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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2008, 04:56 PM
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Re: Plans with the touch

Ok, so the 29.99 plan is out, but is there another option other than the unlimited 45 dollar plan? This 24.99 plan for 10mb max? Does this exist? Why do the csr's not acknowledge it?
  #22 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2008, 08:16 PM
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Re: Plans with the touch

  #23 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2008, 01:12 AM
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Re: Plans with the touch

Originally Posted by BlindRacer View Post
Ok, so the 29.99 plan is out, but is there another option other than the unlimited 45 dollar plan? This 24.99 plan for 10mb max? Does this exist? Why do the csr's not acknowledge it?

For now, I believe there is only the $44.99 plan, not the $30 plan. The difference between the two is basically the higher tier plan is for corporate emails that you need to go thru the business server to get and the other is just basic email usage (aol, yahoo, etc). The reps don't acknowledge the $24.99 plan because it doesn't help their DAPC (commission talk) as much as the $44.99 plan does lol... Also, 10 MB really isn't that much if you plan on dl'ing different programs straight from a website to a phone (like I do most of the time at work!) or even sending a picture/video message (which uses data). Hopefully they'll change it and let us put on the $30 plan. That's what's holding a lot of people up for buying that phone. I know I've sold the most in my store due to the fact that I personally own one, so that's helped me a lot...
  #24 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2008, 01:12 PM
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Re: Plans with the touch

Thanks. So, just confirmint, there is a 24.99 plan does exists for the 10mb limit?

You brought up another thing that is now being contradicted. The csr in the store said that if I have a messaging plan, then the data does not come off of my monthly amount from the data plan. Is this wrong? Does it still take away from my monthly data amount as well as my message plan amount?
  #25 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2008, 04:30 PM
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Re: Plans with the touch

  #26 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2008, 04:54 PM
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Re: Plans with the touch

I found this on Howard Forums...

" 1. You can do Pay-As-You-Go Data. It will charge you $15.36 per MB of data. (1.5 cents per KB). You don't want this plan, you will run your bill up to heaven at that rate. You can do Picture and Video messaging without being charged for the data under this plan, just be careful not to let any programs download or send data on their own.

2. 10 MB of data for $24.99. Chances are you will go over this limit. If you're absolutely certain you will be under 10MB and want to save $20 a month, by all means, go for it. Just don't say the angry guy on the internet phone geek message board didn't warn you. It's $5.12 a MB after the limit.

3. $44.99 gets you "Unlimited Data." This will fit most of your needs. Verizon will cut off your service if you hit 5GB but that is a ridiculous amount, just don't stream video 24/7. This is what you should be getting with your PDA.

4. Block all incoming data. You can't send pictures or videos or do anything data related. This takes a lot of fun out of the device, but it is still more safe than Pay As You Go. This would be my other suggested option if you can't afford the unlimited plan.

You need one of those plans, there is no way around it. They can be added to any America's Choice line, familyshare or not. There are also data/voice bundles for SINGLE lines only."

Are these plans still relevant? This was posted in April of 2007.

If these are relevant still, then it looks like I'll do the unlimited, then see where I stand on how much data I use, then if I'm under 10MB, then I'll knock it down to the 24.99/month plan.

Please, someone confirm that these are still the current plans. Thanks
  #27 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2008, 06:46 PM
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Re: Plans with the touch

  #28 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2008, 10:21 PM
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Re: Plans with the touch

According to multiple reps I have spoken with both on the phone and at the local Verizon store, this is correct. I was also told by a few of them that they believe they "should" be adding the $29 unlimited/no push email option at some point for the 6900, but no one could confirm or give a date. (It, as of yet, has never been offered for this phone, and every rep on the phone says that the "code" isn't available on their computer to attach to this phone)

The guy in the store when I bought it seemed to know what he was talking about, and said he believes it will be within a couple of months, because "That's how long they usually take to add the code" to phones like this.

I will say that when I called at the end of my first month to see if it was available yet for my phone, I told the rep on the phone that the guy in the store had told me he thought it might be available this month. He quickly started apologizing and said, "Since there was so much confusion with this, we'll give you another month at the unlimited level complimentary... since there was so much confusion." (He kept repeating that as if a manager was listening and he had to be giving a good reason - whatever, don't care, I'll take it!)

So anyway, hopefully the $29 plan will be available soon - I don't use push email, but MUST have unlimited data. I used 116 MBs last month. A lot of that is because I did hack the phone and got the GPS working - very cool, and free - no $10 VZ Nav BS. When the map moves at all, it's a couple hundred k, so you go through MBs REAL quick.

Anyway, hope that helps...
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2008, 11:22 AM
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Re: Plans with the touch

Thank you so much Arl16. That was the most clear answer that I've ever gotten on this subject. I didn't know that this phone was expected to go to the 29.99 plan. Hopefully it does. I'll probably be getting this phone within a week or two at the 49.99 unlimited price, and see where I am, and hopefully I can either switch to the 24.99 10mb, or the 29.99 unlimited after a month or two. Thank you so much for all your help on clearing up these issues. I know this is a very common question, but when all the reps in multiple stores give many different answers, some of which are true and others that are so far out there, they should be fired, things need to be clarified.

Oh, I just remembered. I have a messaging plan that gives unlimited IN pic/flix messaging. Does this come out of the data amount? I heard that this was fixed with Verizon recently (a few months ago), and it no longer counts against the amount of data that is used.
  #30 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2008, 04:38 PM
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Re: Plans with the touch

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