Found built-in apps to be enough?
I have had my touch for only a few days - first of all. After installing SBSH iLauncher, QuickMenu and some other applications which I researched and believed to be essential my belief has changed. QuickMenu did not offer really anything that I thought to be essential to clutter up something which seems so perfect already. This Vogue is really prepackaged very well. After its all said and done I have just uninstalled everything except S2U2 and my bluetooth keyboard app'
Has anyone else found that applications seem to be just overkill? The only feature which QuickMenu or iLauncher offered that seems essential is a soft-reset execution; such a thing is hardly worth the clutter. I think that after I try SKTools it will be the only thing I shall keep. With a reg editor, cleanup options, and soft-reset option it should justify keeping. By the way, enjoying the device. Peace
Got a question about a carrier's fine print, TOS, etc? I sell Sprint, Helio, Alltel, T-Mobile, Verizon and Cricket so PM me.
6kb WM6 soft-reset application |