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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2008, 03:57 AM
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Re: At what point does one say "I need a real keyboard?"

  #22 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2008, 05:33 AM
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Re: At what point does one say "I need a real keyboard?"

Originally Posted by pufftissue View Post
Thanks for the replies guys.

I am a bit of a grammar-junkie as when I reply to some people's emails it's for work purposes. Excessively poor spelling and grammatical errors are not good form for the job.

I also input alot of medical words which are not in the dictionary, i.e., losartan, rosiglitazone, or something weird like that. So to me it feels like I'm always typing "l" "o" "s" "a" backspace or whatever ,"r"....and I think that once I upgrade to one of those hacked ROMS all my "learned" words might be gone although I'm sure you can save the database file somewhere. I've also got a foreign language dictionary that I would like to use in order to look up a few words. Inputting those is also not going to be very predictive I'm assuming.

I was waiting for a burrito tonight (5 min) and I tried to text "Went to work out. Will be home soon. Didn't have my phone." And I kept screwing up. My burrito made it out before I finished the message.
uh, touchpal has a user dictionary that allows you to insert slang and medical stuff in it, i think every texter on the planet has some kind of ebonics they use, so most soft keyboard software's out there will let you customize the dictionary to your liking, all i'm saying is you will text much faster and with a LOT less effort with touchpal compared to ANY hardware keyboard.. ask around, hell go to the "convertz" thread in off topic, its all the mogul users who switched to the touch.. they ALL will testify that the touch's textin is a lot more effective
i hate idiots... seriously

samsung 640A --> motorola Q --> sprint touch --> now doin it big with the touch pro... oh so sexy lol
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2008, 06:12 AM
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Re: At what point does one say "I need a real keyboard?"

i never used the keyboard on my old apache.. WHY?

because the lcd wasnt made to be viewed at that landscape angle. the lcd like many others (including the touch) you can tell its not made to be viewed from the side.

theres a wierd holo-rainbow effect thats pretty obvious and strains my eyes.
  #24 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2008, 08:52 AM
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Re: At what point does one say "I need a real keyboard?"

Originally Posted by ajones7279 View Post
Hmm....Gps is working fine on my touch. And wifi? Never used it when I did have the mogul so no dealbreaker for me
Like I have said before, it all boils down to personal preference. I don't mind the since and think it feels better in my hand than the Touch did. I went through a couple Touchs because of the dark spot defect in the screen. Other than that the only complain was no hardware keyboard. The only thing I truly miss is running Android.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2008, 09:05 AM
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Re: At what point does one say "I need a real keyboard?"

the only time i miss a hard kb is when the dictionary does not know the word im trying to type. adding it in touchpal requires a bunch of finger swipes across buttons and such, and is annoying to me, but once its in the dictionary, its in there, so you dont need to worry about it again....

yesterday i was helping my friend tweak her Dash, and I must admit using her hard KB was very refreshing...

but also made me realize how far SIP's have come, because I would still beat her down in a texting race....lol

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Old 05-21-2008, 09:06 AM
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Re: At what point does one say "I need a real keyboard?"

Originally Posted by ryanbg View Post
Like I have said before, it all boils down to personal preference. I don't mind the since and think it feels better in my hand than the Touch did. I went through a couple Touchs because of the dark spot defect in the screen. Other than that the only complain was no hardware keyboard. The only thing I truly miss is running Android.
The Mogul is by far the best phone for business use, I would look silly pulling out a Touch or an Iphone for that matter in a business meeting to answer a call or an email. With that being said, it would depend on the type of business you are in as well, but for excel, word and pdf's the Mogul is the best hands down. If I was still in college or not in a professional business world then I would probably have the Touch.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2008, 09:27 AM
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Re: At what point does one say "I need a real keyboard?"

