Re: Outlook and ActiveSync have a mind of their own!
So I installed the ActiveSYNC Toggle .exe from Micrologics. It's supposed to de-activate the Auto Syncing of AS when disabled. It works "sort of". When I put the Touch into the Cradle that's connected via USB, it syncs automatically and is a total resource hog for the phone!!!!! Once syncing is complete, AS can be disabled until you pull the phone from the cradle and have to reconnect which starts the process over again. I can't believe I'm the only one having this problem. I used to be a huge palm os advocate, but made the switch to this phone and I'm only having two major problems that I just can't seem to get fixed. I even tried FlexMail - which was buggy on my phone. If I could get Outlook for WM to stop "eating" my emails randomly and if I could get AS to work manually (like HotSync from Palm) I'd be extatic. Thanks so much for the insight!!!!!!