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Old 02-17-2009, 12:50 AM
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Old Faithful
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Re: Major problems after unlocking - questions about Imcokemans's unlockers!

Ok - I guess my post is too confused... To simplify: has anyone been able to revert to the original Bell locked OEM 3.x radio carrier ROM after unlocking and installing a custom 3.x compatible ROM? I can't, the RUU comes up with error 320 or 328, invalid command. The OEM exe in question is Bell 3.09.66 exe with 3.42.50 radio from the HTC site.

However, I have no problem running the RUU included with the custom ROM.

Trying to relock by downgrading to coke 0.40 so I could relock it and hopefully run the OEM EXE from scratch essentially killed the radio, it would seem. Maybe I should have watched the phone and stopped its rebooting by removing the battery as soon as the RUU uipdate had finished, but neither the 0.40 nor the 2.31 unlockers mention this behaviour.

Was this my mistake? Is there a way to get back from this condition? How do you guys get about reinstalling the OEM software?

So now my phone is back to OEM condition, from the bootloading screen, but every possible thing I tried afteerwards did anything to get the radio back on

To sum it up, after unlocking it has been impossible to revert to OEM condition, and trying resulted in a dead phone. How do you guys do it?