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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2008, 08:28 PM
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GPS Assistance

I recently purchased a HTC Touch from Us Cellular and have been trying to get GPS working on it for the past week.

-I am running the newest ROM from HTC: HTC Touch (US Cellular) ROM 3.01.573.4
- Radio version 3.42.30

I have gotten a GPS lock twice in a week,and only for a short period of time.

Things I have tried:
- Changed Gps mode to 1 in the registry I (left IP address at the default as I could not locate settings for US Cellular)
- Used the patched version of QuickGPS from XDA Developers
- Turned the Location setting on
- Ran HTC GPS tool, never made a connection
- Ran GPSViewer (this is when I made the lock twice)
- Ran GPSToday, never made a connection
- Ran Google maps. Was able to locate me once during the first lock
- Made changes to GPSone using QPST (checked all options on the left, no PDE IP entered as I could not find one for US Cellular)

I've tried to make the lock outside in my car, in my apartment, and on my patio. Both locks happened while in my apartment.

I've found many many suggestions for quicker more reliable connections using aGPS for Sprint and Verizon, but nothing for Us Cellular.

Can any one point me to some info I may have missed or provide some suggestions on what to try next?

Thank you!
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2008, 10:19 PM
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Re: GPS Assistance

Originally Posted by Skitzi View Post
I recently purchased a HTC Touch from Us Cellular and have been trying to get GPS working on it for the past week.

-I am running the newest ROM from HTC: HTC Touch (US Cellular) ROM 3.01.573.4
- Radio version 3.42.30

I have gotten a GPS lock twice in a week,and only for a short period of time.

Things I have tried:
- Changed Gps mode to 1 in the registry I (left IP address at the default as I could not locate settings for US Cellular)
- Used the patched version of QuickGPS from XDA Developers
- Turned the Location setting on
- Ran HTC GPS tool, never made a connection
- Ran GPSViewer (this is when I made the lock twice)
- Ran GPSToday, never made a connection
- Ran Google maps. Was able to locate me once during the first lock
- Made changes to GPSone using QPST (checked all options on the left, no PDE IP entered as I could not find one for US Cellular)

I've tried to make the lock outside in my car, in my apartment, and on my patio. Both locks happened while in my apartment.

I've found many many suggestions for quicker more reliable connections using aGPS for Sprint and Verizon, but nothing for Us Cellular.

Can any one point me to some info I may have missed or provide some suggestions on what to try next?

Thank you!
The IP address is needed for the aGPS to work correctly. I would presume there is one for USCC, try searching for it.

The two locks you got were probably using orbital satellite(s).

I've looked around a little but can't find it, you'll need to dig a little.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2008, 11:29 AM
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Re: GPS Assistance

Ya, I've been searching every where for the PDE IP but can't find it posted. Hoping someone stumbles across this post and knows where to find it

One thing I did find was the driver information for GPSone in the registry. In the registry it said it was using COM1 rather than COM4 like I have found in posts on PPCGeeks and XDA:
HKLM -> System -> CurrentControlSet -> GPS Intermediate Driver -> Drivers ->CommPort = "Com1:"

After finding this I opened "External GPS" and changed the port to Com1. This seems to helped, I am able to get locks the majority of the time, it just still takes a long time. I need to find the PDE info so I can get these 10 seconfds locks people post about.

  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2008, 08:31 AM
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Re: GPS Assistance

I also just completed the rom update for my US Cellular HTC Touch. Can you give a step by step on how you got the GPS to work on yours? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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