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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2008, 01:25 PM
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Re: Activate Sprint phone on Verizon, Altell, etc... Network.

Originally Posted by Formula84 View Post
Hello I have just changed to ESN of my touch to the same as my mogul using the methods in the cracking 6800 packaged file. I have SuperCID with mtty 00000000 and then successfully changed the ESN in CDMA workshop. I have also using ##778# i copied the MSID MDN and the settings from my MIP on default profile and custom 1 profile. I am able to receive calls and browse the web in 1x not EVDO. When trying to run the IOTA it attempts to connect with failure. Error 67, but i can successfully browse the net only in 1x. Is there a way to fix this. The only problem i had was not being able to copy the AAA secret key from the default MIP profile because it was all crazy characters, did successfully copy this info from the custom profile 1 with my SPCS user name. Any help would be appreciated... Thanks
ay bro check this thread out..
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2008, 08:21 AM
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Re: Activate Sprint phone on Verizon, Altell, etc... Network.

Originally Posted by bahegner@hotmail.com View Post
Sprint ESN numbers cannot be used at Verizon or vice versa. When I try to activate a Verizon phone at Sprint it tells me that ESN is not in inventory. Sprint and Verizon both have "closed" networks as does alltel. Cricket is the only cdma carrier that will allow any cdma esn on their network.
Sorry i have to correct you on this, Alltel does allow foreign esns on their network. i have a sprint mogul with a bad esn that i have working on alltel, fully funtioning as well, voice, text, web, mms, gps you name it i have it working. And Verizon wireless has changed and is now allowing any device on the network as long as it has the correct software and settings.
  #23 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2008, 08:24 AM
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Re: Activate Sprint phone on Verizon, Altell, etc... Network.

Originally Posted by dbm0361 View Post
what do you consider bad esn's and im going to try switch my touch to alltel from sprint and suggestions? please let me know

A bad esn has been blacklisted by a specific carrier. The phone has been reported as lost, stolen or there is money still owed on the account that it was associated with. This just means that it can no longer be activated on that particular carrier. Though it does not prevent you from flashing the device and taking it to another carrier as they do not share that information.
  #24 (permalink)  
Old 07-10-2008, 10:01 AM
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Re: Activate Sprint phone on Verizon, Altell, etc... Network.

Verizon only allows VERIZON ESNs on their network

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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 07-10-2008, 01:25 PM
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Re: Activate Sprint phone on Verizon, Altell, etc... Network.

Originally Posted by TheExoticFish View Post
Verizon only allows VERIZON ESNs on their network
Not so at all.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2008, 08:52 PM
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Re: Activate Sprint phone on Verizon, Altell, etc... Network.

I can only add my experience of the last 48 hours. I got an almost new Alltel, PPC 6800 off Ebay. ESN is not on negative but of course was not on VERIZON Device Management Database (DMD the " big issue" where the ESN's Hangout!!) I called and asked for Tech Support. They told me that they cannot add it and then I asked for level 3 support. I got level 3 support and was told that the Alltel PPC Devices are not approved and they are not allowed to add them to the database. I stopped waited awhile and tried again. Same EXACT response from different people./. Waited awhile, tried again. This time was told that if I took the device to a corporate store and the Manager could assertain it was indeed an Alltel PPC 6800 that they could add it into the Database. Well , feeling good, I still was not going to drive anywhere without talking to Store Manager. Store manager said, quote, "Who in the hell told you that?" "Never heard of it, cannot do it. " He talked to me for a while and said "I can appreciate your points, ie Alltel bought by VZW, the phone is the same as xv6800 no reason not to etc, Let me see what I can find out" Called me back 2 hours later. Said he had contacted everyone he knew (7 years with VZW) and everyone told him no way to do it. So after all this, he said that he had found a Memo that if a new customer brought in an Alltel Device for New Activation (Data Device Only not just any phone) they could take it in and swap out the phone for a comparable model. He told me to bring it in and he did just that, took the Alltel PPC6800 and gave me a xv6800. Now, thats my story. I have heard what people say. I owned two Wireless stores for over 14 years and I know the business. I could not get it done. My outcome was fine with me, but I got lucky. My advice, it is one thing if you have a device and want to try it, but I certainly would not tell ANYONE to go buy an OFF VZW device and expect to just add the ESN into the DMD.
That is my story and I am sticking to it.

Now, if someone can PM me details on how to clone a xv6700's ESN to this XV6800, I would be a very happy man. I have a unique situation where I need to do just that. Thanks alot

Last edited by wireless; 08-08-2008 at 02:35 AM.
  #27 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2010, 11:30 PM
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Smile Re: Activate Sprint phone on Verizon, Altell, etc... Network.

Originally Posted by clockcycle View Post
Seems like alot of steps that aren't needed.

This is all you need to do really;

First check with the carrier you intend on using your phone on to see if they can and will accept it.

Call Sprint, ask them for your MSL, they will ask you for the ESN. You can play this sneaky if you want but don't need to, by telling them you needed to manually program your MSID and MDN but need the 6 digit code MSL.. YMMV, remember Sprint got sued and lost, they have to provide you with the MSL..

Go here http://www.corolada.com/prl/ and download the latest PRL for the carrier you are wanting to use. Copy this to the phone (device).

Type ##PRL# on the phone's dial pad, enter the MSL and choose to edit the prl, choose load, it will look on your device for available prls, load it up let it do it's thing, reset the phone.

Type ##PST#, edit, enter MSL, look for SID/NID.. Edit those to the appropriate settings for your new carrier. You can go here http://www.rainyday.ca/~dialtone/ to look up the PRL interpretations. Using search and find, look for the city you're in for the SID (tower #) in your area and enter it if you don't know it.

Call provider give them the info they need and follow their instructions on reprogramming your phone. Usually ##MSL# (Your MSL) then you can edit the MSID MDN.. *228 should work now, you may have to try *228xx (00-99) combination to get your carrier's activation team if you didn't get the SID right.

Your phone should work from there..

If you want to further customize or use the carrier's rom for the same device, if there is one available. You can just unlock the phone and load up that carrier's rom for your particular phone. To get features working for that carrier..

Another thing to take into mind is that you become your own tech support for any issues with your phone.



P.S. thought comes to mind with this, getting EVDO to work on another carrier is gonna be a

i'm stuck at the part after PRL and the SID?
don't know anything about that, the website isn't working
please help me
  #28 (permalink)  
Old 10-18-2011, 07:21 PM
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Re: Activate Sprint phone on Verizon, Altell, etc... Network.

Sorry to bring this back up. But here's my situation... I have a plan with Sprint currently. Can I buy my friend's iPhone 4 that he had with At&t and activate it with Sprint? I know they run on different systems... GSM and CDMA... Is there a way to modify these? Any info will help. Thanks
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