Its probably your temporary internet files and cookies. Go into the menu option in your browsers and have it delete all the crap. It will slow down your browsing a little but that stuff can really suck down alot of memory if you let it.
Also, you did not do a hard reset you did a soft reset. If you had done a hard reset your device would have been reset back to original install. |
Aha, yes, I downloaded the PointUi cab 1.02 with MIE, 1.01 I installed via pc and activesync, so probably the whole cab file is still in cache... now I have 16.22MB free storage! THX!
Is there a way to tell MIE never to leav cache longer then 1 day? I only se that option for the history, not the files... Yes indead soft reset; my mistake... |
You may also want to try cleanup apps... MemMaid, SK Tools, etc.
Check this thread for more suggestions: Commonly requested software/applications
Samsung Epic 4G - LegendaryROM / Samurai kernel
ViewSonic gTablet - Flashback Honeycomb Alpha 10.1 --- Don't forget to Search first! |
u know this is funny, because b4 i upgraded to 3.16(the mogul gps rom) i had a similar issue...i have all of my proggies installed to main memory for the sake of stability. Ater all of them installed I am left with about 110MB left. I checked my memory one day, and i was down to 15 megs of STORAGE memory left, without any additional programs installed, i thought...WTF??? I also did a search and couldnt find anything out of the ordinary, scoured all of the files in file explorer using resco, still no dice. Strangely, it seemed almost a conincidence that this occured AFTER i unistalled Pointui. I didnt have any errors though, Im thinking that Pointui could be the culprit, after all, it WAS an ugly uninstall. Needless to say after updating to 3.16, i have my 110 megs left of storage memory.
I would recommend another hard reset, and be sure to remove your memory card when doing it to be safe. Right after the cusomizations run, check your memory. If you still get the same errors(you shouldnt after a HARD RESET as it erases EVERYTHING that isnt OEM), then take that SOB to a sprint store and tell them its defective and show them the memory levels after a fresh hard reset. A standard soft reset probably wouldnt fix it, I know you said you did a hard one, but just wanted to reiterate that incase you were mistaking. Let me(us) know what you find. |
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