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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2009, 04:47 PM
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Major problems after unlocking - questions about Imcokemans's unlockers!

hey folks,

As you may know I'm experiencing a major problem with my HTC Touch (Bell Mobility, CDMA), in the fact that after unlocking it I cannot revert back to the OEM ROM through its EXE, whichb has more than just a VOGUIMG.nbh, and since reloading through the SD card, I've had major problems, after a couple times, now my phone radio won't turn on.

My question is mostly for ImCokeMan, but feel free to chime in.

First, I've read everything very carefully about unlocking and basically learned the procedure in detail before doing so.

I bought my device in december 2008 and ran the carrier exe update successfully in early january, basically upgrading to the 3.42.50 radio and WinCE 6.1 in the process. I then tried all kinds of programs, some with success, some without, like you can imagine. Basically until then my phone was working fine.

Two weeks ago I decided to try a custom ROM, so I used the 2.31 unlocker as I should, with all background apps killed, antivirus, firewall....

What surprised me at the time, but did not really stay with me, was how the unlocker operated: at the end, it's supposed to run an "exit bootloader" program, however, after that the phone rebooted by itself without my intervention, so I followed the instructions on that screen and let the customizations run. Remember, we're talking only Bell Mobility ROMs here.

After I unlocked it to 2.31, I ran the RUU with the custom ROM and it loaded and ran without problems.

Well, I dind't really like that custom ROM so I decided to revert to the OEM carrier EXE. This time, I couldn't: got an RUU 328 error at the start! So I extracted the VOGUIMG.nbh from the EXE, installed that on my fat 32 SD card, reinsterted it ointo the ohine, went into boot loader mode and let that run, which worked fine.

I had no major problems at this point, except that I noticed very minor loss of signal at some times, and noticed that I was losing data connections on large downloads. But most of the time, my signal strength was just as fine as before.

So yesterday I tried unlocking to the 0.40 loader, so as to allow a full OEM EXE reinstall, to lock it again, which, I tought, would make the phone completely clean again as it was before I attenmpted this unlocking process.

This time as well, after running the unlocker, the device rebooted itself at the end of the 0.40 loader run and asked me to align the screen like before, after which it reloaded all the customizations.

I then tried running the carrier exe again, but still no joy, so I reloaded the VOGUIMG.nbh from the SD card again, which worked, except that now, I have NO SERVICE.

I am starting to worry that I should not have let the customizations run, even with no changes in the radio itself. Did I do it wrong? Did I kill my device? I can still get in boot loader mode no problem, that's for sure. But I cannot run the OEM carrier EXE from WMDC, and I wonder if that is not the stumbling block, as the exe contains not only the not only the ROM file, but another nbh (Special_4350_For_BM.nbh) and a cab file as well (PPST____.CAB), a prl file, PPSTPatch.exe, among others.

By running the OEM nbh file only, was something not loaded, ending in an incomplete flash? Any suggestions as to what to do next?

Any help welcome!!!
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2009, 12:50 AM
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Re: Major problems after unlocking - questions about Imcokemans's unlockers!

Ok - I guess my post is too confused... To simplify: has anyone been able to revert to the original Bell locked OEM 3.x radio carrier ROM after unlocking and installing a custom 3.x compatible ROM? I can't, the RUU comes up with error 320 or 328, invalid command. The OEM exe in question is Bell 3.09.66 exe with 3.42.50 radio from the HTC site.

However, I have no problem running the RUU included with the custom ROM.

Trying to relock by downgrading to coke 0.40 so I could relock it and hopefully run the OEM EXE from scratch essentially killed the radio, it would seem. Maybe I should have watched the phone and stopped its rebooting by removing the battery as soon as the RUU uipdate had finished, but neither the 0.40 nor the 2.31 unlockers mention this behaviour.

Was this my mistake? Is there a way to get back from this condition? How do you guys get about reinstalling the OEM software?

So now my phone is back to OEM condition, from the bootloading screen, but every possible thing I tried afteerwards did anything to get the radio back on

To sum it up, after unlocking it has been impossible to revert to OEM condition, and trying resulted in a dead phone. How do you guys do it?
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2009, 01:24 AM
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Re: Major problems after unlocking - questions about Imcokemans's unlockers!

Depending on Bells ROM/Radio...I figure the easiest way is what you are saying...-.40 bootloader>thenstock ROM...If you are having a problem with customizations then soft reset before they run for whatever reason...

May ask why you are reverting to stock?
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2009, 02:33 AM
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Re: Major problems after unlocking - questions about Imcokemans's unlockers!

I tried NFSFAN's ROM, but didn't like it. Simple as that. Not that it's not good, far from it, it's quite sleek actually, but I had my Touch running real well before and prefered the way I had it setup...

Now, I don't want to say the problem was the custom ROM, it is most probably something to do with the unlocking and flashing process. The ROM itself is great, the 1.28 seems really, really good and possibly the best ROM out there for the HTC Touch, but it has a lot of apps I'd never install (I prefer to download youtube videos than viewing them once only and wasting bandwidth) and something I personally really don't like, the darn TouchFlo (I hate it, just like I hate laptop Touchpads). Anyway... A question of taste and user interface, that's all. Plus all those apps that are integrated and you can't uninstall... IMO it would have been so much nicer to just offer a sleek base ROM, on which anyone could chose which options to install as cabs... But I digress, really, who am I to criticize NFSFAN's otherwise excellent work?

Anyway, the trouble started when I tried to reload the OEM EXE: I simply couldn't, got the RUU error 328 or 320 (Invalid Command). In the RUU process, the device would seemingly connect and disconnect many times, even rebooting! I know it's not caused by the RUU itself, because when using it to load a custom ROM, it works flawlessly... It's simply something in the Bell OEM EXE...

In any case, the phone radio is dead now. It's installed allright, but the phone simply won't come on. And I tried and tried, believe me!!! Spent the past 20 out of 24 hours on the problem!

So, to sum it up and answer your question: I didn't like the custom ROM and wanted to revert back to the Bell OEM ROM, which I could not, and trying nevertheless by downgrading to the Coke 0.40 loader (notice that I never downgraded the radio, so that should NOT have caused problems), to allow the OEM loader to install, basically killed it

So thanks for your response, and my question remains, if anyone has been successful reverting back, please let me know, and tell me what you did!
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 06:34 PM
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Re: Major problems after unlocking - questions about Imcokemans's unlockers!

I used the same unlocker, and now my phone reboots like every ten seconds, and its getting worse by the minute..... I also cant revert back to my Verizon stock at all, not even through micro sd.
Turns out, I used the non-gps unlocker... switched back to the 0.40 and then back up to the newer gps one. all is good

Last edited by hemanolio; 08-30-2010 at 11:42 PM.
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