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Old 10-31-2008, 10:19 AM
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Clearing SMS notification in Manila?

Hey all,

I've been on a mission to figure out a way to get manila to clear the "numbered" sms notification that shows up on the "messages" tab of manilla when you receive a new sms.

Here is what i have tried so far...

1. Attempted to find a way to add a "save as read" option in the "menu" softkey of the messages tab (similar to the option provided on the right softkey when the WinMo 6.1 notification bubble shows up with a new sms)... no luck, been told the .exe would have to be edited rather than just a simple reg edit

2. Searched and searched and found nothing...

3. Stumbled across this yesterday...

I received a new text when i was away from my phone. Both the normal 6.1 notification icon in the top bar and the "numbered" notification on the messages tab of manila showed up.

Before I did anything i happen to do a soft-reset. This cleared the 6.1 new msg icon in the top bar once it finished booting. I then scrolled to the messages tab of manila to read the new text and the "numbered" notification actually went away

After some testing/troubleshooting i realized that touchflo/manila actually must have the code written in to clear it's notification, BUT it for some reason it is trumped by the 6.1 notification. In other words... if the 6.1 notification icon is present in the top bar, then manila can't do it's job and clear the notification on the messages tab. Simply do a soft-reset (which clears that icon in the top bar) and manila will clear it's own notification when you read the text in the messages tab makes sense that it would do this and therefore why a "save as read" option is not present in the right "menu" softkey


Now i have been looking for a reg edit to disable that 6.1 new text notification icon showing up in the top bar when a new sms is received but have had no luck. I don't know if there is a reg already present in the registry to simply disable this, or if one will need to be created. Makes me think of the "SMSNoSentMsg" reg edit. It was not present, but someone figured out the sytax that 6.1 would recognize, added it, and we no longer had to deal with that annoying "message sent" popping up everytime we send a text.

I think that if we find or create this reg edit, then touchflo/manila will function as designed and clear it's notifications as you read them in the messages tab. I have tested it this way...
-sent multiple texts to myself
-had multiple notifications showing "on" the messages tab of manila and the new text icon present in the top bar
-did a soft-rest
-this cleared the new text icon in the top bar (but the messages tab still showed notifications)
-scrolled over to the messages tab in manila
-after about a second or so the notifications dropped from 2 to 1 "on" the tab
-swiped up to read the second
-after a second or so the last notification cleared

I'm by no means a programmer, but i think this is being caused by the fact that manila is a today plug on our Touch rather than a stand alone UI and it is fighting with 6.1 to work as designed. Of course 6.1 wins or "trumps" manila

This is why i think that if i find or figure out a way to syntax a registry entry to disable that new text notification icon from showing up in the top bar i think it will work

All you great minds out there let me know what you think!
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-31-2008, 11:51 AM
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Re: Clearing SMS notification in Manila?

This might be a ROM issue. Are you using a custom ROM? The reason I think it's a ROM issue is because NFSFAN's Sprint 1.01 ROM cleared the text message after looking at it for a couple seconds on the M2D screen. I am using Whosdaman's ROM while waiting for NFSFAN's update and Whosdaman's version of M2D does NOT clear the number.

If may be that you are using an older version of M2D and you don't know it. Sometimes files don't rewritten the way they are supposed to be.
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Old 10-31-2008, 12:49 PM
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Re: Clearing SMS notification in Manila?

Do you have a link for that rom? I checked his ftp here on ppcgeeks but it wasn't there. I'd like to d/l it and decompile it to see his regedits he has put in there to get that to work.

BTW... i'm running a 20755 rom i built in the kitchen and using the manila2d oem that is in the PPCKitchen_OEM.rar so i'm not sure what version it is
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Old 10-31-2008, 01:04 PM
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Re: Clearing SMS notification in Manila?

nsffan, whosdaman, and dette all use rom "stuff" to disable the capability to decompile their roms. You can install it and dump it though.
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-31-2008, 02:25 PM
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Re: Clearing SMS notification in Manila?


I have found this reg edit...

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSAvailabl e = 0

This reg accomplishes the disabling of the notification icon in the top bar & the notification bubble and also allows manilla to clear it's notificaton when checked via the messages tab which is what i'm looking for but not quite there...

In adition it also disables the sound notificaion (even if still set to play in the "Sounds & Notifications" settings) and disables threaded text

I tried to do the threaded text reg after and it did not re-enable threaded text.

Keep the ideas comming if you have any
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2008, 07:49 PM
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Re: Clearing SMS notification in Manila?

Ok final update

First off... Thanks Natefish for pointing me to NFSFAN and thanks to him for responding to my pm over at PPCHaven!!

I never actually figured out exactly what needed to be changed but it is working fine now.

I asked NFSFAN and he said that he did nothing special to get it to work so if mine wasn't then it must have been the OEM or an .rgu ... I had been just building manila2d into my rom from the PPCKitchen when it was not working so I built another rom in the Kitchen w/o Manila2d. Then just installed Manila2d post flash via the cab files in Update 19 and waallaa!! Works perfectly and clears the texts notifications when you read them
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Old 12-03-2008, 02:00 AM
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Re: Clearing SMS notification in Manila?

Did anyone ever figure out the actual solution to this?
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2008, 06:50 PM
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Re: Clearing SMS notification in Manila?

I would like to know if there's a way to fix this as well, there has to be a way to do this if flashing a ROM with M2D built into it, all the ones I've tried have had this problem and it's not a big deal but a solution would be sweet.
Sprint Touch + SERO what else could you possibly want to make calls on?

REV A and GPS and WM6.1 along with sMMS, wow I have everything sprint is releasing in their update already installed. Weird,
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2008, 06:06 PM
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Re: Clearing SMS notification in Manila?

mines works fine everytime i click the sms tab it clears it on my 6.1 notification on the top..im using 20931 build with the tf2d oem in the kitchen...i used to use the m2d mega pack but it gave me wayyyyy too many problems and drove me crazy..the one in the kitchen is great
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