Garmin Mobile Help - Sprint Touch 6.1
Hey all, I have installed the Garmin mobile xt software on my phone. I chose this because I do not have, nor do I want a data plan. Here is my issue, why cant I enable gps without enabling the data connection?? I've downloaded gpstoggle, and nodata, and if I disable "Phone as modem" and "Sprint PCS", then I have a very very difficult time connecting to satellites. If I enable "Sprint PCS" here, I can lock on very quickly, but my little icon changes from the normal cell phone service & bars, to two little arrows and bars, and in connection manager you can see that the data connection is open. I also made sure to disable internet from inside of garmin so it wont try to connect on its own (for the traffic and stuff I guess) What gives?? is there a way I can fix this? I definitely don't want to get a huge bill at the end of this month because of data charges!