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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2008, 03:53 AM
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Re: htc touch / no gps lock without cell phone service?

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
Oh I wanna watch this. Seems like somebody learned something from me.LOL
Dude...Youre annoying. You're as bright as my 3 year old (a possible compliment for you) So, Please shut up. Everyone is tired of reading your stupid comments. You are now on my Ignore List.
If I've helped ya, please feel free to hit the button, and as always, Youre Welcome!!

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2008, 06:52 AM
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Re: htc touch / no gps lock without cell phone service?

Originally Posted by stevedog1 View Post
Dude. I am not stupid, and I can read. Why don't you offer some helpfull information rather than critisize what I am saying. If you have nothing to offer to the issue then youre better off just keeping your mouth shut. No one wants to hear it. Being a prick is highly frowned upon in here, and you my friend are just that, a prick.

Anyways, I said that he was obviously out of satelite view due to the fact that he wasnt getting a lock. Thats why I said that. Did you read my last post? Something is wrong with his setup Obviously because he does not need a cellular connection to obtain a lock or to navigate (with TomTOm...Garmin, or other programs with preloaded maps. The only thing that makes sense is that he might be trying to use GoogleMaps, or Live Search for Navigation, and those two require a data (cellular in this case) to download the maps. So if thats what he is trying to do then he would just get a blank screen. Even though the phone is recieving a GPS signal it cant be interpreted in the form of a map location because it cannot download one without a cellular conection. Thats what I can make of it anyways. Hope that helps.
Originally Posted by stevedog1 View Post
Dude...Youre annoying. You're as bright as my 3 year old (a possible compliment for you) So, Please shut up. Everyone is tired of reading your stupid comments. You are now on my Ignore List.
This guy always insults anybody if they disagree with him. He is comstantly breaking the rules. I hope admins are keeping an eye on this abusive member.
  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2008, 09:25 AM
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Re: htc touch / no gps lock without cell phone service?

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
This guy always insults anybody if they disagree with him. He is comstantly breaking the rules. I hope admins are keeping an eye on this abusive member.

Agreed, and comprehension issues.
  #14 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2008, 09:51 AM
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Re: htc touch / no gps lock without cell phone service?

Originally Posted by stevedog1 View Post
Dude. I am not stupid, and I can read. Why don't you offer some helpfull information rather than critisize what I am saying. If you have nothing to offer to the issue then youre better off just keeping your mouth shut. No one wants to hear it. Being a prick is highly frowned upon in here, and you my friend are just that, a prick.

Anyways, I said that he was obviously out of satelite view due to the fact that he wasnt getting a lock. Thats why I said that. Did you read my last post? Something is wrong with his setup Obviously because he does not need a cellular connection to obtain a lock or to navigate (with TomTOm...Garmin, or other programs with preloaded maps. The only thing that makes sense is that he might be trying to use GoogleMaps, or Live Search for Navigation, and those two require a data (cellular in this case) to download the maps. So if thats what he is trying to do then he would just get a blank screen. Even though the phone is recieving a GPS signal it cant be interpreted in the form of a map location because it cannot download one without a cellular conection. Thats what I can make of it anyways. Hope that helps.
Dude. Again, note the words "disabled", and "enabled". With what the poster has given us, he is OBVIOUSLY in in sat view. In your effort to prove what we already know, you miss the question
And in the 4th post I suggested a program with installed maps, (you know, "some helpfull information rather than critisize")
So he does have another issue, and more info from the poster would help the community help him. ( or her, sorry don't know)

AS for your first paragraph.... I must remind myself where it comes from. I find that it is something myself and others would like to say to you, but wouldn't out of respect for the forum.

in the words of Winston Churchill, "A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject."

  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2008, 12:25 PM
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Re: htc touch / no gps lock without cell phone service?

Originally Posted by tlcasper View Post
Agreed, and comprehension issues.
You obviously dont read many other threads, otherwise you would understand why I said what I said. This guy is an arogant jerk, and youre not helping matters by sticking by his side. Why dont you first read this thread that he basically constantly insults the whole forum through and through and then make your assumptions as to why I said what i said:


fyi: My comprehension is just fine, thank you.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2008, 12:42 PM
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Re: htc touch / no gps lock without cell phone service?

Originally Posted by tlcasper View Post
Please reread the original post in this thread. He is not out of sat. view, as he states, "I'm having trouble getting a GPS lock when the cell phone service is disabled. As soon as I enable cell service, it locks easily."

