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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2008, 09:01 PM
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Unhappy Touch spontaneously resumes standby???

Since late July, my new Sprint touch just random lights up and resumes from standby mode (Thankfully, I have S2U2 to prevent button presses) but is there an actual solution to this? This occurs spontaneously every few minutes and puts a drain on the battery (plus it's annoying to have to use S2U2 - the S2U part really sucks w/ resistive touchscreens).

I've disabled all notificactions (even calls), hard reset, soft reset, ported to Dharvey's rom, and even called sprint. Nothing seems to work (especially Sprint's clueless tech support).

So any help would be appreciated!

  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2008, 09:04 PM
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Re: Touch spontaneously resumes standby???

Originally Posted by kornpopz View Post
Since late July, my new Sprint touch just random lights up and resumes from standby mode (Thankfully, I have S2U2 to prevent button presses) but is there an actual solution to this? This occurs spontaneously every few minutes and puts a drain on the battery (plus it's annoying to have to use S2U2 - the S2U part really sucks w/ resistive touchscreens).

I've disabled all notificactions (even calls), hard reset, soft reset, ported to Dharvey's rom, and even called sprint. Nothing seems to work (especially Sprint's clueless tech support).

So any help would be appreciated!

are you running the built in messenger app? (aim, yahoo etc.) Mine lights up whenever there is a status change for whatever reason.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2008, 09:30 PM
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Re: Touch spontaneously resumes standby???

There's no app running other than activesync (and I don't have MS exchange syncs or anything)...

Another quick gripe (Sorry!): time updates w/ a lag of about .5 sec when the phone resumes standby...not as big of an issue but just thought I'd throw it out there while we're at it.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2008, 01:34 AM
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Re: Touch spontaneously resumes standby???

on my htc touch the phone will go into staandby but whenaive I hit thhee power button nothinng hhappens aand i know the button works ccause it will turn the phone on and off
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2008, 02:34 AM
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Re: Touch spontaneously resumes standby???

Originally Posted by kornpopz View Post
There's no app running other than activesync (and I don't have MS exchange syncs or anything)...

Another quick gripe (Sorry!): time updates w/ a lag of about .5 sec when the phone resumes standby...not as big of an issue but just thought I'd throw it out there while we're at it.
Mine does this too...I think it's just because of activesync. If it's connected to your computer via usb cable and activesync is on (ie those arrow bars replacing the Ev spot) then it will keep the screen on, and if you turn it off it will eventually go on again. The only way I keep it off is by using psshutxp and use lights off.

Do you mean the htc home time? There does seem to be a lag sometimes but that's the way it is I guess...doesn't really bother me that much.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2008, 01:09 PM
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Re: Touch spontaneously resumes standby???

My 6700 does the same, the 6800 does NOT do it but the 6900 does it too.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2008, 04:57 PM
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Re: Touch spontaneously resumes standby???

Hmm. So it seems these issues are not entirely ROM dependant. Also, I killed off activesync manually and the resuming problem definitely keeps occuring...I have a slight suspicion that this happens only when the phone switches between sprint & roaming (just b/c i live in a spotty area of coverage).

The time lag issue, I think, belongs only to Dharveys ROM (althought it's perfect otherwise).
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Old 08-23-2008, 05:40 PM
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Re: Touch spontaneously resumes standby???

Originally Posted by kornpopz View Post
Hmm. So it seems these issues are not entirely ROM dependant. Also, I killed off activesync manually and the resuming problem definitely keeps occuring...I have a slight suspicion that this happens only when the phone switches between sprint & roaming (just b/c i live in a spotty area of coverage).

The time lag issue, I think, belongs only to Dharveys ROM (althought it's perfect otherwise).
you should test the roaming thing. force it sprint and see if it still does it.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2008, 06:24 PM
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Re: Touch spontaneously resumes standby???

I am not roaming and it still does it.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2008, 08:24 PM
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Re: Touch spontaneously resumes standby???

Originally Posted by ludester View Post
Did you guys try disabling replog (activesync) from starting up based on time (I beleive its in the scheduler or database section you gotta do it through SKTOOLS or the likings)

There is usually 3 replog listings, disable 2 and leave the one that is connected to the rs232 (i.e. when you plug the phone in) enabled. I have never once had my touch (vogue) wake up out of sleep mode unless I got a call.
Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
I assume you know of dotFred's task manager / reg edit. ok, well, look in some of the other tabs. I don't run my 6700 anymore or know what rom your running, but a good one that should work for you is this..
dotfred task manager,,
go to the "notifications tab"
look for replog.exe

I disable the one that say's something about time sync. (this is what keeps launching activestink for no reason...)

be careful, but have fun too!
Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
I thought you already knew about this, or I would have said something sooner...
since we lost a few thousand posts, I'll give a quick low down on it. I didn't figure it out, just read it somewhere, from someone...
replog.exe is activesync
there are 3 instances of this under the "notifications" tab of dotfred's task manager.
one of them is to "run after time change" (which happens with every new cell tower)
it can be disabled or deleted... should only be needed by ppl that change timezones alot.
Originally Posted by puff View Post
Use dotFred's task manager, and goto notifications... you'll find the replog.exe (x3)
the exact wording isnt "run after time change" but its something like that... that's one you can disable/delete
that will prevent activesync from starting everytime the device polls the tower for time sync
another thing you can do to prevent this is just disable time sync...
another way simpler (but less desirable) way to accomplish this is to simply turn off Time Synchronization totally in settings/personal/phone-services
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7 windows to bring them all, and in the network bind them.
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