09-28-2009, 11:53 AM
PPCGeeks Regular
Pocket PC: HTC hero Carrier: Sprint
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Re: I bricked my htc touch can someone please help me
Originally Posted by h311boy
Had exact same problem a while ago. Its not a brick, Brick is when ur screen is black and NOTHING is on it and it does not respond to anything. What you have is just a ill rom. Did u have this problem upgrading the radio or did you upgrade just the rom? If its just the rom then download an official rom from the htc website for your carrier (that uses the same radio) and by holding the camera, power, and reseting with stylis (as stated above) enter the tricolor screen, connect to usb, and flash the official rom. Sometimes u cant get into tricolor at the first try, but just keep trying and ull get it.
 Thank you h311boy, You have helped me revitalize my phone.
I need help man, I am a total ROM Junkie. ...anyone know where I can find an RA (ROM Anonymous) meeting?