Originally Posted by strommsarnac
?? Don't know why you think I was off-topic. The OP asked about mapping drives, he was obviously not sharing a folder ON his Touch. I gave him information showing how Microsoft's Map Network drive works and what it requires.
To me, that's pretty on-topic.
Now, I did mention an alternate method which contrary to what you think, not everyone is aware of. Yea, I know that might be hard to believe, but get a few clients with a few thousand end users and then come back and tell me I'm delusional 
Didn't mean to offend. You're right, you never know your audience. FYI: I was the OP and I forget sometimes that even if I start a thread, it isn't all about me
I appreciate your time and sometimes what gets written comes across differently that it would if it were spoken and I meant no disrespect.