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Old 09-08-2009, 11:18 PM
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Upgrading new Verizon Touch I got to do GPS, question about upgrading rom

I used to basically
1. unlock with ImCokemans 2.31 spl unlocker
2. flash Bell 3.42.50 radio rom,
3. flash custom rom usually WDM's Manilla 2D (might try his new WinMobile6.5 he has up)
4. Do the gps changes needed to get gps to work on verizon by using telus's gps ip (i think it was

Now basically I have done all that but I am curious, can i use Verizon's official MR1 rom update and do the Valhalla Gps Fix ... or no, that seems to downgrade the radio (and that would be dangerous)?

Thanks for the advice,