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Old 01-18-2011, 07:01 AM
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[MOD][SENSE2.5TABS] Meltwater Tab Projects

I thought it was about time I used my account on here since, my facebook tab does get mentioned on the forum but without links back to the support thread back on xda.

I have a number of projects which are on going:

[MOD][05Aug10][v1.6][SENSE2.5TAB] Facebook Tab - v1.6 (+192xPatch)
[MOD][05Aug10][v1.6][SENSE2.5TAB] Facebook Tab - v1.6 (+192xPatch) - xda-developers
The FbTab:
Provides basic facebook updates using the built-in HTC facebook engine with some additional extras.

[MOD][SENSE2.5TAB] RSSTab Project - Developer Thread - (23Dec New Build))
[MOD][SENSE2.5TAB] RSSTab Project - Developer Thread - (23Dec New Build)) - xda-developers
The RSSTab:
This is a new tab which is still in the process of being developed, I am gradually adding new features, but in it's current state I still find it very useful. Currently it is closely linked in with the RSSHub to provide the data.
Personally I feel people under-estimate how useful RSSFeeds are until they start using them! Note, also supports playing of downloaded podcasts too.

[MOD][SENSE2.5TAB] SenseUtil (Tab Control File Editor) - Added Shortcuts
[MOD][SENSE2.5TAB] SenseUtil (Tab Control File Editor) - Added Shortcuts - xda-developers
This project is to help mange sense tabs on the device, something which is the main cause of Sense start up problems.
The latest version supports command line shortcuts, which will allow any tab to be added and removed from sense (not just disabled). Which means, you create a cab file which handles placing the tab files and registry items and then run the shortcut to update sense and restart with the tab.
This method of install should be available soon to install both the RSSTab and FbTab, and possibly some of the other tabs too in time.

Please refer to the original threads for manuals, FAQs etc etc.

Warnings etc
Modifying manila means various levels of messing around with the files on the device so, as with most of the mods on here, back-up often and be prepared to screw it up and hard-reset your device. All the changes explained here may or may-not work on your particular device/version of manila or perhaps it's just not going to happen today. However, in most cases problems can be fixed if you ask for some help.
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Old 01-18-2011, 07:02 AM
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Re: [MOD][SENSE2.5TABS] Meltwater Tab Projects

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Old 01-18-2011, 08:12 AM
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Re: [MOD][SENSE2.5TABS] Meltwater Tab Projects

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Old 02-17-2011, 05:14 PM
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Re: [MOD][SENSE2.5TABS] Meltwater Tab Projects

I hate to bump a month old thread but I'd love to get these tabs:

manila call history with softkey
manila docs
manila footprints (If possible with my sense version)
manila programs
manila today

(Click to see from what thread I'm talking about and where to get the sources from)

Can anyone give me directions, thanks!!!
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2011, 05:31 PM
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Re: [MOD][SENSE2.5TABS] Meltwater Tab Projects

Coolsac32 has posted some cabs which may be of help:
sacdev - Release: CAB - SAC Sense Call History Tab
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2011, 05:36 PM
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Re: [MOD][SENSE2.5TABS] Meltwater Tab Projects

Originally Posted by meltwater View Post
Coolsac32 has posted some cabs which may be of help:
sacdev - Release: CAB - SAC Sense Call History Tab
Okay cool thanks, yea I tried searching for more with google but found nothing...

I will post this however for anybody else, which I be should follow for installing ANY new tabs:
1. Disable HTC Sense
2. Delete file \Windows\ManilaFull.xml (I used Total Commander)
3. Delete Registry Key in bold - HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\Configuration
4. Install Facebook Tab CAB
5. Restart and re-enable HTC Sense

1. Disable HTC Sense
2. Uninstall Facebook Tab
3. Delete \Windows\ManilaFull.xml
4. Delete registry key in bold - HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\Configuration
5. Restart and re-enable HTC Sense
Just replace facebook with name of tab you're installing.

Last edited by n1nj4Lo; 02-17-2011 at 08:21 PM.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2011, 08:56 PM
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Re: [MOD][SENSE2.5TABS] Meltwater Tab Projects

Just making sure with each of the cabs, would I repeat and follow those steps or just do it all at once and instead install the four or so cabs then re-enable it again...

I'm just wondering if after each installation I'd have to go back and delete the two files again for each new installation, or just deleting it once is good enough...
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2011, 02:18 AM
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Re: [MOD][SENSE2.5TABS] Meltwater Tab Projects

Thanks given. I'm over in androidland now, but used the heck out of this when I was cooking Winmo.

Remember to clickon those who help! It's right down there.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2011, 07:50 AM
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Re: [MOD][SENSE2.5TABS] Meltwater Tab Projects

Originally Posted by n1nj4Lo View Post
Okay cool thanks, yea I tried searching for more with google but found nothing...

I will post this however for anybody else, which I be should follow for installing ANY new tabs:
Just replace facebook with name of tab you're installing.
In fact, by using senseUtil the process is improved (I hope):

Dual Cab Install (using SenseUtil) Instructions:
- Standard Cab for SenseUtil and a Cab for the Tab files (placed together in a single zip file).
Remember: Backup your device and data before attempting this mod. Post if you have any problems.
Dual Cab Install using Separate Cabs [meltwater_FbTabV1.6(SeperateCabs)-2.zip]
a) Install both Cabs, in no particular order.
b) Run SenseUtil from Start Menu\SenseUtil\AddTab\SenseUtil FbTab Add to Add the FbTab to Sense.

Dual Cab Un-Install using Separate Cabs [meltwater_FbTabV1.6(SeperateCabs)-2.zip]
a) Run SenseUtil from Start Menu\SenseUtil\RemoveTab\SenseUtil FbTab Remove to Remove the FbTab from Sense.
b) You can now uninstall the FbTab cab, and if desired, the SenseUtil cab too.
Note: As the references in sense have been removed, the files will have no effect on sense anymore.
c) The remaining registry entries can also be manually removed from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\Manila all of which will start with "Facebook.".

The process will work for any tab, basically the cab now need only contain the required files and registry entries, the sense changes are left up to SenseUtil to do.

Similar install is available for the RSSTab.

\Windows\ManilaFull.xml is generated (if deleted) when sense starts up (it needs to be re-generated each time a tab is added or removed). - SenseUtil deals with this automatically!

Registry key iHKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\Configuration is only generated when the tabs are re-ordered in the HTC settings tab. It is referred to by sense on startup to over-ride the defined order of the tabs in the tab control file (default order). The keys must be cleared when a tab is added/removed or the references are invalid - SenseUtil deals with this automatically!
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Old 03-07-2011, 04:43 PM
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Re: [MOD][SENSE2.5TABS] Meltwater Tab Projects

Meltwater on PPCGeeks?!?!? We're movin' up in the world!! It's great to see you over here in CDMA-land Meltwater!

I hope this thread picks up steam as I know that many many people use your Facebook tab!
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