Stuck at align screen
I hope I have done my homework. Sorry for the long post. I have cooked a few roms last year, got my phones (Sprint Touch and Mogul) where I liked them and haven't done anything with them until this problem came up.
My daughter was using my wife's Sprint Touch which I upgraded last fall to 6.1 and gps. It kept locking up and she kept doing a soft reset. Until one time it did not fully recover and was stuck at the align screen. That is how the phone was given to me.
With soft or hard reboot (or battery removal) the phone boots up to the Windows 6.1 screen that says to tap the screen. It responds to a tap and goes to the align screen. It does not respond to a tap in any way when at the align screen.
I did some reading and decided to replace the digitizer. The screen was scratched and for $13 I thought it would be good to do regardless of this problem. This did not fix the problem. After that I tried one of the fixes where you put an empty file on the sd card (FAT32, 512 MB) that bypasses the align screen. I forget the name of the file, but that didn't work.
I did more reading and found some people who were able to reflash (and that fixed their problem). I cannot get activesync to connect to the phone (activesync does connect to my Sprint Mogul, so I don't think it is activesync). So, from what I understand, I can reflash via the micro card. I have tried cokeman's unlocker/flash with signed rom method. I load the first (bootloader mode power+camera+reset) .nhb file to the loading screen, wait a few minutes and soft reboot. I load the signed nhb (boot loader again) and it gets stuck at the loading... screen (left it there several times for up to hours).
I am using the 512Mb card that came with the phone formatted FAT32. I do get that locked file put on the card after I use it (I don't know if this is a problem or not).
Here is some info from the phone. During normal boot I get this,
B01 R 3.42.30
D 3.03
When I put it in bootloader mode I get this,
Any help is appreciated.