Jmz Sprint theme for Rhodium Manila v0.3
Credit goes to showaco from XDA for helping me get the clock done. Works perfectly, and comes with BG4all to make it work right.
I have been messing with a lot of manila files working on these. The theme is by no means 100% done. I am posting here to see if there are people that want to give me a hand. But it will install and WILL NOT hose your manila. the only issues would be a image here or there that is still stock and not themed or a graphic file out of place. Nothing that would make manila unusable.
Please let me know if there are any issues.
Added yellow highlights *Thanks Chuck IV
Clock now reverts to old start menu also.
Added Sprint TSK *Thanks Chuck IV
Disables new start menu as it was causing problems
Enables programs tab
Added new calendar icon * Thanks Chuck IV
Original Release