Re: HTC Touch WM6 "Activesync Via Bluetooth" Help
It doesnt look like you set up a com port on the Touch.
After that, make sure under MODE, that both boxes are checked off. With the AS, you also need to set up a com port under file>connection settings. You should be good after that. This is with AS under XP. But I think its the first part you are having the problem. Last edited by kcaegis45; 03-19-2008 at 03:45 PM. |
Re: HTC Touch WM6 "Activesync Via Bluetooth" Help
Good Evening,
I had issues similar to these. After a lot of reading I found the solution was simply a matter of completely uninstalling Windows Mobile Device Center (or ActiveSync for pre-Vista users). AFTER all Bluetooth drivers for my device had been installed & configured, I re-installed Mobile Device Center. Problem solved! Thanks, Audi2Audi. |
Re: HTC Touch WM6 "Activesync Via Bluetooth" Help
I had a similar issue when using a BT dongle on XP based machine. I found a fix on the Microsoft website. Rename the file C:\Windows\bth.inf to C:\Windows\bth.bak, re-install BT driver for your device. Worked like a charm for me.
This somehow blocks the Windows built-in driver from being used. Apparently the built-in driver has a habit of mis-naming or recognizing ports as ActiveSync ports ..or something like that, all I know is it worked great. Neil
HTC Touch, Ma'Bell.ca
Browser: Opera Mini Media: TCPMP IM: Palringo Previous: Axim X51v It's like a mini Axim without all the bugs, and it's much snappier! |
Re: HTC Touch WM6 "Activesync Via Bluetooth" Help
i too am having a problem getting my Sprint Touch to work with ActiveSync. have Motorola 850 bt adapter which installed on XP w/SP2 machine with no problems and the touch can beam files to my contacts & the Exchange folder(created by Moto software) with no problems. The adapter settings show AS to be on serial port 7; in AS under connection settings, the port is set to 7. when i attempt to open that same outgoing port on the touch, i get a message that com port could not be created. i can use AS on the usb cable, but when i attempt to sync from the touch (menu - connect via bluetooth) it's a no go. any info would be appreciated.
H2 |
Re: HTC Touch WM6 "Activesync Via Bluetooth" Help
Also, This is not the only step on your TOUCH to link your TOUCH to AS. This is the last step. |
Re: HTC Touch WM6 "Activesync Via Bluetooth" Help
I had a similar problem getting my Sprint Touch to sync via BT with my Vista laptop. (This was a new computer) Im trying to remember how I finaly got it to work. I think I first made sure both the phone and laptop were in discovery mode for BT. I then had each one discover the other and setup a profle for each. This is where I started to have problems getting it to sync. What I finaly did was I deleted any exisiting Activesync profiles on my phone. (As if I had never synced the phone before). I then started a sync with a cable. After it finished syncing the first time I unplugged the cable and had it sync via BT thru Activesync on my phone. It now works great.
Re: HTC Touch WM6 "Activesync Via Bluetooth" Help
I'm having trouble getting my touch diamond to sync via BT. When i click "sync via BT" in active sync it asks to set up a partnership with the PC, however when i hit yes however it takes me to the mode tab in bluetooth setting and i cant do anything from there, there are no other options. Am i missing something?
Re: HTC Touch WM6 "Activesync Via Bluetooth" Help
My problem was solved using Neil's suggestion, I renamed the c:\Windows\inf\bth.inf to bth.bak, reinstalled the BlueTooth driver and re-setup the partnership and I was able to see the "ActiveSync" service for the device, I chose that and I am now syncing via BT. Thanks a million Neil. =D>
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