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Old 09-08-2009, 11:18 PM
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Upgrading new Verizon Touch I got to do GPS, question about upgrading rom

I used to basically
1. unlock with ImCokemans 2.31 spl unlocker
2. flash Bell 3.42.50 radio rom,
3. flash custom rom usually WDM's Manilla 2D (might try his new WinMobile6.5 he has up)
4. Do the gps changes needed to get gps to work on verizon by using telus's gps ip (i think it was

Now basically I have done all that but I am curious, can i use Verizon's official MR1 rom update and do the Valhalla Gps Fix ... or no, that seems to downgrade the radio (and that would be dangerous)?

Thanks for the advice,
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Old 09-09-2009, 02:36 PM
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Re: Upgrading new Verizon Touch I got to do GPS, question about upgrading rom

You can run VZ official radio if you like. Just make sure that you do NOT let customization run once it starts back up. That will lock down GP and then, you have hours of fun ahead. I have used the bell radio and VZ radio. Pretty close in reception. Your choice. Also, if you have a spare phone, activate it before upgrading a radio. This will spare a all to VZ tech to have your vogue reregistered on their system. This can be done on their web site, "activating a phone". Simple to do. Then after radio flash, just reactivate the vogue. This is not an actual downgrade.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 10:05 AM
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Re: Upgrading new Verizon Touch I got to do GPS, question about upgrading rom

HMmm... I'll bite:

What ws the exact procedure you used to make GPS work again? I have followed several procedures, including flashing back with non GPS radio, then going to Verizon MR1, not letting customizations to run. Tried Valhala, Tellus CAB and nothing. Basically have a busted GPS since April?
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 10:49 PM
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Re: Upgrading new Verizon Touch I got to do GPS, question about upgrading rom

I had issues with PRI 2.03__002 i think it was, when the phone was upgraded to Bell radio 3.42.50 (used my usual procedure to upgrade phone to GPS). but phone didnt work afterwards, verizon couldnt reauth phone, think cause i never tried same procedures on a phone which had latest Verizon rom on it. downgraded back to vzw's rom which had a radio 3.37.78. and started phone started working again like usual, but no GPS. tried Valhalla fix exactly on xda's site to no avail.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2009, 05:17 PM
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Re: Upgrading new Verizon Touch I got to do GPS, question about upgrading rom

Moved to the general Vogue Forum.

"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 02:37 AM
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Re: Upgrading new Verizon Touch I got to do GPS, question about upgrading rom

Posted this for someone:

Got it working, here are steps i followed generally. if something is kinda out of place, follow your instinct.

btw i used NFSFAN's latest 6.1 verizon rom, it was the 'NFSFAN's 1.15 Verizon ROM.rar'.

So originally I fudged up my phone, and started from scratch, so to unfudge it I had the official 3.77.78 rom to just get back to phone calls, then started same steps i did before, but DIDNT let customizations run (aka press soft reset button right after it says customizing or just install at the initial 'green screen', hard-reset after each rom install if you want, i live fast and dangerous so i don't )...

Followed these steps mostly

Let me add onto those steps:
[1] Unlock with 0.40.coke (run unlocker follow steps)
Then after this, phone reboots and goes the 1st 'green'/'windows mobile default' screen, plug phone into computer through its usb cable (just need it to connect to activesync, dont need to import contacts so i uncheck those and wait till connects fully)... then when ActiveSync connected (may need to unplug/replug usb chord a few times if doesnt connect first time), flash the next rom (so basically stay at the green screen after .40 step, and wait till activesync connects, then run next rom which will reboot your phone when its done)
PS on these unlocker steps, please read and follow steps in the command window, itll ask you to unplug/replug usb at some point (at that point activesync wont connect so dont worry about that)

[2] Flash Sprint ROM RUU_Vogue_SPRINT_WWE_1.12.651.1_2.13.00_SPC_NV133_ Ship DO NOT LET CUSTOMIZATIONS RUN
so after previous step u did as i said. ran following file at the green screen after ActiveSync connected...
so right after installing this sprint rom, itll reboot your phone and goto the 'green screen'... if you want, goto next step (sprint rom/radio etc is installed can just connect to activesync and run next 'unlocker rom' step)...
orrrrr u can go through the setup steps... and then when u get to last step right after setting up password, be prepared to soft-reset when countdown says its starting (aka you got 3 seconds, watchout). I just prefer doing it at the green screen step cause its fast, but some like to Hard-Reset after new rom is installed, but i never had bad luck doing it fast way 100 times (could happen theoretically).

[3] Unlock with 2.31.coke
so run this... Then after it reboots your phone at the green screen, wait till connects through Activesync, and install next rom...
Use the following 3.37.77 rom, not the 3.37.78... i just never had luck with that official rom and the Valhalla fix. and prefer the QPST method

[4] Flash Verizon ROM RUU_Vogue_VZW_WWE_3.14.605.1_Radio_3.37.77_Ship DO NOT LET CUSTOMIZATIONS RUN
Again do not let customizations run, this will make trying to get gps hard, but you can always go back to steps if you do. When this rom is done installing, at the 'green screen', you can goto installing NFS rom i tried.
(or go through steps after green screen, and then when customizations about to run, restart, then if you want hard-reset phone and go onto next step)

[5] Flash any custom rom
I used Flash NFS rom 6.1 verizon, itll reboot, Let the customizations run at end.

At this point goto Settings->Device Information
and make sure:
rom version is 1.15.vzw
Radio 3.37.77 (hopefully)
PRI version (1.37_002, I couldnt get official MR1 PRI/radio(2.03_002/3.37.78?) to work so sticking with making it work with custom roms)
Otherwise somewhere customizations or something funky ran, I would revert back to running verizon 3.37.78 official rom just to get phone working until can try steps again.

[6] xda agps fix:
This is straight forward, but after last step when you connect your phone to ActiveSync, for NSF's rom, it complains about no driver for 'HTC Vogue Diagnostics'...
u have to install this driver through that windows dialog popup and specify location to the file.
File is here for XP (Vista is a different step, think it smartly kinda knows, but ppcgeeks thread said something about that if you want me to double check):
Anyway xp driver is here:
Then you can run QPST and use their settings.
Confirm registry has the Serf settings, and set location on like steps say.

Then lets make the phone work...
try opening IE, see if it connects and can google search word... hopefully it should work, mine always does without need for authentication...
Try phone call to your voicemail, prob doesnt work...
call Verizon *228 on your phone and do option 1, (see if phone works) then call back and then call back and do option 2 (see if phone works),[I actually did option 3 between 1 and 2, but dont think it was needed, but try it as last resort or... call Verizon at #8899 or 1-800-922-0204...]. (so if doesnt work still, call verizon and say your phone is keep asking for authentication late at night (and maybe mention your data works, if it does to help them just regive a new phone?key), and if they smell u r doing something funky, just say you r tired, and probably doing soemthing dumb and will call back tomorrow, just in case you need to reflash/redo steps).

Hopefully phone now works too, try calling voicemail.

Download googlemaps and original GPSViewer (i prefer that GpsViewer.PPC300_2577.cab, cause it always dependably freezes the program's "time" when it locks a signal and therefore i can figure out how long it look to lock signal while i walk away ). Test gps by a window, hopefully a few sats should show up immediately, and a lock from 10s-1m/2m.

Last edited by arianhojat; 09-16-2009 at 02:42 AM.
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