Custom text/email tones?
I am trying to figure out the best (if possible) way to to assign customer (by user) tones for text and/or email messages. I started messing with spb suite but with the 20270 kitchen it makes slide to unlock completely unreliable for me*. What I am trying to accomplish is I get paged by work when a system goes down or computer room in our data center gets too hot. These come from a hand full of email addresses. I want these pages (taxt and/or email) to have obnoxiously loud sounds while regular emails/texts have a "normal" sound. This especially important for when I am sleeping and I need to wake up to respond to them. Anyone else have a system like this that works well for them?
I am not totalyl oppsoed to spb suite if that is the best solution, I can always try the old lock app if necessary.
* - This has been my experince with repeated attempts so I am not slamming the kitchen, just mearly stating my issue.