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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2008, 01:52 PM
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Found built-in apps to be enough?

I have had my touch for only a few days - first of all. After installing SBSH iLauncher, QuickMenu and some other applications which I researched and believed to be essential my belief has changed. QuickMenu did not offer really anything that I thought to be essential to clutter up something which seems so perfect already. This Vogue is really prepackaged very well. After its all said and done I have just uninstalled everything except S2U2 and my bluetooth keyboard app'

Has anyone else found that applications seem to be just overkill? The only feature which QuickMenu or iLauncher offered that seems essential is a soft-reset execution; such a thing is hardly worth the clutter.

I think that after I try SKTools it will be the only thing I shall keep. With a reg editor, cleanup options, and soft-reset option it should justify keeping. By the way, enjoying the device. Peace
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6kb WM6 soft-reset application
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2008, 03:01 PM
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I have come to the same conclusion - for me at least, it seems like every little thing that I add to the Touch causes issues with other apps, doesn't work quite as advertised (free or $ apps), etc. I have spent more time than I would like troubleshooting, searching message boards, restoring or resetting, - so I have resolved to quit adding new stuff every other day in a never ending quest to be different - and live with 80% of the funcationality as it was out of the box knowing that it's pretty darn solid. But....I'm hoping that WinMobile 6.1 comes up in the next month. But that's just me.
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Old 01-07-2008, 03:11 PM
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Yes I do agree, 6.1 will be wonderful with its native sms-threading. Really, this device is so wonderful semi-stock that it is hard to believe. I spent about two months researching all of these tweaks and whatnot to do once mine came in and now none seem quite necessary lol.

I just did a hard reset to get rid of past application footprints; installed my BT keyboard app and S2U2 now I'm set. Gunna buy SKTools in a couple days perhaps.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2008, 04:09 PM
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This is free, does the same stuff, works well, and its fast
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2008, 04:12 PM
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I agree. WinMo really is actually pretty great on its own once you get used to the little qurks and the navigation.

Aside from Quickmenu which I have come to enjoy. All other apps are either Today plugins for easy access, or specific apps that I don't keep running, like GoodFTP or Pocketscreen.

I use the standard HTC Keyboard because XT9 is fantastic. I was using eXtreme text for a while, but now am back to standard WinMo SMS inbox. Was using iContact and PocketCM for a while, but again, back to standard contacts and loving the simple functionality of the HTC RandomAccess bar.

I agree, the phone has a pretty solid base, I just LOVE to customize the way my today screen looks so I always have to have PocketPlus, rlToday, and WeatherPanel.

Oh P.S. For those of you that hate the Start Menu and the Programs Menu, get Spb Mobile Shell, because the Spb Menu is a godsend.
My Mogul *used to make* me feel like... a Mogul, then i ebayed it.

And my Touch makes me feel like I am on a diet.

  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2008, 05:17 PM
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funny you should post this. I was just about to ask about what the "absolutely need" touch programs are.

I'll try it out without anything for a day or two before tweaking the hell out of it.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2008, 07:58 PM
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Originally Posted by chetlet View Post
...so I have resolved to quit adding new stuff every other day in a never ending quest to be different - and live with 80% of the funcationality as it was out of the box knowing that it's pretty darn solid
That sounds a lot like my New Years resolutions...you've left yourself some wiggle room since you're only resolving to quit every other day. I'm finally down to every other hour...

I've tried absolutely EVERYTHING I could get my hands on in the last month and a half. I was able to convince myself to buy about $200 worth of add-ons justifying them as "essential". But after adding this and removing that and then doing it over and over, I'm finding, like you, that I am very hard pressed to find add-ons that really enhance the stock Sprint Touch.

I am a sales rep and have a database of about 4500 contacts that I work with and am on an Exchange server through work and a geek at home with his own Exchange setup...so I have some fairly sophisticated contact management and e-mail needs. Here are the only apps I think I will be re-loading tonight:

* Pocket Informant
* PocketCM
* OggSync
* S2U2 (A/C's awesome "ooops protection" program!)
* TouchPal Pro (now that you can compress the size, it rocks!)
* Conduits PocketPlayer (I use Napster, need the DRM support)
* <Still Debating on which RSS Reader...suggestions welcome!>

The geek in me is contemplating:

* CubeConfig 4.1
* iCube
* Resco File/Registry Managers
* MemMaid
* SKTools

But I want to stay away from the geek apps if possible because I end up spending TENS of hours a week messing around with the customizations instead of actually DOING things with my Touch. I love messing around with my Touch, but in the end, you are absolutely right that they got the basic feature set nearly dead on!

DAMN...This is going to be hard to do! Anyone know of any support groups for this kind of thing?
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2008, 10:12 PM
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Despite this thread, I think there ARE a few things which really are needed on the phone. But they're more tweak/hack sort of stuff rather than complete revamp (such as SBSH or SPB). In no particular order:

1. six-sided cube with cube configurator. Absolutely essential and makes the cube a real app launcher.
2. Calender Plus and Tasks plus. Gives you just enough control over the today plugins to make them useful. But no so much that it clutters things up.
3. Resco File explorer/registry. This is probably the weakest part of the phone. The built-in file explorer is pretty lame, and registry editing is kinda important (and there's no way MS should EVER ship one stock-- too much potential for harm).

That's it. I had an Apache that I installed all kinds of garbage on. Now, when I look at it I wonder why? I think the real rason is the emphasis on finger navigation. It's really no fun trying to hit one of those small little SPB tabs with your fingernail. But a big giant icon on a cube? No problem.

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