Originally Posted by dew.man
Why is that?
I've tried FlexMail, PushEffects, Ensimo(sp?), and timed updates, and Exchange/AS has proven to be much more stable/reliable/powerful with less battery drain.
I dont think you can say that Excahnge/AS has been more stable, reliable or more powerful than a flexmail/fastmail solution. With the FM combination I receive emails within seconds as opposed to minutes or hours. All the AS solutions I have used have been less quick and less reliable, and for that matter more $$$ since I pay flexmail only $20/year. How much is activesync push running ya per month?
As far as the power issue, I have rules to sync mail into 7 different folders. My general email and friends folder automaticallly notify me while my possible spam and list emails go into their folders yet don't notify me. The only reason why Exchange push would be better is the abilty to sync calendar and contacts, otherwise flexmail is the best email solution.
As far as battery drain, I notice they all drain about the same. Statistically speaking I think imap idle has less overhead ive read, but whether that means better battery life I couldnt tell subjectively