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View Poll Results: Flash...Don't Flash...Trade?
Flash with custom ROM? 19 48.72%
Wait for Sprint Update? 17 43.59%
Trade or buy different phone? 3 7.69%
Voters: 39. You may not vote on this poll

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2008, 07:56 PM
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If I flash a custom ROM???

I have some questions about custom ROMs. I had a 6700 that I installed WinMo6 on and it was great. I'm kinda scared to install a ROM on my Sprint 6900. If you have flashed your 6900 please help me understand a few things.

1. With custom ROMs, will that effect my phone when the update comes out from Sprint(somewhere around Feb. 29th. 2057)???

2. What features will I loose(if any)???

3. What are the Pros and Cons???

4. Anything you want to add???

I want to thank anyone in advance for your post. Thank You!
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Old 06-21-2008, 08:01 PM
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Re: If I flash a custom ROM???

really the purpose of custom ROMs is to add functionality we are working on getting as much out of the diamond ROms as we can. also most custom ROMs now are WM6.1 and with the leake rom it has REV/A and GPS. really it is just a good idea to flash to a custom ROM. but before you flash to a custom ROM be sure you do a hell of alot of reading.

If I have helped you out or you enjoy my work please feel free to donate.

Helpful ROM cooking Info

How To: Registry edit to .cab
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2008, 08:33 PM
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Re: If I flash a custom ROM???

Since customs roms are leaked rom. There is not much difference and it makes the device more stable according to many. I myself don't have any doubts or problems with custom roms but I prefer the sprint update. simply because I want to sell my older device to buy the newer 1. Buyers might not understand custom roms or might have hard time working on it. Custom roms are for ppcgeeks. regular people are for stock roms. LOL
I edit my post. typo error.

Last edited by jethro_static; 06-21-2008 at 08:48 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2008, 08:38 PM
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Re: If I flash a custom ROM???

i agree that you may just want to make your own version of the leaked ROM in the ppcgeeks kitchen. it would be much easier than keeping up on all the updates from us chefs.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2008, 08:50 PM
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Re: If I flash a custom ROM???

Originally Posted by fresnogamer View Post
1. With custom ROMs, will that effect my phone when the update comes out from Sprint(somewhere around Feb. 29th. 2057)???
No, the new custom roms will usually include a radio and a rom. If you flash the update in 2057 or 2009, it will overwrite any custom rom you have put on your device.

Originally Posted by fresnogamer View Post
2. What features will I loose(if any)???
Depends on the chef, they may take out sprinttv or the music store if it conflicts with something they have added or just didn't want it in their rom. Check out the app list in the first page of each rom thread. Me, I rip out sprinttv, their cabs, and that htc home program when I first get a rom...

Originally Posted by fresnogamer View Post
3. What are the Pros and Cons???
Pros: More software, chefs usually tweak the rom and make it run faster, work out bugs. There are more user friendly programs in a custom rom. If you don't like one rom, try another.
Cons: You are reliant on the chef to fix problems. Sprint will void your warranty if they find out you have flashed a custom rom.
Originally Posted by colonel
I have seen this too...

Originally Posted by fresnogamer View Post
4. Anything you want to add???
Yeah, Just DO IT! Have on hand the latest sprint oem rom, you can always flash that to fix any real problems or issues that come up. (and has saved my behind several times....)

Have a great day!
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

Last edited by rstoyguy; 06-21-2008 at 08:53 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2008, 08:53 PM
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Re: If I flash a custom ROM???

Originally Posted by rstoyguy View Post
No, the new custom roms will usually include a radio and a rom. If you flash the update in 2057 or 2009, it will overwrite any custom rom you have put on your device.

Depends on the chef, they may take out sprinttv or the music store if it conflicts with something they have added or just didn't want it in their rom. Check out the app list in the first page of each rom thread. Me, I rip out sprinttv, their cabs, and that htc home program when I first get a rom...

Pros: More software, chefs usually tweak the rom and make it run faster, work out bugs. There are more user friendly programs in a custom rom. If you don't like one rom, try another.
Cons: You are reliant on the chef to fix problems. Sprint will void your warranty if they find out you have flashed a custom rom. I have seen this too...

Yeah, Just DO IT! Have on hand the latest sprint oem rom, you can always flash that to fix any real problems or issues that come up. (and has saved my behind several times....)

Have a great day!
all questions answered by this dude. cool.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2008, 10:08 PM
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Re: If I flash a custom ROM???

Thank you very much for all of your information. I will install a custom ROM tonight...THANK YOU AGAIN!!!
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2008, 10:32 PM
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Re: If I flash a custom ROM???

I'm using this thread: Flashing How-To. Updated 5/23/08 to Include Quick GPS/Rev-A How-To (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=174730). If you know of a better one please tell me. Thank you.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2008, 02:00 AM
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Re: If I flash a custom ROM???

Originally Posted by fresnogamer View Post
I'm using this thread: Flashing How-To. Updated 5/23/08 to Include Quick GPS/Rev-A How-To (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=174730). If you know of a better one please tell me. Thank you.
Very good solid rom is found here..... http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=25335

A nice full to the gills rom is found here as well...http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=27230

Both are good and solid....

edit: Don't forget to follow the instructions in the first post!!!!!
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