Thread: GPS Assistance
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Old 12-03-2008, 11:29 AM
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Re: GPS Assistance

Ya, I've been searching every where for the PDE IP but can't find it posted. Hoping someone stumbles across this post and knows where to find it

One thing I did find was the driver information for GPSone in the registry. In the registry it said it was using COM1 rather than COM4 like I have found in posts on PPCGeeks and XDA:
HKLM -> System -> CurrentControlSet -> GPS Intermediate Driver -> Drivers ->CommPort = "Com1:"

After finding this I opened "External GPS" and changed the port to Com1. This seems to helped, I am able to get locks the majority of the time, it just still takes a long time. I need to find the PDE info so I can get these 10 seconfds locks people post about.