Re: verizon mms
u should probably try this http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/announcement.php?f=59 |
Re: verizon mms
If your using the kitchen, the easiest thing to do is also download dcd's titan kitchen from xda. He has a VZW only oem for arcsoft that requires no other editing. Just import that file into the kitchen and your done, no messing with settings every time you flash.
Re: verizon mms
Re: verizon mms
Followed soccerman's directions.....I think I have it working too. Decent lag, but it seems to be working. I don't really like the way it shows up in the threaded text mode (hard to select it one handed), but at least its there.
Re: verizon mms
hmm tried to setup arcsoft MMS on new rom i installed but SMS just gives me Error: Ok a lil while after trying to send a multimedia message.
I tried the settings in registry and also the MMS Options->Server settings in registry. Any ideas? I went to registry and added a DWORD key EnableServerEdit, set its value to 1. Then went into Messaging->MMS Options and went to Servers tabs, and set the server with those options posted earlier. My other registry settings are: HKLM/Software/ArcSoft/ArcSoft MMS UA/Config/mm1 X-VzW-MDN: "2670001234" //hope the above capitalization doesnt matter Accept: application/vnd.wap.multipart.related //this didnt work so i also added a wildcard i saw in this value before to accept anything, so changed to: Accept: application/vnd.wap.multipart.related, *.* Accept-Charset: us-ascii;utf-8;iso-10646-ucs-2;ISO-8859-1 User-Agent: utstar69kv1 x-wap-profile: http://uaprof.vtext.com/utstar/xv69k/xv69kv1.xml //also added these since above didnt work wap-Profile: http://uaprof.vtext.com/utstar/xv69k/xv69kv1.xml Profile: http://uaprof.vtext.com/utstar/xv69k/xv69kv1.xml //not sure about the Caps on above profile settings, anyway all didnt work Any ideas where i am going wrong? |
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