOptions_1_0_19171631_00.cab = newer touch options in system cpl, enables viberate on touch.
Thanks for the links to the packages. Please try the attached cab and let me know if you get your blue E icon back. If so, then I will try and build a battery cab for you GSM guys

Also, how many items are on your comm manger screen? Would you prefer no scrolling with skin or scrolling with stock skin? As those seem to be the only two choices you guys can have that work.

I work better Drunk...

Last edited by cmylxgo; 08-24-2009 at 11:10 PM.
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  #133 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 11:14 PM
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Re: CMYLXGO's EnergyROM Pimp Package Full[v.2.1.16] & Lite[2.0.9]

Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
This package is definitely nice... is it possible to use other panoramic backgrounds with this?
  #134 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 11:27 PM
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Re: CMYLXGO's EnergyROM Pimp Package Full[v.2.1.16] & Lite[2.0.9]

Hey C-
I love the latest EnergyRom start button. Is there a way to install another custom icon package but keep YOUR start button?
Thanks for the great work.
  #135 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 11:40 PM
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Re: CMYLXGO's EnergyROM Pimp Package Full[v.2.1.16] & Lite[2.0.9]

Originally Posted by winmonewbie View Post
Hey C-
I love the latest EnergyRom start button. Is there a way to install another custom icon package but keep YOUR start button?
Thanks for the great work.
Yep...rip apart my shellres.192.dll and insert it into the new taskbar icon shellres.192.dll Don't forget to resign the .dll before you copy it over or it wont work.

Or I can do it for you for a small nominal fee of... 1 Thanks button click

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  #136 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2009, 12:02 AM
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Re: CMYLXGO's EnergyROM Pimp Package Full[v.2.1.16] & Lite[2.0.9]

Originally Posted by cmylxgo View Post
Yep...rip apart my shellres.192.dll and insert it into the new taskbar icon shellres.192.dll Don't forget to resign the .dll before you copy it over or it wont work.

Or I can do it for you for a small nominal fee of... 1 Thanks button click

I think that's above my pay grade so post thanked
  #137 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2009, 12:27 AM
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Re: CMYLXGO's EnergyROM Pimp Package Full[v.2.1.16] & Lite[2.0.9]

Originally Posted by cmylxgo View Post
Thanks for the links to the packages. Please try the attached cab and let me know if you get your blue E icon back. If so, then I will try and build a battery cab for you GSM guys

Also, how many items are on your comm manger screen? Would you prefer no scrolling with skin or scrolling with stock skin? As those seem to be the only two choices you guys can have that work.

well thanks for the patch, but it wont let me overwrite the old dll.. basically the cab fails to install.

well currently i have the standard 6 button layout in commanager. ive noticed that if "isenablehtcscroll" is 0 then it responds to touch but only to turn the feature on or off, it doesnt launch the app that the button is tied to, so i dont really want that. the scrolling goes along with the touch working right, they go hand in hand.

ive been looking it over and im stumped as to why it wont load the back ground when set to 4, but its better to have functionality then nothin.. on another note, i noticed that mobile wifi router is installed so i made a cab that includes it in the commanager, you just need to scroll down.
Pyrorob Enable wifi-router.cab
  #138 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2009, 03:07 PM
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Re: CMYLXGO's EnergyROM Pimp Package Full[v.2.1.16] & Lite[2.0.9]

How in the world can I disable S2U2? I'm having issues to where when a call comes in the slide 2 answer wont let me answer the phone. I disabled slide to answer and its still there. Disable S2U2 and its still there too.
  #139 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2009, 06:44 PM
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Re: CMYLXGO's EnergyROM Pimp Package Full[v.2.1.16] & Lite[2.0.9]

Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
How in the world can I disable S2U2? I'm having issues to where when a call comes in the slide 2 answer wont let me answer the phone. I disabled slide to answer and its still there. Disable S2U2 and its still there too.
I assume you're on EnergyROM? S2A is cooked into the ROM exclusive of S2U2. IMO, the problem you describe is the Tachi Dialer which is known to be buggy (not the ROM).
Check your registry, the following path is supposed to end in #777 but Adanced Config has apparently changed it for some users. After I edited the value back to #777 via Registry Editor (NOT TC) my dialer has worked great. As an added bonus I notice a much improved InCall Power Manger as well.
HKLM>Comm>Conn Mngr>Planner>Settings>SuspendResume
if it's not #777 this could be your issue.

Here's a little clarity. According to the post below, Advanced Config and/or TP Tweak made the reg edit to turn off the data connection. So setting it back to #777 (which is the default value) may result in your data connection staying on BUT you'll be able to answer your calls consistently. The END key can be set to disconnect data as the below post says:

Last edited by iknowsquat; 08-24-2009 at 09:44 PM.
  #140 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2009, 11:19 PM
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Re: CMYLXGO's EnergyROM Pimp Package Full[v.2.1.16] & Lite[2.0.9]

This looks like a really nice package. I added it to my energy rom and to a couple of friends of mines and we're all kool aid grinnin. Man the programing is so out of my league. All of you guys are good no doubt. Sooooooo of course I have a request along with the kudos and props. Is it a difficult task to make the walpaper changer change the background for each tab when chaning it for the home screen? I really have no clue as to how it works. Is the background just a manilla file for each tab or what? I ask that and I'm thinking how can that be if I point the wallpaper changer to a jpg. Ok I'm husing now, i feel like I'm about to babble on. *hoping for some positive feedback*


I found a background for all tabs changer on the xda forums by theboostman. Here's the link for those interested. http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?p=4390194
And for added fun. I found this other app (Diamond BackgroundChanger Installer) last year by kevinv2u. It automatically changes your background wallpaper at an interval that you set. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=427463

Last edited by idle_mind; 08-26-2009 at 06:37 AM. Reason: Found background changer.
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