Note the words, "disabled", and, "enabled".
How do you know by his post that he is not in satellite view? He doesn't state that he is. I offered an explanation as to why it might not work when he doesn't have cellular service, due to the fact that cellular service is not needed, as we both agree, to navigate. As I said " The touch MSM 7500 chip also works as a stand alone GPS even if cellular service is not available. With aGPS in our Touch, a cellular connection simply makes positioning faster and more accurate, but is not required." So how am I not being helpful? You started with me. Also, when you stated "Please reread the original post in this thread. He is not out of sat. view, as he states, "I'm having trouble getting a GPS lock when the cell phone service is disabled. As soon as I enable cell service, it locks easily." He was refering to actually being in an AIRPLANE. Not in "airplane mode". He corrected himself by stating "My built in GPS will not work on an airplane. (phone is not in airplane mode) It works great when anywhere else in the country where I have service..." So then that why I stated what I stated. There was no need for you to tell me to read again, or to Note "enabled, and diasabled" due to the fact that I am able to read. So, you started with me, and now your telling me I have comprehension issues?? Ok...Whatever you say. I apoligize to the original poster because this entire thread is a waste of his time. Im not going to discuss this any further.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2008, 12:53 PM
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Re: htc touch / no gps lock without cell phone service?

Originally Posted by stevedog1 View Post
You obviously dont read many other threads, otherwise you would understand why I said what I said. This guy is an arogant jerk, and youre not helping matters by sticking by his side. Why dont you first read this thread that he basically constantly insults the whole forum through and through and then make your assumptions as to why I said what i said:


fyi: My comprehension is just fine, thank you.
ANother insult by the abusive member. Mr.dog, Mr. Castper is not sticking by my side. He Basically just agreed with that particular post. Making asumptions is not insulting any forums. It is not a violation of any rules. ANd I think U should lookup what exactly "forum" means. It's basically a discussion. ANd in a discussion, There are right side and wrong side. On the thread U linked. U said there that it should be closed and posibly deleted too because it is misleading. If the thread is misleading, Why do U encourage people to read it? So basically, U r directing the people to a misleading thread. Thanks.

Last edited by jethro_static; 06-21-2008 at 12:56 PM.
  #18 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2008, 12:57 PM
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Re: htc touch / no gps lock without cell phone service?

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
ANother insult by the abusive member. Mr.dog, Mr. Castper is not sticking by my side. He Basically just agreed with that particular post. Making asumptions is not insulting any forums. It is not a violation of any rules. ANd I think U should lookup what exactly "forum" means. It's basically a discussion. ANd in a discussion, There are right side and wrong side. On the thread U linked. U said there that it should be closed and posible deleted too because it is misleading. If the thread is misleading, Why do U encourage people to read it? So basically, U directing the people to a misleading thread. Thanks.
I directed him to it so that he can read YOUR stupid remarks. Im not gonna discuss this further. This thread isnt about us.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2008, 01:01 PM
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Re: htc touch / no gps lock without cell phone service?

Originally Posted by stevedog1 View Post
I directed him to it so that he can read YOUR stupid remarks. Im not gonna discuss this further. This thread isnt about us.
ANother insult by the abusive member. I just really hope that admins are watching because this guy cannot post without personal attacks. Anyone know the answer to the OP pls help. I don't wanna help because I will be insulted by this guy again. Thanks in advance.
  #20 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2008, 01:04 PM
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Re: htc touch / no gps lock without cell phone service?

Originally Posted by stevedog1 View Post
How do you know by his post that he is not in satellite view? He doesn't state that he is. I offered an explanation as to why it might not work when he doesn't have cellular service, due to the fact that cellular service is not needed, as we both agree, to navigate. As I said " The touch MSM 7500 chip also works as a stand alone GPS even if cellular service is not available. With aGPS in our Touch, a cellular connection simply makes positioning faster and more accurate, but is not required." So how am I not being helpful? You started with me. Also, when you stated "Please reread the original post in this thread. He is not out of sat. view, as he states, "I'm having trouble getting a GPS lock when the cell phone service is disabled. As soon as I enable cell service, it locks easily." He was refering to actually being in an AIRPLANE. Not in "airplane mode". He corrected himself by stating "My built in GPS will not work on an airplane. (phone is not in airplane mode) It works great when anywhere else in the country where I have service..." So then that why I stated what I stated. There was no need for you to tell me to read again, or to Note "enabled, and diasabled" due to the fact that I am able to read. So, you started with me, and now your telling me I have comprehension issues?? Ok...Whatever you say. I apoligize to the original poster because this entire thread is a waste of his time. Im not going to discuss this any further.

Please show me where the poster says he will be IN an airplane.
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