Originally Posted by middlemo88
Really? what did u tell them? I talked to them 3 times already, they did not offer that option to me
I called customer service and told them that I'm in a Sprint service area and that I have a Sprint and and AT&T account. That I've been with Sprint for years and I'd rather stay with Sprint but the AT&T phone has service at my house. If they could do something about reception at my house I'd switch the AT&T line to Sprint but if they couldn't help me I'd move the Sprint line to AT&T. They transferred me to retentions and I told the same story. I got this really nice lady and she set me up with the Airave, gave me a $100 one time credit to pay for it and no charge on the service. She never asked me about switching the AT&T line to Sprint or even ask me for the number so I suppose I could have been lying to her but I wasn't and the following day I got a new Sprint line, another Diamond and cancelled my AT&t account.