Re: Plans with the touch
Thank you so much Arl16. That was the most clear answer that I've ever gotten on this subject. I didn't know that this phone was expected to go to the 29.99 plan. Hopefully it does. I'll probably be getting this phone within a week or two at the 49.99 unlimited price, and see where I am, and hopefully I can either switch to the 24.99 10mb, or the 29.99 unlimited after a month or two. Thank you so much for all your help on clearing up these issues. I know this is a very common question, but when all the reps in multiple stores give many different answers, some of which are true and others that are so far out there, they should be fired, things need to be clarified.
Oh, I just remembered. I have a messaging plan that gives unlimited IN pic/flix messaging. Does this come out of the data amount? I heard that this was fixed with Verizon recently (a few months ago), and it no longer counts against the amount of data that is used.