Originally Posted by savior02
yahoo charges to use push email you will have to upgrade your email and pay a sub for that..it aint worth it gmail offers push for free. after using both mobipush and seven i must say seven is way better..mobipush drains the battery more and also seven has more options and yes it saves your sent emails in your sent folder. the only thing i dont like about seven is that it doesnt use your outlook on your phone and for each email address it uses a seperate account. i hate having that outlook account there for nothing. but w/e seven is still better than mobipush.
thanks savior02. first i was using the sprint mobile email program, then seven's new beta, and finally mobipush. looks like i'll revert back to seven. it's funny you mentioned having the outlook account there for nothing, a couple weeks ago i posted to a different forum asking for a reg edit to remove it. somebody found one, but it ended up stopping my phone from alerting me to new text and email messages.