Originally Posted by bkhoste View Post
The Mogul is by far the best phone for business use, I would look silly pulling out a Touch or an Iphone for that matter in a business meeting to answer a call or an email. With that being said, it would depend on the type of business you are in as well, but for excel, word and pdf's the Mogul is the best hands down. If I was still in college or not in a professional business world then I would probably have the Touch.
thats your preference, why would one look stupid in a corporate environment, pulling out a Touch(which is parallel to the mogul in general respects), or even an iphone....

Who you think is looking that hard?? LOL....

Thats crazy you said that cuz the last meeting I had with the Sales Managers here, they all had there BB's and such, but the RSM had a touch, as well as I, and my buddy thats works with me has a mogul....

That speaks volumes in itself!
  #28 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2008, 09:48 AM
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Re: At what point does one say "I need a real keyboard?"

Originally Posted by Success100 View Post
thats your preference, why would one look stupid in a corporate environment, pulling out a Touch(which is parallel to the mogul in general respects), or even an iphone....

Who you think is looking that hard?? LOL....

Thats crazy you said that cuz the last meeting I had with the Sales Managers here, they all had there BB's and such, but the RSM had a touch, as well as I, and my buddy thats works with me has a mogul....

That speaks volumes in itself!
First off, eveyone looks at me hard, I am the standard! LOL Just kiddin.

Here we go, with the "It is like this where I work so it MUST be like this were everyone works", only speaking volumes for your workplace, not the average overall. What I was referring to was a post I saw here awhile back that had the Mogul rated highest for business type phones, the post had a link to a report on PPC/Smartphones, sorry to say that mighty Touch was not on the list. Here is the shocker, it is because the Touch is not marketed towards people in the business world ! Does that mean it cannot be used for business? No! But again, as it has been touted so often in here it is personal choice.

Also, I stated that I would feel silly using in a professional setting because I think it looks like toy, same with the Iphone. Remeber before y'all start flaming that I said "I" not everyone, so will your flames change my mind? NO, but if if makes you feel better flame away, just try and make them funny.

PS, I still think everyone in PPCGEEKS is awsome reguardless of your phone!
  #29 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2008, 09:56 AM
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Re: At what point does one say "I need a real keyboard?"

Originally Posted by bkhoste View Post
First off, eveyone looks at me hard, I am the standard! LOL Just kiddin.

Here we go, with the "It is like this where I work so it MUST be like this were everyone works", only speaking volumes for your workplace, not the average overall. What I was referring to was a post I saw here awhile back that had the Mogul rated highest for business type phones, the post had a link to a report on PPC/Smartphones, sorry to say that mighty Touch was not on the list. Here is the shocker, it is because the Touch is not marketed towards people in the business world ! Does that mean it cannot be used for business? No! But again, as it has been touted so often in here it is personal choice.

Also, I stated that I would feel silly using in a professional setting because I think it looks like toy, same with the Iphone. Remeber before y'all start flaming that I said "I" not everyone, so will your flames change my mind? NO, but if if makes you feel better flame away, just try and make them funny.

PS, I still think everyone in PPCGEEKS is awsome reguardless of your phone!
yeah you are right with that...they dont market the touch as a business device, they market it as a multi media device(sucks out the box at that but whatever sprint).

I dont think it looks like a toy though, hell, to me the mogul seemed like a toy, but we all have our opinions....

and no flaming here, your one of the people here that I dont care to flame, because you help out and youve helped me out b4...so dont take offense from my post, and none taken from yours!
  #30 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2008, 10:00 AM
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Re: At what point does one say "I need a real keyboard?"

Originally Posted by Success100 View Post
yeah you are right with that...they dont market the touch as a business device, they market it as a multi media device(sucks out the box at that but whatever sprint).

I dont think it looks like a toy though, hell, to me the mogul seemed like a toy, but we all have our opinions....

and no flaming here, your one of the people here that I dont care to flame, because you help out and youve helped me out b4...so dont take offense from my post, and none taken from yours!
No offense take; and I probably will change my mind about the Touch when my Mogul dies and I get one as the replacement, and also because I am that shallow .
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